Chapter 1239 Destruction
Yuanqiao Xiandao is an ancient god island. It used to be as famous as Penglai, Fangzhang, and Yingzhou. However, Yuanqiao Xiandao fell into the North Sea and disappeared without a trace. The other three fairy islands belonged to the Heavenly Court. Specially support some three immortals. For example, the three immortals of Fushoulu are on the Penglai fairy island, and even the three major immortal islands hide the personal armament of the former emperor of heaven.

It's just that no one thought that there was nothing wrong with the Yuanqiaoxian Island that fell into the North Sea. It was just hidden by a great supernatural being and became his private island.

"It really is a scavenger!" Taoist Motian looked at the men in black on the mirror, and there were quite a few of them.

"It's really unimaginable. How can there be so many people? One Yuanqiao Xiandao can support so many people? These guys have never appeared in the Three Realms in these years. Do you have so many resources on Yuanqiao?" Da Huang The real person looked at the Haotian mirror in surprise.

"So, there must be someone behind these guys. A Fu Yuan fairy can't support so many masters. If not, we can solve the biggest secret of the Three Realms this time." Yang Guang was very happy when he found the enemy.

"That's right! Just one member of Qiao Xiandao has already shocked the Three Realms. Fellow Daoist, what should we do now?" Taoist Motian looked at everything on the Haotian Mirror and said, "Should we kill it directly?"

"Of course they killed me directly. Since they want to kill me? Then they should be prepared to be killed by us." Yang Guang flew out with his right hand, and saw the 360 ​​five-pole flag flying out, and immediately sent the member Qiao Xiandao The void is covered.

"With this big formation, we can easily kill the enemy." Yang Guang broke through the space and fell towards the North Sea.

Immortal Dahuang and Taoist Motian followed closely behind.

In Yuanqiao Immortal Island, there are countless palaces, and in one of the huge palaces, Fu Nian was restless. He looked at the sky, and the most worrying thing for a cultivator is a whim. Once a whim occurs, it means that something big is coming.It's just that he thought about it for a long time, but he didn't expect any accidents to happen in this fairy island.

For countless years, Yuanqiao Xiandao has always appeared outside, and the monks in Xiandao rarely go out. Except for his ten brothers and sisters, no one knows about Xiandao.

At this moment, suddenly, the Milky Way reversed, and countless stars poured down. The island guard formation outside Yuanqiao Xiandao made a roaring sound, and the island trembled. It was penetrated by the power of thousands of stars, revealing the boundless starry sky.

Fu Nian's complexion changed drastically, and he was stunned. For many years, Xiandao was breached, let alone its breath, and now it was breached.

The bell sounded melodiously, the void vibrated, and Fu Nian was in a trance. He found that his soul could not move. The naked eye could see a big sun shining on the void. The real fire of the sun raged and burned everything on the fairy island. Some monks were instantly ignited. Burning blazingly, there is no chance to resist.

There was a sound of a sword cry, and thousands of sword shadows flew from nine heavens away, sweeping across the sky, densely packed, covering the sky above the fairy island, making it impossible to see the stars outside, blood flying across the fairy island, turning the earth red , Some monks killed one after another, their bodies collapsed, their souls were destroyed by sword energy, and the fairy island was in a mess.

The blood of these monks condensed together and turned into a blood river, and finally formed a blood lake. Even the elixir was stained with the blood of the monks, blooming with colorful brilliance. After all, the blood of the monks contained spiritual energy and had long been precious blood.

"Who, who dared to sneak attack Qiao Xiandao?" Fu Nian's complexion changed drastically, and he couldn't help roaring loudly.For countless years, Yuanqiao Xiandao has never had any accidents, and now there are foreign enemies invading, and they look very powerful, killing wantonly as soon as they come up, this is the enemy of life and death!
"Scavenger!" As soon as the words fell, a clear and majestic voice came from the void. A figure appeared above the sky, surrounded by the galaxy, and behind him was a vision of the majesty. Thousands of avenues haunted it, turning into a green plant. Lotus, blooming with infinite brilliance.

"Emperor of Heaven!" Fu Nian exclaimed in surprise, his eyes showing horror. He never thought that the master who appeared on Yuanqiao Xiandao was actually Emperor of Heaven, and the other party knew his identity, which gave him a feeling. A feeling of impending doom.

"It really is a scavenger." Two more people appeared in the void, one with a big sun on his head, it was Motian Taoist, and the other surrounded by sword energy, it was Dahuang Daoist.

"Heavenly Emperor, why did you offend my Jiao Xiandao?" Fu Nian couldn't help asking.

"Kill!" Yang Guang's face was cold, the villains died because of talking too much, there was no reason at all, you are going to kill me, and you asked why you came to kill yourself, I don't know what's going on in your head.

The sun was hanging high, and the real fire of the sun was raging, running through the entire Yuanqiaoxian Island from east to west.Thousands of sword qi roared, from south to north, one after another sacred mountains were destroyed, one after another palaces were burned by flames, and some forbidden gods were unable to resist in front of the powerful supernatural powers.

"Heavenly Emperor, the Immortal will not let you go." Fu Nian saw his senior brothers struggling in the real fire of the sun, and finally turned into fly ash, even Yuanshen did not escape, and immediately roared up to the sky.

"Scavengers should not exist." Yang Guang looked coldly, looked at Fu Nian coldly, and said: "The Three Realms have their own rules, you, if you break the rules, you should be punished." The Chaos Clock in Yang Guang's hand flew out, Chaofu hit the past for a year.

It is quite simple to deal with Da Luo with the quasi-sage.There is no chance at all for a year.

"Emperor of Heaven, you can't kill me." A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of Fu Nian's mouth, he let the Chaos Clock hit him, his body was shattered, and only a wooden talisman fell to the ground.

"Death talisman!" Yang Guang's eyes flickered, his face was calm, without any surprise, and he looked out of the sky with his wise eyes.

"Zhou Tian Xing Dou big array, Yang Guang, you are so cruel!" In the boundless starry sky, there was a loud roar, and a figure appeared among the stars, no matter how the other party jumped, it was still in Zhou Tian Xing Dou.

At this time, he knew that Yang Guang had already made a plan to surround Yuanqiao Xiandao with the Zhou Tian Xing Dou array. In the Star Dou Great Formation, even if it is a hundred thousand miles away, it is useless, and I am still within a square inch.

"You can't escape." Yang Guang stretched out his right hand, and in an instant he was on top of Fu Nian's head. The Hongmeng Measuring Ruler in his hand slammed down, and in the despairing eyes of the other party, he hit the ball of mud and threw it Among the kills, only the true spirit passed through many spaces and headed towards the Conferred Gods Altar, and entered the Conferred Gods list for Bai Jian.

(End of this chapter)

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