I was an immortal emperor in the Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 122 The Seven Treasures of Yuxu

Chapter 122 Jade Xu Seven Treasures
When Yang Guang saw Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling like this, they became tense.

"Your Majesty, what's the problem?" A wry smile suddenly appeared on Xu Ziling's face.

"There are seven pictures, each with red dots, arrows and other signs, each of these signs represents a direction of spiritual power movement, some are on the first floor, some are on the second floor, and some are not on the first floor. Practice, practice the second level, you will definitely die, as for the wrong operation, you will definitely die, if one of you chooses, that is luck, if two people choose at the same time, do you think it is still luck?"

"Thousands of lines, thousands of outstanding people, you two did something that didn't work out? Is this still luck?"

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling's expressions changed when they heard this, they are not fools, not only are they not fools, they are also very smart, at this moment, they instantly sensed the conspiracy?
"Your Majesty, who is this? Who is harming our brothers?" Kou Zhong was furious.

"Thousands of poor people are pitiful, all because of this longevity formula, they all died in the end." Yang Guang put the longevity formula aside, and said: "The general outline is written in ancient Fuxi script, and the operation of the spiritual power of the seven constitutions The methods are divided into thousands, and how many lives of my human race have been reaped with just one cheat book!"

After hearing this, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling's faces suddenly showed panic. Even now, the two of them still have the feeling of surviving a catastrophe. If it weren't for the coincidence, they would have become bones by this time. .

"Who the other party is is not something you can consider now. Even if you know, it is useless. The other party is powerful. Even if I am not the opponent of the other party now, you are lucky to meet me. Otherwise, hehe, at that time If you don't die, you will die soon. But it is the life of the king." Yang Guang shook his head.

How can there be such a good thing in the world? By chance, I learned the formula of longevity. According to Yang Guang's understanding, it is to let Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling sweep the world, become kings, defeat most heroes, and then hand over the country to Li Shimin. Kou Zhong committed suicide, and Xu Ziling became a monk.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were speechless after being told by Yang Guang. They believed that Yang Guang would not deceive them, because their greatest value was the formula of longevity. Now that the formula of longevity had been deciphered by Yang Guang, they themselves The value disappears without a trace.

"Now I am teaching you the Nine Yang and Nine Yin Scriptures. As for how far you will practice in the future, that is a matter between you." Yang Guang said the secrets of the two attributes, and asked the two to copy them down. .

"Ding! You have read Kou Zhong's "Nine Suns Manual" and gained mana for a year."

"Ding! You have read Xu Ziling's "Nine Yin Scriptures" and gained mana for a year."

Two bursts of mechanical voices sounded in Yang Guang's ears. Just as Yang Guang imagined, the reason why the two of them entered the realm of masters within a year was because they practiced the secret books of the immortal family, so they let them Yang Guang easily obtained mana for two years.I believe that Yang Guang will get more mana in the near future.

"This is the formula of longevity, I'll give it back to you." Yang Guang threw the formula of longevity to the two of them. Although the formula of longevity was good, Yang Guang had already penetrated the secrets of it, so he didn't care about it.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling glanced at each other, Kou Zhong hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, if you put this longevity formula on the minister and Ziling, if you don't do it, it will be taken away by others. It's better to put it here with your majesty, so as to avoid this treasure in the future." If you go out, you will harm other people."

When the two heard that there were other people behind them, how could they dare to accept something like the formula of longevity? Isn't this killing people?It's better to put it here with Yang Guang, at least, if there is anything, he won't look for the two of them.

"Okay, then put it here for the time being, if you need it in the future, I will give it to you." Yang Guang really didn't like this longevity formula.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The two quickly thanked each other.

"However, there are five other scriptures in this Yuanshi Yuxu Kaitian Gong, which are the five scriptures of Ruijin, Jiamu, Guishui, Lihuo, and Wutu, which are the same as your Nine Yang and Nine Yin scriptures. I can practice to the Da Luo Jinxian realm, I really want to put it in the Sutra Hall for my soldiers who have meritorious service in the Sui Dynasty to practice, and now I want to ask your opinions." Yang Guang said again: "Don't worry, anyone who wants to learn Everyone in the world will exchange merit points, half of the merit points obtained by the imperial court will be given to you, and you can use these merits to exchange for supernatural powers, spells, ancient books and medicines, how about it?"

When Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling heard this, their faces immediately beamed with joy. Yang Guang not only saved their lives, but also passed on the knowledge gained from his enlightenment to them. People, and meritorious service, and it is for a long time, the two of them are naturally very happy.

"Everything is up to His Majesty." The two said quickly.

"What you practice are top-notch supernatural powers and secrets, but although supernatural powers and secrets are important, personal practice is the most important thing. You must not neglect it. If there is anything you two don't understand on weekdays, you can come and ask me." Yang Yang Guang is very happy.

Obtaining Yuanshi Tianzun's practice secret method is secondary. The key is the seven practice secret methods listed out of it.It is no longer as simple as the previous "Lishan Qi Training Method", "Taishang Induction Chapter", and "The Secret Record of the Great Witch".

There are more people practicing this, and the chances of cutting leeks by themselves have also increased a lot.

"Wei Chen understands." Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling hurriedly retreated after hearing this.

The two got a lot of things today, enough for them to digest for a while.

"Explanation." After Yang Guang and the two left, he looked at the formula of longevity in his hand, deduced the news he remembered in his mind, and always felt that there were many things hidden behind this incident, and these things were not affecting him all the time. fate of the human race.

"Ding! You read Guang Chengzi's "Yuanshi Yuxu Kaitian Kungfu" and obtained the five thunders."

A mechanical sound sounded, shaking Yang Guang. So far, every time I have read the authentic works, they are just consumables. How can it be like today, I read it twice and get two chances to pluck the wool.

"Could it be because of the material?" Yang Guang looked at the longevity formula in his hand. The book was so shiny that it couldn't be torn off by hand, burned by fire, or washed by water. He didn't know what it was made of. People will know the magic of this thing, and then they will believe that the things on it can really live forever.

(End of this chapter)

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