Chapter 1103 Magic Snow
The slender and delicate hand slowly disappeared into the sky, coming gently, walking gently, without taking away a cloud, True Lord Taiyin is so chic, in the sight of the gods of the three realms, he solved the demon emperor neatly , Knock the demon emperor into the dust.

How could Yang Guang, who was on the clouds, let go of such an opportunity, a big sun hangs high, descends from the sky, and hits towards the demon emperor. , falling on the body of the general monster race, a raging fire ignited in an instant, and they were completely burned without even the strength to resist.

When the demon emperor was angry, when he saw the big sun above his head, he let out a scream, spread his wings, soared straight up, and flew hundreds of miles away in an instant, a round of big sun fell to the ground, smashing a big sun on the ground. The black hole is bottomless, and a large amount of dark air is ejected from the black hole, which is quickly dispersed by the golden flame of the sun.

The reason is that there are not many monster clans around the demon emperor, otherwise, with this palm, it is unknown how many monster clans would die here.Even so, the air within a radius of a hundred miles is full of scorching heat, as if it had been burned by a raging fire. The void is squeezed, and no living beings can live in it.

"How could she make a move?" In the Lingxiao Palace, the Heavenly Emperor looked at the Moon Palace above the sky. The Moon Palace was cold, and the slender hand just disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

"Your Majesty, there is some cause and effect between the Demon Emperor and the True Lord of Taiyin. The other party once plotted against the True Lord of Taiyin. It is possible that the Demon Emperor wanted to practice Yin and Yang with the True Lord of Taiyin, but the method was wrong. Not only did he not succeed, he was rescued by Yang Guang. That's why the scene just happened." Taibai Jinxing explained.

"Hmph. I'm really asking for my own death." The Heavenly Emperor's face was not good when he heard this. The Taiyin Zhenjun is so outstanding in appearance. He is known as the most beautiful woman in the Three Realms. Among the Three Realms, I don't know how many people have the heart to covet her.

What is the origin of this demon emperor, he is just a flat-haired beast, and he also wants to be favored by the True Monarch Taiyin. It seems that he is cultivating Yin and Yang together with the other party.

"I do it myself at this time, and I always feel that there is something wrong with it!" Kui Mulang said quietly.

All the gods nodded after hearing this. If the True Monarch Taiyin had acted in person just now, Yang Guang would have been killed by the Demon Emperor at this moment, and now the Demon Emperor would be at a disadvantage.

"Perhaps it was because Yang Guang saved the life of the True Lord of Taiyin, so at this time, he took action to help Yang Guang. After all, what happened back then involved the path of the True Lord of Taiyin, so it was only natural to act at this time." Taibai Jinxing smiled wryly.

No way, the timing of Taiyin Zhenjun's attack was too coincidental. He actually struck at a critical moment. Not only did he kill the demon emperor, but he also saved Yang Guang's life. This palm dealt a great blow to the morale of the demon clan.

"Demon Emperor, don't leave." At this time, Xing Tian dared to come over from a distance, and the sharp ax in his hand slashed out, hitting the golden wings fiercely, making a sound of gold and iron clanging, and the flames blazed everywhere. Splashing, sprinkled down the sky, ignited a raging fire, the real fire of the sun burned everything, and on the earth, everything turned into nothingness.

"Xing Tian, ​​you are looking for death." The three corpse gods of the demon emperor were furious, their eyes were full of anger, their wings spread out, and they wanted to escape. Xing Tian and Yang Guang, the demon emperor suddenly thought that he was not an opponent, and he might see his life thrown here.

"Haha, Demon Emperor, today's demon clan's defeat is a foregone conclusion, you should stay here!" The crimson Jade Immortal Sword Qi pierced through the air, hitting Jinwu's body, leaving a red mark, but it couldn't hurt the opponent in the slightest. The demon emperor's physical body is very powerful, and they are separated by thousands of miles, so there is nothing they can do to the other party.

It's just that at this time, the demon emperor is already panicking. Facing the attack of the two masters, plus a real lord of Taiyin hiding in the dark, no one knows when this narrow-minded woman will come to him.

"Yang Guang, you forced me to do this, so I can't blame you." The demon emperor's eyes were red, and there was some madness in the depths of his eyes.

"Back!" The demon emperor let out a long cry, and the shrill voice spread throughout the entire battlefield. The monster clans who were fighting seemed to have received an order, and each of them abandoned the opponent in front of them, turned around and fled.

When a big battle changed from a sudden attack to a frontal attack, the Yaozu lost confidence in this war. Now they have received the order of the Demon Emperor, and they naturally evacuate one after another. How rampant they were when they came here, now there are What a mess.

The entire battlefield was in chaos, the soldiers of the Sui Dynasty and the immortals began to attack, and on the floating formation, divine thunders rolled down one after another, falling into the army of monster clans, killing one after another.

The undead army criss-crossed the battlefield, killing all the demon clans with spirit, and snatching demon pills, fur, blood, etc., and the Great Wall also shone brightly, covering the entire battlefield. Visible to the naked eye, the bones on the battlefield turned into red and black. Colored wall bricks are stacked on the city wall, with runes intertwined on them, exuding a heavy atmosphere.

In the void, on the floating formation, the Demon Emperor's chariot was like a sun, burning in the void, shining within a range of thousands of miles. When the immortals were chasing after it, suddenly heavy snow fell from the sky, and the snow fell like goose feathers one after another. People were shocked that the heavy snow was red.

"No." At the beginning, Yang Guang didn't take heavy snow into his heart. The immortals have long since survived the cold and heat, and even the undead army below can withstand the severe cold, but there is an evil spirit hidden in the snowflakes in front of him. The breath of the demon clan, snowflakes fell on the skin, but the evil breath penetrated into the depths of the primordial spirit.

A breath of breath can't affect the overall situation, but in the wild, these blood-red snowflakes are enough to cause a qualitative change, and finally these people will become monsters, wreaking havoc on everything around them.

"Back." Yang Guang let out a long cry, and his body turned into a big sun. The Twelve Gods Palace burst open, and the powerful mana was burning. The real fire of the sun swept across thousands of miles, dispelling the darkness in front of him, and the snowflakes in the void melted instantly It was clean, not even blood was formed, only streaks of blood-red aura filled the sky, dyeing the sky blood-red, full of ominousness.

"Demon energy!" Fan Lihua and the others also noticed the blood-red color, and the magic energy evolved in it, and they were also secretly surprised. They have great supernatural powers and pure yang, so naturally they don't need to worry about the magic energy, but those cultivators It is not necessarily the case for low-level people. If you are not careful, you will be possessed by demons and cause huge losses.

"Retreat!" With an order, all the immortals retreated with the undead army.

(End of this chapter)

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