Chapter 1025 Misunderstanding
When Qingxu Daodezhen returned to Yuqingtian, his whole body hadn’t reacted yet. Dahuang Daoist was not behind someone else, but Jiejiao. This is the biggest enemy of Chanjiao. The hatred between the two parties even surpassed that of Buddhism. It is not because of the explanation of the teaching, the teaching and the cutting off of the teaching are almost the enemies of life and death, even after entering the heavenly court.

"What, behind the Great Desolation Dynasty is the Jiejiao, and Wudang Holy Mother is going to sit in the town?" Nanji Xianweng and other immortals all showed horror on their faces. A Taoist Lu Ya just appeared on this side, and the other side was even more frightening. It turned out to be an interception to teach the immortals.

"That's fine with Taoist Motian. Even if Taoist Lu Ya sits in the background, he is just a quasi-sage. He has no possibility of establishing a religion, and he doesn't have many helpers around him. But Dahuang Daoist is different. Behind him is Jiejiao. The enemy of my teaching is immortal." Jiang Ziya's complexion changed drastically, and whoever the immortals wanted to kill the most was Jiang Ziya.

"Okay! They're all out, hehe, after so many years, I thought they would be honest, but now it seems that this is not the case. They are looking for opportunities to re-enter the prehistoric world and participate in the struggle for humanity." Guang Chengzi Her face suddenly changed, and she said coldly: "She survived last time, this time she won't have such a chance."

All the immortals also nodded, only Yun Zhongzi showed worry on his face. When the Wudang Holy Mother was in the Conferred God War, he was the Daluo Jinxian.Now, among all the immortals who explain the teachings, apart from him, there is no more quasi-sage, how can he be the opponent of the Holy Mother of Wudang.

I have to say that although Yuanshi Tianzun has a great reputation, his ability to teach his disciples is really not good. He is not a good teacher, but the leader of Tongtian is not good. Look, during the Conferred God War, there are many big Luos under his sect. The four major direct disciples, Zhao Gongming and Fairy Yunxiao are all big Luos, which shows that the master of Tongtian is not small in teaching disciples.

"When the great catastrophe comes, a large number of masters will appear, and the major forces in the three realms will reshuffle their cards. Masters of interception will also appear at this time, just to compete for the luck of the world." Nanji Xianweng said.

The same is true for explaining teachings, and the same is true for cutting teachings. At this time, Buddhism and Taoism are competing for luck, and it is impossible to unite. At this time, cutting teachings appears, so it can be said that this is the best time.

"What should we do now?" Reverend Yuding was a little anxious. Chanjiao sent two masters, but they all returned in vain. No matter whether it was Taoist Motian or Reverend Dahuang, there were people behind them. way to break through.

"What else can I do? Since everyone wants to get involved in the affairs of humanity, so as to gain the luck of humanity, then just join in." Nanji Xianweng waved the whisk in his hand, and said: "I can win once in the year of Chanjiao, This time, we can also win the second, or even the third time. I believe that Renjiao definitely thinks so."

"Humanity is attached to immortals and gods, and it has been like this since ancient times. Now, whether it is Yang Guang, Taoist Motian, or Dahuang Daoist! They all want to put the dynasty above the fairy sect and let people be humane. Controlling the Three Realms is a joke. All the immortals of the Three Realms would not allow such a thing to happen." Jiang Ziya said confidently: "Humanism wants to jump out of the hands of Heaven, how is it possible? The leader of Humanism will not let such a thing happen." Things happen, Heavenly Court will not let this kind of thing happen."

All the immortals nodded one after another. On the surface, the Heavenly Emperor made the immortals bow their heads and let the heavens control the three realms. That's why there was a great catastrophe of the gods, and the result of the catastrophe was not only that, the co-lord of the human race finally became the son of heaven , is to use theocracy to influence humanity.

Now suddenly there are immortal sects who are ready to abandon such rules, and dynasties are ready not to worship gods, how can this be done?The Heavenly Court is decaying day by day, and if such a large piece of luck is given up, how will the Heavenly Court be run in the future?This is absolutely not allowed.

It is really because there are too many aspects involved in this matter, from the Heavenly Court to the Immortal Sect, and even the gods are unwilling to have such a situation happen. Once the human nature changes, it will definitely cause opposition from countless people.

"All this is because of Yang Guang. If it weren't for this person, there would be so many problems. Humanity is still humane. Those mortals worship the sky, worship the gods, generate the power of faith, and get a lot of luck. How is it like now? Rumors are In the Sui Dynasty, there were human races who killed gods, how absurd it is." Daoist Taiyi's eyes were filled with displeasure.

Today these ignorant human beings can destroy mountains and temples and kill gods, and tomorrow they will rise up and rebel against Xianzong. The interests of Xianzong are not guaranteed at all. How can this be possible?
"Yes, it is this person, but I don't know who is behind him? The world says it is Lishan, but in fact it is not the case. A young man has already become the Taiyi Golden Immortal in a hundred years, even if he is the son of luck. , I'm afraid it won't be so fast!" Qingxu Daodezhen Jun is a little unbelievable, the aptitude of himself and others is already very good, otherwise, it is impossible to become the Golden Immortal of Explaining Education, but even if he and others, they can't believe it. Such an achievement could not have been possible.

"In the eyes of a sage, not to mention a Taiyi, even a Da Luo Jinxian was created casually." Guang Chengzi glanced at Jiang Ziya on the side, isn't this a typical example?
Jiang Ziya's qualifications are ordinary people, because he used the nail-headed seven arrows book and used his luck as an arrow to shoot Zhao Gongming. Although he killed a Daluo Jinxian, he had no luck. After reincarnation, his qualifications are still poor, because Yuanshi Tianzun needs to use supernatural powers to turn him into a Daluo Jinxian, so that he can have today's prestige.

Jiang Ziya's face turned red when he heard this. Although he knew that Guang Chengzi had always been very upset with him, these words were ostensibly referring to Yang Guang, but in fact, they were alluding to him, but he had no evidence.

"Okay, no matter what Yang Guang's origin is, it is impossible for him to go with us. Now that the master has given us a reminder, it is to go to Xiazhou, find Xia Ding, and ask his disciples to assist him. Complete the unification of Dongsheng Shenzhou, call the disciples in Daqian and Dayin, join Xia Ding's command, and increase its strength." Nanji Xianweng stopped Guang Chengzi's words, if this continues, I am afraid Jiang Ziya's face will not look good , we are all in the same family, we are all prosperous, so why be too nervous, you can only be laughed at by others.

"Senior Brother Nanji is right. It doesn't matter if others are strong or weak, as long as we are strong." Daoist Yuding said loudly, "I believe that I will be able to conquer the Great Sui and occupy the Three Realms in the future." , to restore my glory of preaching."

(End of this chapter)

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