you elf, are you legal

Chapter 430 Chongchong: Is this an electromagnetic gun or an electromagnetic ejection projectile?

Chapter 430 Chongchong: Is this an electromagnetic gun or an electromagnetic ejection projectile?
The failure of the beautiful flower was not unexpected.

Everything makes sense.

After all, Zuo Wanqing is one of the top ten Zuo families, one of the strongest among the younger generation.

Even against the four Qi Yanya sisters, they are not much different, close to the same level of powerhouses.

If Little Bubu hadn't reached the King level with the help of Chen Yuan, it might still be a little difficult to win against this Boss Cordora now.

The top peak also has peak skills, and may have mastered more than one peak skill.

An opponent of this level is a serious contender for the championship.

He is almost the strongest elf under those kings.

No, even those few kings may overturn.

All I can say is that this time, this little beautiful flower is not a disgraceful loser.

Xiao Caocao and Xiao Hua returned to the viewing area.

How could he be defeated like this?

The ground and rock attributes looked sideways at Chong Chong as soon as they came up.

Next, it's up to her.

It’s just an ace, but it has such momentum, okay, okay!
His eyes narrowed.

Interesting, interesting.

Because the next match was between Chen Yuan and Chongchong, one person and one elf went directly to the players' seats at the edge of the field to watch the match.

The momentum continues to rise.

And it seems that the control of this sweet aroma is not even a little bit better than the last time.

This is Elf Battle.

If you change to another elf, it will be easier to fight.

It's really a pity.

Even the younger generation who look at the entire Blue Star are the top ones.

Xiaoli was beside Chongchong, wagging his tail to cheer him up.

The horned rhinoceros was immediately happy.

As soon as La Lulas saw Xiao Caocao coming back, she rushed over and hugged Xiao Caocao, comforting her with words.


For beautiful flowers, you can master the peak [sweet aroma] within half a year.

There was no way he could let this little bug get him in this round.

It seems that they all want to use their momentum to oppress the other party.

Not to the point.

The momentum suddenly increased at this moment.

If I train hard for another two years, I might have a chance.

Chongchong's opponent is a horned rhinoceros.

The horned rhinoceros beast's eyes widened, and its top-level aura immediately rippled out.

It's still too early now.

But at this moment, neither of the two elves took action immediately and looked at each other.

Two stand-ins enter.

This level, in this China region.

Referee Hu Di waved his spoon.

such a pity.


There is always talk of restraint between elves.

Is this little one the one who defeated the Flame Chicken in the last round?

This little guy is so interesting.

Looking at each other.

He remembered that the flame chicken was very strong.

Chongchong also responded by patting his tail together with the little raccoon dog and the little dragon dragon.

It's just a pity that this volcano cup was not originally prepared for elves of this age group.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

Game start.

The aura on his body was raised to the extreme, and he directly suppressed all his top aura.

And if Chongchong is overwhelmed by this momentum and becomes timid, then this fight with the Rhinoceros will be easier.

Although it is not difficult to fight now.

But Chongchong was not weak at all when faced with such a majestic momentum.

He simply chose to be tough and tough.

The body floated slightly, raised his head, then lowered his eyes slightly, staring at the horned rhinoceros beast below.

Like a giant dragon looking down at the world.

Just such a gesture immediately made the Rhinoceros shudder.

This feeling... is like being targeted by the top creature in the world.

how come……

It was obviously an ordinary action, but in the eyes of the horned rhinoceros, it seemed as if it felt a huge threat.

Make him extremely serious.

At this moment, what the Rhinoceros was facing was no longer a small green caterpillar.

Rather, it was like a dragon-like elf soaring in the sky.

The top pinnacle... no, this is an aura comparable to that of a king!
How could it appear on such a small ace!
Not only that.

That kind of momentum is still rising, getting stronger and stronger.

It's like it's endless.

There is absolutely no end in sight.

At this time, the Rhinoceros knew that he had to take action.

If he doesn't take action, he may not even have the courage to take action later.

This is momentum...


He was actually able to lose in the competition of momentum, and lost to such a tiny little insect!

A bottom elf green caterpillar!

Damn it! !

At this moment, the horned rhino's eyes were red, and he clapped his hands.

launched an attack.


A large number of rock fragments were photographed by him.

Like a terrifying cannonball, it hit the green caterpillar on the opposite side.

No one left behind.

It comes up with a full blow.

Be sure to knock this little bug off the ground.

As long as it is on the ground, with his understanding of the ground and the power of the earth, this green caterpillar can be kneaded by him.

At this time, Chong Chong's insect net has been spread out.

It was like a huge spider web that quickly opened in front of him.

Blocked a large number of rockfall shells.

At the same time, the little body arched and twisted in the air, as if dancing in the air.

[Iron Wall] [Hardening] plus "Butterfly Dance" are so grandly strengthened.

The Rhinoceros opposite is so angry.

Okay, okay, it’s so strengthened, right?
Damn it!
【Rock Crit】

More and more rock fragments were thrown out by the Rhinoceros.

Not even the slightest pause.

Let's see how long your little broken insect net can last.

Chongchong watched as the attacks from the opposite side became more intensive.

Immediately her eyes widened, and more and more insect nets were thrown out by her.

But after all, there is no way to resist all [rock critical strikes]

A large number of rock fragments broke through the insect net and bombarded the insect.

There was a loud bang like hitting metal.

A faint metallic luster appeared on Chongchong's body.

【Iron Tail】

The luster of the iron tail has spread to most of Chong Chong's body.

The other half is also protected by [Iron Wall], which is enough to withstand these [Rock Explosions]

But [Rock Crit] was, after all, the specialty of the horned rhinoceros on the opposite side. After taking two or three shots, he had already suffered some injuries.


Chongchong looked down with excitement shining in his eyes.

My own strengthening is almost complete - not reaching the limit but enough.

He swayed.

Some amazing tricks were used directly.

He narrowly dodged the attack of the horned rhinoceros, and rushed out of the attack range of the [Rock Crit] in an instant.

Rushed to his back.

The horned rhinoceros didn't expect that this little bug could be so fast.

Subconsciously he turned around and took a look.

I laughed immediately. This little bug actually came to the ground.


Isn’t it a gift?

Rhinoceros laughed.

As soon as he clapped his hands, a large amount of light immediately lit up.

Ground energy condensed on his feet.

Peak ground skill [heavy stepping]

At the same time, Chongchong also used a large amount of worm silk to strengthen it with steel, and then twisted it to form a rail-like thing.

And she herself just landed on the electrified steel ring guide rail.

There are a lot of electric lights flashing on its body.

The horned rhinoceros opposite saw this scene and immediately laughed.

Electric attack?

He is a ground elf.

How could he be afraid of electric attacks?

However, considering that when fighting the Flame Chicken in the last game, this insect seemed to have used the water immersion skill, and it seemed that it could still change his attributes to water... Such a skill is really stupid.

But he has a lightning rod!
It's just a small power grid.

Have no fear!

And Chongchong’s eyes became brighter and brighter.

She could already feel the magnetism in her body changing.

I was almost able to complete the idea I had with Chen Yuan.

Increase the current and electromagnetic ejection!
Accurate·electromagnetic gun·Chongchong is so fast~
The horned rhinoceros on the opposite side has already stepped down hard.

It is indeed the pinnacle skill. This power and effect are even more terrifying than the mastery of earthquakes.

He directly lifted up the ground and blasted towards the green caterpillar on the opposite side...

What about the green caterpillar?

Before he could react.

Suddenly a terrifying electric current approached.

It was only then that the Rhinoceros finally saw it clearly.

in the other direction.

A stretched and straight green caterpillar has exceeded the speed of God, and it is like a cannonball, blasting towards him.

And on the body, on the originally golden skin, was coated with a layer of cold metallic light.

This is hardening, this is an iron wall.

The same goes for [Iron Tail]

The terrifying momentum suddenly increased.

The super terrifying current, which was enough to scorch any elite anus, was the first to blast over.

The horned rhinoceros had no time to react, and the electric current flowed into his body along the sharp horns on the top of his head.

"lightning rod"

He blocked the attack forcefully.

The terrifying aura and pressure on the green caterpillar suddenly relaxed as if it had found an outlet.

Just when the horned rhinoceros breathed a sigh of relief.

A strong sense of crisis swept through his body.

Alarms were blaring wildly in my head.

Something is wrong, something is wrong!

It's not an electric attack!

Get moving!
Get moving!

The horned rhinoceros jumped to the side at this critical moment.

You have to dodge this blow!

However, at this moment, Chongchong seemed to have predicted the opponent's dodge, and actually deflected the direction at such high speed.

It hit the horned rhinoceros accurately.

Steel type [Iron Tail], the effect is outstanding.

The horned rhinoceros fell to the ground on its back,

At this moment, a big hole opened in his shoulder.

It hurt so much that tears flowed out.

Just as he was about to stand up, Chongchong's second iron tail shot had already hit him.

Proficient in [Iron Tail]

There are also dots of powder shining in the sun.

The horned rhinoceros was blasted far away by the iron tail.

When I got up, my head felt swollen.

I stumbled under my feet,
fell directly to the ground.

Chongchong smiled.

Lift your tail.

This game is stable.

Two minutes later.

Zhongchong exploded the huge cocoon with one tail.

The stand of Rhinoceros was shattered.

"The horned rhinoceros loses its ability to fight, and the green caterpillar wins."


really won?

There were cheers from all sides of the field.

Chu Mengmeng was the first to jump up.

"I really won, Chaochao! Boss Chen Yuan really won!"

The defeat between Hua Yuxi and Meilihua just now really scared her to death!

The plot is exactly as predicted by the big guys in the community. After knowing the details, pay attention and focus on it, it is a sluggish rhythm.

I originally thought that Chong Chong also followed this script.

The electric attack, hitting the ground + lightning rod, is impossible to attack at all!
But who would have thought that Chongchong actually had a back-up plan.

This is what I just learned in the past few days!
That kind of momentum, that kind of speed, so powerful!
Even if they were in the audience so far away, they could clearly feel the pressure.

Is this Boss Chen Yuan? !
Zuo Wanqing, who had just sat down, suddenly stood up again.

Looking at the little bug in the field, it's a bit incredible.

How do you achieve this speed? It's a bit like divine speed!

But it’s different!

The combination of electricity and magnetism is more like the magnetic flight of her three-in-one magnet monster!
Suddenly it occurred to me that my brother seemed to have said before that he wanted to teach Chen Yuan how to fly magnetically. Could it be that he came up with such a thing just by relying on that popular product?


Zuo Wanqing glanced at Zuo Tianxing, who was so excited that he stood up in the stands below. He put his delicate white fingers on his chin and fell into deep thought.

Can you use my brother's line to get in touch with that fifteen-year-old little Baiyin...

It feels very interesting.


Chongchong flew back, very excited.

The little raccoon rushed over, raised its tail and patted Wormtail in celebration.


Good job~

Chongchong smiled and was quite excited.

I had been practicing for a long time without success, and it only happened once this morning. I thought the success rate was only about 10%.

Who would have thought that it would be released just like that?

It hit accurately.

Just don't be too happy.

Chongchong happily twisted around in mid-air.

The "butterfly dance" started.

Now in addition to "Water Grid", there is another set of output skills!
How could this not make Chongchong happy?

Chu Xiaoxiao glanced at Chen Yuan in surprise.


Chen Yuan raised his eyebrows, "If you want to say words of admiration, do it now."

Chu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes at him, "What are you talking about? Or maybe you are dreaming."

Although she said this, she was really surprised. She didn't expect that this guy would pull out such a trick in one day without saying anything.

There is something.


"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

Next time, it’s my turn~
The good baby La Lulas stood up with her little hands raised.

There was excitement in his eyes.

In the next match, her opponent was a Charem.

Fighting superpower.

Very easy to fight.

Chen Yuan gently touched Lalu's silky hair and curled his fingers.

Lalu Lasi's little face leaned forward and almost touched Chen Yuan's lips.

(End of this chapter)

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