I'm devouring the stars and being the villain

Chapter 85 Dawn in the Darkness

Chapter 85 Dawn in the Darkness
December 2057, 8.

The fifth day after Li Yao blocked Luo Feng in the wilderness and received the reward of the Sky Shuttle!
Earth outer space.

Human beings have never stopped exploring outer space since they were able to build spaceships, but the universe is dotted with stars. This vast universe is very mysterious, and no one knows what is in the universe.

"call out!"

A golden streamer flew from the cosmic starry sky at an extremely fast speed, and flew directly to the earth at a terrifying speed close to the speed of light.

This golden light passed through the atmosphere and fell somewhere towards the earth.

The earth, deep in the Pacific Ocean, is about hundreds of nautical miles away from the many islands known as the 'Hawaiian Islands' before the Great Nirvana Period.

call out!
The golden streamer flew directly across the sky and fell into the sea water. Strangely, the fall at nearly the speed of light not only did not cause the intense combustion of the atmospheric air, but also did not cause any waves when it fell to the sea surface.

Not only was there no change in the sea surface, but none of the satellites or monitoring equipment on the entire earth had noticed this golden streamer!

It was as if it had pierced through the space and arrived at the earth quietly.

Deep under the sea!At a depth of more than 4000 meters, the golden streamer has dissipated, revealing an oval black egg with a diameter of about 12 meters. There are mysterious golden markings on the black eggshell.

You must know that the so-called "dragon egg" on the earth is only about one meter in diameter.

This moment - silence!The satellites of various countries on the earth, and even the special monitoring equipment of the remains of ancient civilizations, are operating normally as before.

No one noticed its coming!
Except for a long ugly, bloated ugly fish with two large front teeth protruding from its mouth.

The ugly fish found this huge golden egg at the first time, and then quickly reached the giant egg with its bloated and ugly body, smelling it to the left and looking at it to the right.

With its limited cognition, it really can't tell what the giant egg is.

But it doesn't matter, everything that can be eaten will turn into food in front of its two huge front teeth.

The ugly fish backed away for a distance, then a fierce look flashed in its eyes, and it rushed towards the sweet-smelling giant egg.


The sound of front teeth cracking suddenly resounded on the bottom of the sea!


Time passed slowly, and two years passed in a blink of an eye.

Two years, for the millennium lifespan of a member of the military, sometimes it is just a time of retreat!It is also a very short time for the bloody 50 years since the RR virus raged, and the bloody [-]-year struggle against the beasts!
However, in the past two years, an exciting event happened to all human beings!

On May 2058, 5, the HR Alliance released a news that shocked the world. Led by the HR Alliance, with the cooperation of major countries and organizations, the first generation of high-tech laser cannon independently developed by human beings——Type I was successfully launched!
Once the Type I Laser Cannon came out, it quickly took away the aura of the Laser Cannon's title of the strongest weapon of mankind that has been held for many years. Not only is it sci-fi and lightweight, it is only two meters long, half a meter thick, and half a ton in weight!

And it's powerful and amazing, it can shoot and kill first-rank monsters or councilors on the planet!
Such a big killer is almost built for the God of War warriors. They can easily carry the half-ton I-type laser cannon. Although they can only fire one shot in 48 hours, the huge deterrence brought by the rough and ferocious muzzle The power made countless powerful beasts terrified!
Although the output of such a big killer is not high, and only some powerful gods of war have quotas for use, it still can't extinguish the enthusiasm of human beings to pursue him frantically. May I ask, which passionate man can refuse such a man's ultimate dream?

Numerous netizens constructed countless exquisite and sci-fi illustrations based on the I-type laser cannon. The stories of the bloody laser cannon war gods were spread on the Internet. Human beings have suppressed their emotions for half a century.

Countless people are crazy about it!
Just when human beings thought that the dawn of victory was just around the corner, the good times didn't last long. On July 2058, 7, the fierce beasts suppressed and expelled by the human type I laser guns began to counterattack. Countless fierce beasts on the seabed seemed to be in a tacit understanding, going crazy Landing started, the coastal cities are full of beacon fires, and the first-level beast tide, which has been rare in the past ten years, will happen every half a month or so...

Such a large number of submarine beasts caught human beings by surprise. Many customs cities fell under the impact of fierce beasts. The brutal beasts slaughtered wantonly in the cities, and countless ordinary people were killed by the beasts!

At this moment, those low-level warriors and ordinary people realized that compared with land beasts, the ocean is the paradise of beasts, where there are endless herds of beasts lurking, which is a nightmare for human beings.

In this survival battle between beasts and human beings, countless heroic characters have emerged, "Hong!" "Thor!" With an attitude of not fearing death, he led many warriors to frantically resist the attack of the ferocious beasts.

But the ferocious beast group is not only endless low-level ferocious beasts, but also hundreds of king-level ferocious beasts, far exceeding the fifty or so humans.

Although human beings have superpowers like Hong and Thunder God to deter the beasts, the fierce beasts on the seabed also have the mighty Beast Emperor, setting off boundless flames of war, and it is difficult for human beings to resist!
At this time of crisis, on November 2058, 11, Li Yao, the fifth chairman of the Human God of War Palace, dived into the deep sea alone. The civilization relic laser cannon shoots it!

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the other emperor-level beast quickly fled into the deep sea!
Such a feat shocked the world, and countless human beings cheered for joy!The morale of the human side is boosted!
Li Yao, the vulture, has become an idol in the hearts of countless human beings.

Immediately afterwards, more good news came from the human side!

On November 2058, 11, the Type I Laser Cannon officially started mass production, entering the era of explosive production capacity. On the same day, the Type II Laser Cannon was officially launched!
The upgraded and improved Type II laser cannon is not only much smaller in size than the Type I laser cannon, but also has a significantly higher power. It can shoot and kill king-level monsters of the third-order planetary level!
At this point, a large number of king-level beasts were easily shot and killed by laser gunners, and the remaining group of beasts began to retreat into the deep sea. The war between humans and beasts lasted for half a century, and dawn dawned!
History has turned a new page, and human civilization has entered a new era.

On December 2059, 12, as human warriors swept the wilderness from time to time, it was difficult to see the ferocious and powerful beasts in the wilderness in the past. Countless land beasts died and fled, and the rest were scattered. small beast.

It has been more than a year since the famous submarine disaster. Human beings have experienced more than a year of peace, showing an incomparably strong enthusiasm for building a beautiful homeland.

High-rise buildings are being built in full swing in the wilderness of the past, and new cities have sprung up one after another, and everything seems to be stepping towards a better era.


(End of this chapter)

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