Chapter 62 Judgment
"Hong and Thunder God!" In the Palace of God of War, the councilors and gods of war looked at the two people who were approaching with respect and fiery eyes.

The first and second speakers of the God of War Palace, their power is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!The five major speakers, the other three are more like vassals of Hong and Thor, and have no right to speak!

As the figures of Hong and Lei Shenzai appeared on the video screen, the Internet instantly boiled. The strongest duo on earth, the leader who led mankind to fight against beasts, they are the symbol of invincibility!
Has unrivaled popularity!
Internet bullet screen news exploded, and the titles of "Daddy Lei" and "Daddy Hong" were rampant!

Hong and Thunder God sat directly at the front seats of the God of War Palace. Li Yao looked at the two of them staring at him with a dazed expression.

"Hong" and "Thunder God", the strong men who have led mankind to fight against beasts since the Nirvana era, have been silently shouldering the responsibility for the rise of mankind. I don't know what attitude they have towards themselves?

"Hong" glanced at Li Yao, his expression didn't change at all, making it hard to guess what he was thinking, and he said in a low voice, "Let's start!"

"Didi, the trial process has begun!" The Ares Palace intelligent program issued an electronic prompt.

This time, the trial was no longer conducted by humans, but Hong authorized the intelligent program to take over. No one raised any objections to such an act, and the trial was carried out truthfully.

Xtreme Martial Arts had already investigated this incident, and had also made a record of Li Yao during the escort process.

The trial procedure of the God of War Palace is very fast, and as each piece of evidence is broadcast on the big video screen, this shocking case that has caused ups and downs all over the world is fully presented before the eyes of the world.

The timeline starts from the closing of the case of Apeli suing Li Yao for killing Alia in the Ares Palace, to Apeli's dissatisfaction with the trial of the case. Under the instruction of the Fifth Speaker Alkin, he secretly contacted the seven God of War helpers and went to Jiangnan, Huaxia. Li Yao was besieged two hundred kilometers away from the base city!

In the end, the six people involved in planning the attack, Alkin and Aperi, died.

In this case, there are not only a large number of satellite images of the scene of the nine people meeting and gathering in the wilderness, but also a large number of witnesses and material evidence.

Although the satellite image of the incident occurred was not clear due to someone's shielding and interference, it was later found out that it was the fifth speaker Alekin who did it.


The truth of the matter gradually became clear.

"How could it be, it's impossible!" A blond and fat woman in Northern Europe covered her face and wept. The truth of the matter made it hard for her to accept!She couldn't accept that the person she had always admired would do such a thing. In her previous perception, Speaker Alkin had always been a tall image of Guang Zhengwei.

But this is the final investigation result of the God of War Palace, and it is impossible to make mistakes, and it is impossible to cover up.

And behind her, a large number of Nordic people who gathered to protest were silent at the moment, and some fanatic youths looked blankly, and the banners and insulting portraits of Li Yao in their hands were also inadvertently put down...


"Fuck, nine strikes one and one is counter-killed, will you play!"

"Awesome Li Yao! I declare you to be the newest idol of my Gunara God of Darkness!"

"Idol, please forgive my disloyalty..."

In China, Li Yao once again gained a large number of fans, and a large number of people turned fans.

In the Ares Palace, the trial process is still going on.

"Now, start the witness statement procedure." The electronic voice still sounded without the slightest emotion.

And in the witness stand, the three gods of war who had saved their lives were downcast at the moment, not daring to look at Li Yao's staring eyes at all.

"Are there any objections to the course of this case!"

"No." "No." "No."

After they came back alive, they were strictly guarded by the God of War Palace. All kinds of information have been fully confessed, and it is just a process at this moment.

"Plaintiff, do you have anything to add?"

At the plaintiff's table, the representatives of the Capers family sensed that the situation was not good for them, and their faces were ugly.

"I think that although my Capers family made mistakes first, but Li Yao acted cruelly and killed the old patriarch in public. There is no law to rule..."

"Didi! Warning, please state the objective facts of the case, and don't make any subjective remarks!" The intelligent system of the Ares Palace interrupted mercilessly, making the face of the representative of the Capers family even darker.

"Defendant, do you have anything to add?"

"No!" Li Yao said simply.

"Received the application of the defendant's defender to speak, Didi, allowed to speak."

Beside Li Yao, Vinina took a deep breath when she heard that the intelligent system allowed her to speak and confirm, then looked at the plaintiff's seat with a stern expression, and slowly said, "The Capers family murdered my husband time and time again, for me and my husband Li Yao Serious mental damage has been caused, and now apply for a countersuit!"

"I believe that what the Capes family has done has seriously violated the basic legal principles of solidarity and mutual assistance among warriors, and the founding purpose of the HR Alliance. The behavior is bad. I now request the Ares Palace to remove the Capes family from HR alliance registration!"

As soon as Vinina finished speaking, the eyes of many congressmen present lit up in an instant. The Capers family has lost two pillars in succession. Now there are three or two big cats and kittens in the family, such a big piece of fat...

Some war gods of other families in the HR alliance, who had been watching the excitement at first, changed their expressions slightly at this moment, and then they glanced at each other tacitly.

"You... have such a vicious heart, poisonous woman, poisonous woman!" The representative of the Capers family almost fell over when he heard Venina speak. At this moment, he leaned on the corner of the table and pointed at Venina with trembling fingers.

Regardless of the outcome of the counterclaim, Venina's move has aroused the desire of a large number of powerful warriors, and Venina has already found a reason for everyone to annex the Capers family.

In addition, if the God of War Palace passes Vinina's counterclaim, the Capes family's shares in the HR Alliance will be equivalent to no official endorsement, and the methods adopted by other families will be less scruples.

The representative of the Capers family could already foresee the tragic days after the family, and his face was ashen at this moment.

Li Yao glanced at Winina with a cold expression on his face in surprise. It really wasn't that the whole family refused to enter the house, the two were more ruthless than the other...

"Didi! The counterclaim request has been accepted and will be heard together with this case."

"This case has been investigated clearly by the court, and the parties have no objection to the facts of the case, and the judgment is now pronounced."


"Alkin, Aperi, Matsuda Tsuyohara... and others from the Capers family attempted to murder Councilor Li Yao. This is a joint crime... Now that the person concerned is dead, no one will be held accountable!"

"Sentence to the accomplice Wilson to 15 years in prison, sentence the accomplice Wang Yang to guard the first fortress for [-] years, and sentence the accomplice Muhan Musen to [-] years in prison!"

"The defendant, Li Yao, used excessive means to fight back, but the circumstances of the crime are obviously minor, so he is exempted from being held accountable! The Capers family's request for the death penalty is dismissed!"

"The defendant's counterclaim request has been passed, and the Capers family's HR alliance registration is now removed."


(End of this chapter)

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