Meiman: Get the Pleasant Goat template at the beginning

Chapter 98 Kama Taj, Mystic, Ancient 1!

Chapter 98 Kama Taj, Mystic, Ancient One!


Ian threw Captain America, frozen in ice, onto the stand of the Thunder.

[You have contacted Captain America, and you will get a chance to draw a normal lottery! 】

"What do we do now?"

Ian spread his hands, ignored the system's message, and wanted to leave this matter to Ye Lingyun and Gai Nie for a joint decision.

"The person is what you are looking for, and how to deal with it is up to you."

Ye Lingyun didn't know Captain America, and if he knew, he wouldn't care.The earth society has nothing to do with him. No matter how prestigious Captain America is, he is just an ordinary genetically modified person to him.

Ge Nie stared at the blond-haired Captain America with great interest.Although the system has instilled in him the basic knowledge of modern society, he has never seen it with his own eyes, so he is very interested in this person from the other side of the ocean.

At the same time, he didn't forget Ian's question, and replied: "You don't know what to do now, because you haven't figured out how to go in the future."

Ian pulled out a chair from the cabin of the Thunder and sat down, leaning his back against the warm bulkhead, and sighed: "I came to this world to relax. God knows why I just dug this guy out."

"It's my bad luck, let this guy be frozen in the Thunder! Anyway, he has been lying in the iceberg for decades, not bad for this period of time."

Ian snapped his fingers, and the table carrying Captain America opened, swallowing him into the freezer compartment where large animals were stored.Thunder's engine roared, creating a cold air, maintaining this guy's dormant state.

Although the Thunder is not the compartment of the hip-hop train dedicated to scientific research, it also has a device for storing specimens.

Ian sat in the pilot's seat, pushed the joystick with both hands, and the Thunder turned into an airplane and rushed to the sky.

"Where do we go next?" he asked the two people behind him.

Gai Nie embraced Yuan Hong, laughed and said: "You continue to freeze that captain, what's the difference between that and stealing the bell?"

"The difference is that now I don't want to get involved in the troubles of this world because of him."

Ian made his own decision and stopped thinking about it. He called up the world map of DC World Earth, located New York City, and let the Thunder fly automatically.

Ye Lingyun also spoke out to support Gai Nie: "Trouble is often found by oneself, don't you also suspect that the process of finding this captain is too simple!"

"Then let them come!"

Ian shrank, and his whole body collapsed on the command chair like a slime.

"Anyway, I won't go all over the world looking for 'enemies' who have disappeared. I'm too tired. What I need now is a good rest."

Gai Nie and Ye Lingyun, one of them lived in the war-torn Warring States Period, and the other lived in a universe with harsh natural environment.

The two of them couldn't understand why Ian was so slack, and wanted to remind him a few words out of different intentions, but suddenly found a piece of information popping up in their minds.

That's the scene of Ian's fierce battle with the enemy in the world of Flashpoint and Gotham.

After seeing this, Gai Nie and Ye Lingyun looked at each other and sighed, and didn't bother Ian any more.

"Looking at the young age of this child, I didn't expect that he has already experienced so much."

Although Gai Nie is a swordsman, he has always been cold-faced and warm-hearted, and he has the style of a gentleman respected by Confucianism.

Ye Lingyun sat on the chair, closed his eyes and said, "If it wasn't like this, how could he drag the two of us to the new world."

Gai Nie nodded silently, did not comment much, and began to ponder the cultivation of supernatural energy.

The cabin was quiet, but Ian couldn't rest in peace.

The Thunder suddenly stopped moving forward. The energy was sufficient and the device was in good condition. The tail flame of the jet port was more than one meter long, but it just couldn't move forward by one centimeter.

"Don't carry it so hard!"

Ian slapped his forehead with a slap, transformed from a slime into a human, and took out the sword of the brave.

"What happened?"

Seeing Ian standing up, Gai Nie and Ye Lingyun immediately became vigilant.

"Don't panic, don't rush."

That statement would have been more convincing if Ian hadn't been brandishing his sword of the brave.

"Wait until I go out to have a look. If there is any problem, I will inform the uncle and you two."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the two of them to answer, Ian directly turned into the wind and got out of the gap in the Thunder, stood on the fuselage, looked around, and saw nothing unusual on the surface.

"Who has no sense of public morality and trapped my Thunderbolt in place, stand up for me."

Ian stood on the Thunder, yelling against the strong wind, his wrists twirled, and the Sword of the Brave released rings of sword energy, but he encountered no obstacles.


The sound of glass breaking sounded, and cracks appeared in the surrounding space like a shattered mirror. The whole body pressed towards Ian, pulling him and the Thunder into another space.

Ian's fingers stroked the hilt of the Sword of the Brave, he hesitated whether to resist the mirror image space.

Anyone familiar with the Marvel universe and not blind will recognize this Karma Taj signature spell.

Ian chose to wait and see what happened, and then a golden-red spark appeared in front of him, spinning and expanding into a portal large enough for one person to enter and exit.

"Stranger, you have broken into the territory of the supreme mage of Kama Taj, the king of the atrium and Midgard, and the descendant of Agamotto, report your intention!"

A somewhat grim voice came from the other side of the portal, and a handsome man resembling an ogre came out. He was wearing a black esoteric robe, with a stern face, like a policeman arresting stowaways.

"What are you? A demon, an alien or some other form of life?"

Casillas did not let down his vigilance because of Ian's handsome and sunny face.

He received a warning from the supreme mage that some kind of existence broke through the rules of time and space and descended to the earth, asking him to get in touch with the other party first.

Gu Yi didn't explain what the real existence was, and Casillas felt that the person who could make the Supreme Mage vigilant must not be a small character.

"This is troublesome!"

Ian touched his nose with his left hand. He didn't know what the other person was thinking, so he said directly, "If I said that I came to Earth just to travel and relax, would you believe me?"

Casillas remained silent, which already showed his attitude-are you lying to a ghost?
"Alright alright!"

Ian was also full of helplessness, and no one would believe the truth these days.

"Then what do you want? Let's do it directly, or go through the process and spray some rules on each other first."

Ian waved his hand in a somewhat dispirited manner, with helplessness written all over his face.

He really didn't want to fight anymore, he was about to throw up.

Can't we have a new life?

Casillas was taken aback, seeing Ian's defenseless appearance, he said half hesitantly: "Kama Taj always welcomes friendly guests. If you really have no malicious intentions, please follow me to Karma Taj..."

"Okay, let's go!"

Ian answered so simply that Casillas couldn't be dealt with.

He has studied magic for so many years, stationed in various temples to defend against enemies from various latitudes, and this is the first time he has seen such a talkative foreigner.

Ian didn't think about it that much, as long as he didn't have to fight, he was happy.

"What's the name?" He put his arm around the shoulder of the mystic and asked with a smile.

Casillas reported his name.

"Hello, Mr. Casillas! There are still two people in the vehicle, do you want to come in, I will introduce you."

There was no wind in the mirror dimension, so Ian directly opened the hatch and waved to him.

Casillas hesitated for a while, and with the heart of "become a martyr today, go to see his wife and children", he closed his eyes and jumped straight down.


Nothing happened!

"Uncle, you are too exaggerated."

Ian was speechless when he saw the death-defying expression on Casillas' face!

"My place is not a dragon's pond or a tiger's lair, what about you?"

"Get used to it, get used to it!"

Casillas opened his eyes and saw the interior of the sci-fi style Thunder, stood up awkwardly, and swept away the dust that did not exist on his body.

"Kama Taj has been dealing with demons from across dimensions, aliens all year round, but none of them are like..."

"My name is Ian."

Seeing that he was stuck, Ian thoughtfully reported his name.

"A friendly guest like Ian." Casillas finished the second half of the sentence.

"Then it's really difficult for you!" Ian thoughtfully sent a sentence of understanding and relief.

The mystical side of the DC world has always been reluctant to associate with the human world, for better or for worse.

The Marvel universe is not so clear-cut.

What's more terrible is that there is only one organization like Karma Taj on the mysterious side of Marvel Earth, who has to take care of everything, which can be said to be heartbroken.

However, Ian didn't have the empathy of these mystics who met for the first time, so he introduced to Casillas: "The one in the white robe is Gai Nie, the sword master of the Strategist!"

"The purple-haired one is Ye Lingyun, the fourth parallel universe, the former leader of the Cloud Bat Legion."

"It's a pleasure to meet you!" Gai Nie saluted with an impeccable gesture.

Ye Lingyun was much simpler and rude, he just said "Hello", then turned his head away, and said no more.

Casillas grasped the key words in Ian's words, did not hide his curiosity, and asked directly: "Kama Taj has no record of the Cloud Bat Legion. And the Chinese strategists have long been part of other theories and disappeared. Yet?"

"After I meet the Supreme Master, I will naturally speak!"

Ian kept a secret, pointed to the portal outside and said:
"Uncle Ka, can you make the portal bigger, my Thunderbolt can't get through it!"

"My name is Casillas, you can call me Casillas if you find it troublesome."

"Okay, Uncle Ka!"

The mystic took a deep breath, clenched his fists, resisted the impulse in his heart, raised the hand with the hanging ring, and started to draw a circle with the other hand.

The golden-red sparks expanded outward, and the portal expanded several times, until it was enough for the Thunder to pass through, the mystic stopped moving.

"Do you want to rest for a while?" Ian looked at the portal that had expanded several times, worried that Casillas was using too much force.

"Kama Taj's portal is released by the hanging ring, and even ordinary people can easily release it as long as they master the trick."

Casillas waved his hand easily, indicating that it was all trivial.

"Let's go, the supreme mage is still waiting for us!"

"Okay." Ian nodded, pressed on the screen, the engine turned, sprayed out a tail flame more than two meters long, rushed directly into the portal, and came to the top of the Himalayas.

As a mage organization that has been passed down for more than 2000 years, Karma Taj has members all over the world and protects the entire earth with the three temples in Hong Kong, London and New York as the core.

And the real Karma Taj is hidden in the Himalayas, protected by the mirrored latitude created by the Supreme Master.

Except for the portals of the three holy temples and the hanging rings of the mystics, other people who want to directly enter Karma Taj must obtain the permission of the supreme mage.

Over the years, the mystics of the Order of the Mages have fought invading latitude enemies across the world, while the core of Kama Taj has lived safely under the protection of the Supreme Magus.

Until today, the calm was broken. A red plane flew across the sky of Karma Taj with blue tail flames. All the disciples who were being trained subconsciously looked up and started discussing with their friends.

Gu Yi, who was wearing a moon-white robe, stood in the corridor, slowly stroking his gray beard, watching the landing plane with a smile in his eyes.

"Teacher, I don't understand why you have to be polite to a person from outside the latitude?"

The current big disciple of Gu Yi - Modu stood aside, his body was as upright and stubborn as his temper.

Gu Dui didn't reprimand his disciple's staidness, and said persuasively: "Modu, if Kama Taj acts according to your ideas, how will you treat Asgard's allies?"

Modu remained silent, his face seemed to remain unchanged like a wooden board since birth, making it hard for people to see through his true thoughts.

"After so many years, human beings can finally leave their home planet by their own strength, and they will start to contact the forces in No Man's Sky. We also have to think about who is our friend and who is our enemy."

"This is not a reason to rashly contact a visitor from an unfamiliar latitude." Modu seemed to read out Kama Taj's law at any time.

"Just treat it as an old man's waywardness! Maybe we will have unexpected gains."

Gu Yi waved his hand and forcibly ended the conversation.Modu shook his head, but he still didn't continue to argue with the teacher.

Anyway, this is Kama Taj, even if the Dimensional Demon God came here, he would only be beaten by the Supreme Mage.

"Hello everyone!"

When Thunder landed, Ian jumped out and waved to the curious mystics.

"This is not a celebrity meeting!"

Casillas waved away those curious disciples and looked at Ian with a black face.

"Oh, Uncle Ka, don't be so nervous!"

Gai Nie and Ye Lingyun also jumped out, and Ian said to Casillas, "I have no malicious intentions."


Although Casillas has only been with Ian for a while, he has already realized that this kid is just a young man, and he does not have the aura of the Latitude Demon God at all.

The guest does whatever he wants, and Ian followed Casillas inside without saying anything.

He looked at the architecture of Karma Taj, and found that it was completely in the oriental style, with pavilions, winding corridors and the like.

Ian didn't do much research on these, and felt bored within a few minutes.

Fortunately, within a few steps, they saw an old man in a moon-white robe.

"Teacher!" Casillas saluted the teacher.

Ian looked at Gu Yi, he looked like a neighbor's grandfather, amiable and completely intimidating.

Of course, Ian would not think that the old man in front of him was really weak just because of his appearance. Anyway, the other party was also a ruthless person who could beat the latitude demon.

"Hello, Supreme Mage!" Ian stretched out his hand.

"Welcome to Karma Taj, child!" Gu Yi shook hands with Ian and led him to the main hall.

"I have a lot of questions I want to ask you."

"You're welcome, you're welcome! Everyone knows the name of the supreme mage. I'm just a small person, and I'm just visiting the earth. I really have nothing to say."

Ian casually said a few polite nonsense, telling Gai Nie and Ye Lingyun to follow him closely and not to stay too far away.

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(End of this chapter)

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