Meiman: Get the Pleasant Goat template at the beginning

Chapter 31 Do you want to try to get hooked on me?

Chapter 31 Do you want to try to get hooked on me?

Ribs put down his hands, but he was still leaning against the wall.

Although the sunny and handsome young man in front of him looks inexplicably friendly, words alone cannot make this Kryptonian who can only live in the laboratory since childhood dispel his resistance to strangers.

Of course Ian knew this. He stretched out his knife and cut the air a few times, and the circular wind blade was thrown out, destroying the red sunlight lamps.

This kind of behavior made General Adam behind the scenes startled, but Thomas and Steve, the two big men, didn't speak, so he could only endure it.

Although without the red sun lamp, this Kryptonian can act like a normal person, but as long as he does not leave this laboratory, he will not be able to turn the sky.

"How do you feel?" Ian clapped his hands, attracting Ribs' attention, and asked about his physical condition.

Ribs stretched out his hands and gathered his five fingers together. He felt the pressure on his body relax a lot. He looked at Ian gratefully and said, "Thank you! I'm much better. Why are you so tolerant of me, an alien?"

"Straightforward? I like it."

There was no seat in the room, so Ian sat cross-legged on the ground, facing Pai Guchao and said: "Now there is a war outside, and the war between the two forces will eventually destroy this planet. I don't want to be buried with two lunatics, so I have to gather everything that can United forces, to end the wars that are taking place."

Ribs' expression didn't change at all, he replied simply and directly in a hoarse voice: "I'm from Kryptonian!"

Because he is a Kryptonian, it has nothing to do with him whether the earth is destroyed or not.

Not to mention that the American military has tortured him for 30 years, and the hatred in it cannot be washed away at all.

Ian wasn't surprised by Pai Ri Chao's answer. If he encountered such a prison, he would kill the experimenters first, and then go find the masterminds one by one and make them pay the price.

"I know you don't have any feelings for this world! But there are still people in this world you care about."

Ribs became alert in an instant, he turned his head away, and said indifferently: "I don't understand what you are talking about!"

"Louise Lane!"

Ian directly moved out the special attack on Superman's treasure: "When the war broke out, she was interviewing in Western Europe. Later, she took over the task of an agent to collect information on the Amazons. At this moment, she is being hunted down, and she is in critical condition. Rescue."

On the way here, Ian had conceived several plans to persuade Superman, including coercion and temptation, all kinds of methods, but he still couldn't make up his mind.

When he walked into this cell and saw the bruised Rib Chao, he overturned all the plans in his mind and chose to tell the truth.

Ribs was so furious, strength suddenly surged from his thin body, grabbed Ian's collar, and shouted: "You guys sent Louise to the battlefield! Damn bastard, if I can."


Ian knocked on his super power bell, and the crisp sound made Superman wake up a bit.

"I have nothing to do with America's government. Two days ago, I just escaped from the British battlefield. If I really want to threaten you with Louise, there is no need to be polite to you. Just give you an order." enough."

"Can you still risk Louise's accident and disobey my orders?"

If Ian rolls the dice now, it must be a big success in persuasion!
The sudden surge of power from Paiguchao dissipated in an instant. He let go of Ian and knelt down on the ground powerlessly, his whole body was full of depression, without any sunshine of the Son of Hope.

"According to the time of people on earth, I am already 30 years old."

"In this painful life, only General Lane and Louise have expressed kindness to me. They are the reason why I can persist!"

"But many years ago, I did a wrong thing and resisted blindly. In the end, I killed General Lane, the man who was like my father to me."

Ribs raised his head and told Ian about his pain.

"So as long as you can save Louise, as long as you can save my last relative in this world, my life belongs to you!"

Ian saw tears and renewed hope in the thin man's eyes, and sighed in his heart.

I'm always too soft-hearted!
There is no way, with the template of Pleasant Goat, even if he wants to be cruel to the weak, he can't be cruel
Ian moved his fingers lightly, and the airflow silently formed a barrier to isolate the sound, enveloping the two of them.

He leaned forward and said to Pai Ri Chao: "I can promise you more and give you a better world.

In that world, you will have loving parents who will sacrifice their lives to protect you.

In that world, you will encounter many powerful enemies, but because you protect the world, you will be a hero admired by all.

In that world, you would still meet Louise, you would get married and have healthy children and a happy family. "

"I can promise you all the good things, but from now on, you have to fight with all your heart and soul, and fight for yourself."

"You're lying!" Pai Ri Chao said so, but there was a light in his dim eyes.

Ian stretched out his hand to Pai Richao, with a smile on his face, and said, "Would you like to try to hook me?"

Ribs remained silent for a few seconds, held Ian's outstretched hand, and said in a deep voice, "I have no choice. Even if the world you promised does not exist, for Louise, I will try my best!"

"From now on, we are comrades-in-arms!"

Ian saw that Ribs had joined him sincerely, and a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

He pulled Ribs up from the ground: "You are as light as a plush pillow. I must take you to the sun quickly so that you can grow up quickly."

Ribs leaned against Ian, recalling the past: "I haven't been in the sun since the death of General Lane. I almost forgot what it feels like when the sun falls on my skin."

"Didn't you say you've never been in the sun?"

"I'm lying to that guy named Adam, otherwise he'll have to tie me to the operating table and tear me apart!"

Ian helped him to the door of the vault, waiting for the security personnel of the laboratory to open the door.

But 3 minutes passed, and there was still no response outside.

Ribs frowned and said: "It's not General Adam who regrets, and wants to lock us up in this place. We're all going to starve to death!"

He doesn't trust anyone in the lab.

Ian shook his head and said, "With Thomas and Steve around, this guy wouldn't dare to do it. Something must have happened?"

"Thomas, I know you have bugged me, what happened outside, give me an answer!"

Ian yelled loudly, only to attract Chop Ribs' crazy eyes.

"I attack"

Ian mobilized the airflow around him, and only heard faint sounds from the button bugs stuck to his clothes.

The next moment, the one-meter-thick steel door of the vault began to ripple like the surface of a lake.

A man with a blurry body and red eyes walked in through the steel door.

"Fuck, Reverse Lightning!"

The moment Ian saw this guy, the blood in his whole body started to burn, his muscles started to heat up, and his body turned into a furnace, gaining super explosive power, and directly ejected to start.

Lightning breakthrough!

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(End of this chapter)

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