Meiman: Get the Pleasant Goat template at the beginning

Chapter 100 Allies, teaching, dissatisfaction!

Chapter 100 Allies, teaching, dissatisfaction!

"A piece of magic is like a car, the magic power is the energy source, the magic structure is the engine and other messy transmission structures, and the spell is the car key and accelerator to open the spell."

Modu is training Karma Taj's apprentices, telling the basics of magic to these apprentices who have just stepped into the door of magic.

But Modu, who has always been prudent, felt a little unnatural today, because there was a person who had nothing to do with the mystic - Ian, standing under the corridor not far away.

Spells, spell structure, and casting time are all secrets of a school. Even if Kama Taj has no sect, he will not casually tell outsiders about this information.

If Gu Yi hadn't stood by Ian's side, he would have driven out people from outside this world.

"It seems that Master Modu really doesn't like me. I just watched from a distance, and he also stared at me."

Ian shook his head helplessly: "I am so attractive, why does Modu hate me so much?"

Gu glanced at Ian: "You are quite narcissistic."

"It's not narcissism, it's the truth." Ian puffed out his chest to emphasize this point.

Appearance is second to none, mainly because the three protagonists, Pleasant Goat, Pigman, and Orange Liuxiang, are born with a trustworthy intimacy, and Ian has also inherited this temperament.

Gu Yi smiled and said: "Then you have misread the person, Modu is the mage who values ​​discipline the most among Kama Taj, even the descendants of those mystic mage families can't compare with him.

If you want to reassure him of his suspicions with your personal charm, it will take a lot of work. "

The supreme mage waved his hand, and a set of tables and chairs appeared out of nowhere in the corridor, with hot tea and iced cola on them: "The young people now like to drink this carbonated drink, but I can't do it. I am old and my teeth can't bear it."

Ian looked at Gu Yi complaining, and rolled his eyes in his heart. You have lived for almost 1000 years, so a few teeth are nothing.

But he didn't speak his mind. He sipped iced Coke and said, "For me, one of the advantages of being a superhuman is that I can eat and drink whatever I want, and I don't have to worry about vomiting and diarrhea after eating too much. I can play casually."

"I don't see that you are still a hedonist." Gu Yi smiled, his eyes narrowed into a slit, making it difficult to see his eyes.

"I'm not a masochist. It's best if my living environment can be improved. It's not a sinful thing for me to enjoy it."

Ian was a little more casual, leaning on the back of the chair, feeling the cola bubbles bursting in his mouth.

"At this time, you really look like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old child. You are not as comfortable as you were at the dinner party yesterday." Gu Yi also felt the fragrance of new tea, and the mirror image space expanded silently. long hallway.

"No way!" Ian put the blame on Gu Yi: "The name of the Venerable has spread throughout the upper and lower planes. When you come up, you will show how you punish the traversers, and then you will leave the heavy responsibility of saving the world to me."

"I'm just an ordinary traveler, so don't be nervous!"

Gu Yi ignored Ian's shivering, and asked, "Have you made a decision now?"

"Just give me one night? Can't you give me a few more days?"

Ian expressed his inability to complain about Gu Yi's pressing step by step.

"What about the immortal demeanor that you agreed to, why don't you have any courage as an elder?"

"I am neither a Taoist priest nor a monk, but the supreme mage, the king of the courtyard, and the ruler of the earth."

Gu Yi opened his squinted eyes, and his aura changed instantly, from a kind grandfather next door to a life-and-death superior, as awe-inspiring as the Himalayas below him.

Ian's complexion changed, he sat upright, and said solemnly, "That's what I'm worried about. Does His Holiness want a savior to turn the tide, or a mouthpiece to repeat your own will."

The former, Ian, Gu Yi and Kama Taj are equal allies, and the two parties do not have the power to order each other.

As for the latter, Ian became Gu Yi's vassal, and he had to ask them first before doing anything.

As the saying goes, with a sharp weapon in your body, you will kill yourself!
Ian has no intention of killing, but he is also unwilling to be someone else's vassal.

Although he is strong now, he is capable of defeating all the mystics except Gu Yi.

"Although the mystics have blocked the enemies from the outer dimensions and the universe for thousands of years, you don't have the ability to directly intervene in the development of human society."

Ian really didn't underestimate Ancient One and the mystic.

Destruction and construction are completely different things. The Ancient One can completely destroy the current government on Earth overnight and use violence to create a society similar to Asgard.

But what's the point?

What the Supreme Mage needs is a human civilization that can advance by itself, not a group of giant babies who can only nod and bow.

"Well, it seems that you have your own ideas, which is good."

Gu Yi was not displeased when Ian directly pointed out the shortcomings of Kama Taj, but nodded happily.

"Whatever you need, just mention it! As long as Kama Taj and I can do it, there will be no reservations."

"You are so generous."

Ian rubbed his chin, there was no lion to open his mouth, Gu Yi was a good player to take advantage of loopholes, and the debt owed to him would not end well.

"I can't make any promises. The society in my hometown is not better than here, it just doesn't have as many crises."

"Even if I agree to your invitation, everything will have to start from scratch, and there is no guarantee of success!"

Gu Yi scolded with a smile: "You kid, what if you are an empty-handed white wolf!"

"Hey, that's a mistake."

Ian said righteously: "I have nothing to do with this world. Your lord, you insist on pulling me in. How can you do it without paying a price?"

He stretched out his hand and made a gesture of counting money.

Gu Yi didn't even think about it, and replied directly: "If you agree, I can form an alliance with you. After I leave, I will give you the title of King of the Atrium."

"Wow, you are the real empty-handed white wolf! If I take over this title, your enemies will not all target me."

Ian said with disgust: "So, you should leave your title of King of the Atrium to Strange! I have no interest at all."

"He can't take this title." Gu Yi waved his hand: "The position of the supreme mage is actually decided by Emperor Weishan, that is, Agamotto. Except for the position of the supreme mage, Strange will not inherit other things from me .”

Ian shook his head: "You are really rude to your suzerain."

Gu Yi said coldly: "Emperor Weishan provides magical powers for the mystics, and the mystics practice the precepts of Emperor Weishan. There is no distinction between the two.

But over the years, many mystics have begun to worship Weishandi, not just as the suzerain who provides magic power.I can't tell my disciples clearly, it's really nerve-wracking! "

Ian was so dizzy by the relationship between the mage and the suzerain in the Marvel world, he waved all of these out of his mind.

"Okay, let me do an experiment first!"

"What experiment?"

"Look at how tolerant this world is to outsiders. Your lord, please gather your most trusted disciples. I have new knowledge to pass on to them."

Gu Yi's beard moved: "The experiment belongs to the experiment, don't make my disciples so inhumane, please die..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Ian quickly asked him to stop: "I'm not trying to experiment with black magic on them. What you said is too outrageous. I just want to teach them a new way of cultivation. Even if it doesn't work, there won't be any what a loss."

He looked at Gu Yi and shook his head regretfully, feeling helpless in his heart: "You don't expect something unexpected to happen to your apprentice, do you?"

"How is it possible, I am the supreme mage, and I will not have such evil thoughts."

"I believe it!"

Ian waved his hand perfunctorily, then left the mirrored space, and found Gai Nie and Ye Lingyun who were watching the magic on the other side of the corridor.

Ian walked up to them and asked, "Brother Ye, can these people use supernatural energy?"

The powers in his hands now include Pleasant Goat's Qili, Pigman's Five Spirit Transformation and Alchemy, Orange Liuxiang's Guobao Mecha, and Magic Fairy Castle's magic.

Kili needs Kili Stone, which cannot be replicated on a large scale.

Ian needs to coax the Lord Five Spirits King to transform himself, and it is impossible for him to borrow the power of others.

Alchemy can be promoted, but it cannot be used as the main combat power.

Although mystics deal with weird things all day long, they are still human, and the yellow lotus does not recognize them.

God knows what would happen without Xue Feifei's magic in Magic Fairy Castle.

Ian broke his fingers and counted silently in his heart: "After all, for the mystics, the most suitable cultivation method is the supernatural energy."

He said to Ye Lingyun: "Although the three of us have cultivated supernatural energy, only you, Brother Ye, are the most proficient, and you have the experience of training the Yunbat Army, so it's perfect."

"Since you said so, then I promise to come down."

Ye Lingyun didn't make any trouble at all, he just said worriedly: "But I can't guarantee that these people will learn it, after all, it's a different world."

Ian was not that worried, he waved his hand indifferently: "It's okay, this is just an experiment. Of course it's better to succeed, we can intervene in this world more easily. If it doesn't succeed, it doesn't matter, just think of other ways. "

"Why do you want to get involved in this world?" Ye Lingyun understood the meaning of the word "responsibility". Although he used to believe in the ultimate "the strong eat the weak", he still put supporting the Yunbat Legion first.

But he doesn't understand Ian's behavior because he has absolutely nothing to do with this world.

"My power to bring you to this world needs to be gained from changing the trajectory of the world time and time again."

Ian spread his hands and told them all: "Also, I suddenly found that ordinary people's relaxation methods have no effect on me. I need to find something more interesting. The invitation from Gu Yi is an opportunity."

"I'm also curious about what kind of society I can create with my own hands. Take this opportunity as a game of strategic management!"

"Your attitude is too frivolous!" Gai Nie frowned with some dissatisfaction. He has always respected life very much.

"This is not frivolous but prudent."

Ian stretched out his finger, and said lightly: "This world is still a mess for me. Before I distinguish between enemies and friends, I must remain vigilant against everything."

"Where's that wizard named Gu Yi?" Ye Lingyun asked with his hands folded in front of his chest.

"From just now, he has been our ally. Although I don't know if the mystic of Kama Taj can accept it."

Ian is not worried, Gu Yi is not Doctor Strange, and no one in Karma Taj dares to violate the order of the supreme mage.

So, Ian took Gai Nie and Ye Lingyun into the training room where the mystics were practicing martial arts, and saw Modu, Casillas and a fat magician.

Ian didn't even need to think about it, he knew that the extra one was Lao Wang.

Modu's expression was very displeased, and when he heard that Gu Yi asked them to learn from this young boy, Ian, his dissatisfaction reached its peak.

He wasn't angry because of Ian's age, but because of who he was.

A visitor from an outer latitude was received by Gu Yi himself without any inspection, and now he still has to teach the knowledge of the mystic in a grand manner.

Is this still Karma Taj?Is this still the holy land of mystics?
Modu kept thinking about Weishandi's order, and the flame of dissatisfaction in his heart became more and more vigorous.

When Ian appeared, he almost stepped up to the kid, stared into his eyes and asked, "Boy, do you know what you're doing?"

"Of course I know what I'm doing."

Ian was not frightened by Modu, he said calmly: "Didn't His Holiness inform you of this mission?"

"His Holiness has already introduced to me that this time Mr. Ian is here to learn new knowledge."

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder was getting stronger and stronger, Wang stepped between the two and separated them with a twist of his fat body.

"This is an order from His Holiness, and we will obey your order, Ian."

In fact, Modu could follow the steps given by the king, and then retreat, keeping silent, after all, this is the order of the venerable.

But today he couldn't control his anger, and said provocatively, "I'm not questioning His Majesty's order, but I'm just curious about what kind of profound magic a kid like you can understand."

"I only know a thing or two about magic!"

Said the man who had mastered ancient alchemy and the magic of the Fairy Castle.

"But if you're curious about what I can teach you, you might as well listen patiently."

"Or we can fight!" Modu challenged very calmly.

Ian frowned, pulled Wang to the side, and asked in a low voice, "Master Wang, does Master Modu usually charge as if he had taken gunpowder?"

"Master Modu is the most calm mage in Kama Taj, today is purely an accident!" Wang was puzzled.

"Thank you for your help."

Ian pushed the fat man away, and he had a guess about the scene in front of him.

He turned his head and asked in a low voice, "We can't do without a fight. Uncle, Brother Ye, which one of you will fight?"

The two handsome uncles shook their heads together.

Ge Nie said in a deep voice: "I'm trying to combine swordsmanship and supernatural energy now, and it's inconvenient to do it."

Ye Lingyun was more direct: "I don't want to play an exhibition match with others."

Looking at his two generals, Ian shook his head helplessly and said, "Okay, then I'll do it myself!"

He suppressed all his strength, except for the supernatural power he had just trained.

After all, we still have to convince people. If it ends too soon, we won't be able to show the power of the power, and we won't be convincing even if we win!
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(End of this chapter)

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