The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 92 091 Orb Attack and Defense 4

Chapter 92 091 Orb Attack and Defense 4
"Retreat?" Messiah overheated the beam rifles, high-energy pulse guns, and electromagnetic guns over the coastline battlefield of Luneng Lu Island, leaving behind a wreck of the Allied Army MS. Order retreated.

"The whole army broke away from contact with the enemy, and quickly prepared and replenished, and the logistics support troops were dispatched to quickly rescue the soldiers trapped in the airframe and the ship.

Gendarmerie and military troops were dispatched to search for allied prisoners of war. "Cagali's voice came from Orb's supreme command channel.

Li Ping looked around, found the location of the Archangel, and flew over.The Messiah slowly landed on an open space on the coastline of Obuishanami. Not far away, the Archangel, which was scarred but still had its main armed forces, slowly landed on the water.



"Is there anyone around?"

"Only Captain Ramias, what's the matter?"

"The mobile suit troops invested by the United Army are much stronger than I expected. I need to know the possibility of repelling the next attack of the United Army with the current combat power. And, under my cover, the Orb Navy repelled the enemy fleet's attack. Feasibility." Li Ping took out energy compressed biscuits and nutrient solution from a storage box in the cockpit and started supplementing nutrition.

"The next attack will definitely be repulsed, but this is the limit of what we can do. There is basically no need to think about the counterattack. With the ship and the fleet fully equipped with high morale, we are only fighting in the first round. It sank less than one-tenth of the combat ships on the opposite side.

Now there are nine MS assault landing ships, more than sixty destroyers and nearly a hundred frigates on the opposite side.

On our side, there are 23 destroyers and more than 30 frigates on the Orb side, and one assault landing ship and fourteen destroyers on the "Forgotten" side, and all of the above ships are injured.

If you attack rashly, the defense line will be torn apart in an instant. "

"I said... In the worst case, the Archangel let go of its hands and feet, ignores the pollution, and uses positron cannons in the atmosphere to tear through the defenses of the combined fleet, and then Kira and I break into the enemy fleet to expand the battle as much as possible.

During this period, the G series of the coalition army will be held back by other G series, and they will switch houses. Can the goal of forcing the coalition army back? "

"It's useless." Natal sighed. "Even if the United Pacific Fleet is repelled, the Atlantic Fleet of the Atlantic Federation has passed through the Panama Canal, and the Pacific and Far East Fleet of the Eurasian Federation is also heading south.

There is intelligence that the Far East Fleet and the Atlantic Fleet are preparing for the Victoria Recovery War and the Chuckantaria Raiders.

However, this also indirectly shows one thing, even if we go to Kapantalia, we will continue to face the attack of the coalition forces. "

"It's the worst situation..." Li Ping also had a big head.Li Ping's original plan was that since the "Ripper" Edward and "Ran Sakura" Reina were abducted from Alaska by the Archangel, and Diaka was also captured, then Edward and Reina suppressed the three minor powers, and Diaka and Flagg went around to fight the fire and fill in the holes in the defense line.

And after he and Kira drove the nuclear-powered mobile suits to directly destroy the mass-produced mobile suits on the opposite side, they and the fleet forcibly repelled the combined army fleet.

However, the existence of the mass-produced Gundam and the special dagger completely disrupted Li Ping's plan.

The two nuclear energy machines were held back by the second-generation G series of the joint army and its corresponding mass-produced models.

It was also very difficult for our own four G series to play.

But... What's the situation with the three extra dueling daggers and four storm daggers here?
Aren't the 30 dueling daggers that the United Army didn't mention on Orb's side arranged at the Shuguang Club?
Li Ping got off the machine, turned his head and saw two Calamity Gundams and seven special daggers standing together.

After identifying the shape of the mouth, it seems to be Reina's student.

"That's the charm of a beautiful instructor... the students have to come and help even if they rebel. Don't you think so, Mu?"

"Who said it wasn't? Speaking of which, the mock battle aces in Helipolis were also trained by Reina..."

"You said those young people... It's a pity, they must be the ace pilots who have lived to this day, right?"

"It's really a pity to hear that Reina said that they are the five best students in her batch."

"... Everyone has worked hard! Everyone is doing well! Although I don't know the reason for their retreat, everyone should recover their strength now!" Accompanied by Chisaka, Kagali inspected the temporary assembly area for frontline mobile suits.

After a while, Justice Gundam and Freedom Gundam flew over from a distance and landed slowly.

Li Ping looked around, found a piece of building wreckage with a good location and size, walked over and sat down, ready to eat melons in the front row.

"Ahem... Natal."

"what happened?"

"Let me ask, can the Archangel fly out of the atmosphere by itself?"

"It is impossible now to use the atmospheric support navigation method, cooperate with the aerostat and the main engine, circle the earth and a half to accelerate and increase the height, and finally use the positron cannon to trigger the positron acceleration effect and leave the atmosphere. This is the Archangel's independent The standard way to get out of the globe.

But you have to know that at that time, the Archangel's engine had no extra effort to evade, and this process had to go through at least three Earth-united air control circles and two ZAFT air control circles.will be shot down. "Captain Ramias explained next to Natal. "So now the only way for the Archangel to return to the universe is through the mass accelerator.

However, even in the universe, without supplies, our defeat is only a matter of time. "

"It's a bit troublesome... If it is dragged to Victoria Harbor and it is shot down, will they release Aubu a yard?"

"I'm afraid not." A middle-aged voice came from behind Li Ping. "With the mobilization of the Pacific Fleet, the investment of more than [-] mobile suits, and the failure of two hundred fighter jets to take down Orb, I'm afraid Orb will be considered an unstable factor in the war and be excluded. .”

"Ah, Mr. Uzmi." Li Ping looked back at the face of Uzmi representative.

"Please call Captain Ramias over, there are some things that need to be explained."

"Um, okay. Natal, hear that?"

"I heard you, let's go in 15 minutes."

"Understood." Li Ping hung up the communication. "Mr. Uzmi, just ask, if there is a chance to annihilate the Far East Fleet, the Atlantic Fleet and the Pacific Fleet under the premise of paying a high price, what should we do?"

"...Don't tell me that you want to blow up these three nuclear mobile suits in the middle of the fleet."

"of course not."

" are going to be scared to death..."

"Just blow up the Messiah and the other two nuclear devices in my hand." Li Ping looked at Uzmi with a calm expression and was in a cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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