Chapter 816
At this time, at the gate of Tosaka’s house, there are a total of 42 heroic spirits. The so-called heroic spirits are the existences of heroes whose great achievements have been left as legends after death and have become objects of faith.

The monsters of the age of mythology, the gods of the Uruk era, the heroes of the Irish teleportation, the kings of the British legends, the emperors of the Roman Empire...

42 Heroic Riders watched their new "employer" silently, waiting for this new being who couldn't even restrain himself to resist the new existence to tell his arrangements for himself and others.

After all, among the 42 riding heroic spirits, the proportion of female heroic spirits is a bit too high. Since the age of mythology, the more emphasis on personal force, the beauty of women will always bring more misfortune to their masters.

According to the "previous employer", this smiling person is a tyrant with irresistible personal force, and resistance is not allowed. In this way, the fate of the female heroic spirits at the scene may not need to be explained clearly up.

Many heroic spirits looked at Li Ping seriously, waiting for his judgment on the future fate of themselves and others.

If he is really the kind of tyrant who can't entrust the future, even if appeasement is difficult for himself and others to accept, then it is nothing more than another death.

The dignity of the king cannot be desecrated.

——It should have come like this.

"A lot of fathers!!!!!!"

"A lot of Joan of Arc!!!!"

"A lot of my kings!!!!!!"

One with nosebleeds (Xiao Mo), two insane (Marshal), and three calling (Three Silly Round Table)... This scene that should have been serious turned into a farce in an instant.

Not to mention the Arturias and Joan of Arc, Li Ping's temples were throbbing from the quarreling of the six teasers who were stimulated by the excess of Artoria's face.

Li Ping covered his face and let out a long sigh, snapped his fingers with his left hand, six black coffins rose from the bottom of the six Doubi's feet, and shut the six Doubi into the small black room.

"Ahem, um, may I have your attention Plz." Li Ping attracted everyone's attention. "You are all heroes from all ages, one rides a thousand heroes, do you deny that I have sexual desires for some of you, but I assure you that my power will not be used to force you to do it this kind of thing.

The more important thing on my side is that I need outstanding people like you who have mature ideological theories and mature tactical thinking to join my army to perform combat missions or local governance missions.

The employment period is tentatively set at [-] years. If the situation is more serious, you will be asked to renew your contract. However, under normal circumstances, it is up to you to decide whether you will stay or leave after [-] years.

As stated in the employment contract Alaya gave you, the fulfillment of your wishes during your lifetime is the reward for this employment. In addition, the empire will pay you the imperial standard employment remuneration for extraordinary people and related military merits. exchange. "

"How should we trust you?" Enkidu spoke first.

"I don't need your trust." Li Ping replied with a smile

"What I need is your strength and wisdom, not a specific person." Li Ping continued. "If it is said that I need to win you over to me, what I need to do is to appear in the timeline where each of you is, participate in the life of each of you, show my talent and charm, or accompany you Go to glory, or become lovers with you, or save you from the hell that belongs to you.

At that time, you will still join my empire as my friend, my lover, my student or my teacher.

It's not like it is now, just standing here stupidly like a meeting, and the atmosphere is made like this by six fools. "

"Indeed, what exactly do you need us to do?" Merlin observed Li Ping carefully, but couldn't find anything.

"Do what you are good at. Those who are good at leading troops to fight lead troops to fight. Those who are good at governance will govern after the war. Those who are good at research will assist in research. Merlin will continue to cheat and persecute Romani on the Internet. I have hundreds of millions of world needs on my side. Protection, I hope you can do your part."

"I always feel that if you maintain the previous state and fight the Holy Grail War with us, we can also reach an agreement in the end. At that time, we should be able to participate in your "empire" better." In the meeting like chatting After the end, many heroic spirits scattered and went to visit the modern city.Arturia (lancer) and Artoria (saber), who had two fights with Li Ping, chose to stay and say a few more words.

"Even so, my state of mind has changed. I can only say that I am also very sorry, Saber." Li Ping shrugged his shoulders. "By the way, do you have her memory, Lancer?"

"Yes." Arturia (lancer) nodded. "After fighting the fourth and fifth Holy Grail Wars, I cut down the Holy Grail twice, and once fell in love with the master named Emiya Shiro. After awakening, I woke up from under the tree, pulled out the shining spear, and calmed down. After causing the Jianlan Rebellion, he stabbed that brat Xiao Mo with a gun, and after being the king of Britain for ten years, he returned the Holy Spear at Jianlan Hill, turned into a Heroic Spirit and entered the Throne of Heroic Spirits."

"emmmmm... Altria after the FSN line."

"Although I don't know what the FSN line you are talking about, is it really okay to recruit us without establishing enough bonds with us? Anyway, we are the kings in history, neither lacking ambition nor lacking The ability to put our ambitions into practice. If we let us play freely, it will only make your empire full of flames." Arturia (lancer) looked at Li Ping seriously.

"Regarding this, except for the weirdness of Marshal Jill, most of the existences that can become heroic spirits have enough goodwill and sense of responsibility for human beings. Therefore, when you come to my side and see the work I have to do, You will take the initiative to participate. Therefore, although it is a pity that you lack the experience of establishing bonds with you, in a sense, it is unnecessary." Li Ping shook his head.

"What... are you facing?"

"It's nothing more than protecting human civilization from countless natural disasters and man-made disasters." Li Ping said lightly, and then with a wave of his hand, the borders of the empire were attacked by various evil gods, wild natural disaster creatures (such as insect swarms), attacks by space monsters, and chaos pollution. , Civil war among careerists, etc. are projected in mid-air. "This world needs more heroes. Compared with the immature new generation, you guys who have grown up are more suitable to boost their morale and lead them to..."

"Boss?" A child's voice interrupted Li Ping's words.

"What's the matter?" Li Ping hesitated, turning his head to look at Alaya who was grabbing the corner of his clothes.

"Something went wrong..." Alaya said pitifully. "After a total of 42 heroic spirits, including the initial 72 heroic spirits, were transferred away, because you, the boss, intervened in the process of historical closure here as an existence beyond the power of historical revision, the subsequent singularity and Chaldea's impact on human beings There is a big moth in the correction of the burnout."


"According to our estimates, the Heroic Spirit we sent should be the "final result" after completing the correction of the final "Humanism Burning". But we underestimated the influence of you, boss."

"The timeline has ended, right?" Li Ping scratched his head.

"That's right, the heroic projection that was supposed to complete its mission at the singularity disappeared." Alaya looked at the sky speechlessly. "Singularity F, before Professor Leif could say a word to Saber, she suddenly disappeared, leaving only Professor Lefe holding the Holy Grail with a dazed face.

Then the other six servants who noticed that there was a third-party force involved rubbed against the ground, and the formation of the singularity was stuck like this. "

"...Oh." The corner of Li Ping's mouth twitched.

"So about fixing the singularity for me first?" Alaya smiled awkwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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