The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 805 782 The First War Against the Evil God (1)

Chapter 805 782 The First War Against the Evil God ([-])

"Then, let's get started, the final strengthening of my current stage." Li Ping said these words at the UEG summit meeting on the seventh day after his return ten years after his departure.

"I always feel that you have changed a lot."

"It's just that I found my own path." Li Ping shrugged his shoulders. "The moment the enemy arrives, I will ascend to the throne of heaven. Before that, UEG will transform into a powerful empire with me as the emperor, and the name of the country will be changed to the Holy Britannian Empire. The empire is unified. Considering the arrival time of Gauze Nicholas, this time limit is only seven days."

"This is simply impossible! Although we are ready to transform into a powerful government, we will change along with the state system and push you to the position of emperor..."

"About this, you can choose me to take my troops and my empire to crush this place and then reassemble it. With Stasia's golden fleet, I think the time can be compressed to three days." Li Ping said calmly. Looking at the Britannian Empire politician who spoke.

Well, the Emperor is still Reinhardt.

"...I see, the enthronement ceremony will be in five days."

"Based on the current Britannian Empire..."

"No, the Holy Britannian Empire will send a teaching mission, and at the same time, the state church will also start missionary operations."

"State religion?"

"That's right, but just watch it, don't mention it in front of me, I'm not thick-skinned enough to look at that without changing my face."

"Understood, I will arrange it."

"Then the next item, about the configuration of the attack force..."


Fourteen days passed in a flash, and Li Ping, who was asleep, was awakened by the siren of the Destiny Fortress.

"It's...a familiar smell." Li Ping opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Mars.

There, countless portals opened from the subspace were opened, and thousands of warships poured out of that ominous space and gathered in the orbit of Mars.

The UEG stationed near Mars... No, now the Imperial Fleet launched an anti-ship battle almost immediately, but it was another bitter battle.

Because the opponent is too big, so big that it is necessary to use the axis cannon as conventional firepower.

Among them, the opponent's flagship is a huge [-]-kilometer-class battleship with a very strong shield. As the flagship of the Mars Garrison Army, a wave cannon equipped with a wave cannon fired by the battleship didn't even break the opponent's shield.

"Flagship 30, 240km class, about 800 capital ships, ranging from 600km to [-]km, thousands of frigates, ranging from [-]m to [-]m." Li Ping looked at Miri with a dark face. "Have you confirmed the true body of the enemy? It shouldn't be the army of Sabu Nicholas, right?"

"If my memory of playing board games in college is not messed up...the enemy is the army of Warmaster Horus, that ship should be the Vengeful Spirit, and the coat of arms of Horus is still on it." Misato Take out the profile picture.

"...In other words, the enemy is the forces of Chaos? Horus's legion is leading the vanguard for Gauze Nicholas? Don't you think it's embarrassing for the Emperor?" Li Ping frowned.

"Could he be more embarrassing?" Misato tilted her head. The Horus Rebellion was a 55-day rebellion. Horus himself was hacked to death by the emperor. Prove your allegiance to Chaos.

...thank someone who can explain what this is?

Li Ping, who didn't read much about Warhammer, blinked innocently. His knowledge of the background story of Warhammer was limited to golden toilets and other rotten memes.

And the feeling that soldiers and chess pieces are really expensive.

"Can you fight?" Li Ping decided to take some time to read the novels here.

"It's still evenly divided, there's no need to show your hole cards." Misato's expression remained the same. Now the old fleet relying on non-wave cannons (although it is also a new fleet that has only been built in recent years) can barely fight against the ones that jumped out of Mars orbit. The casualties of the suspected Horus fleet are still within an acceptable range.

"Then very good. Before Gauze Nicholas reaches the final line of defense, I will continue to prepare for my full liberation." Li Ping understood.

Not long ago, under the bewildered gaze of the public, UEG Lightspeed transformed into the Holy Britannian Empire, and at that time, Li Ping squatted in the Fortress of Destiny and began to accumulate spiritual power to fight for his own against the gods prepare for.

The general fleet fought against the enemy's peripheral troops, while Li Ping's troops and ace troops fought against the enemy's elite troops.

In this situation, there is really no way to fight Tian Ji's horse-racing tactics. The opponent is fine. If the final defense line is breached and the evil god army breaks into the final defense line and hits the faces of the people, it will be meaningless to win in the end. , because I am afraid that all the civilians will die by then.

And during this period, Li Ping may also have to be distracted to purify the pollution on the civilians. In this way, the battle between the king and the general will not be able to be fought.

Therefore, you can only fight against the target and fight against the opponent.

"A head-to-head battle is really unsightly." Cornelia leaned on Li Ping's shoulder. Because of the complete release of power, Li Ping has now swelled into a muscular giant with a height of more than four meters. "By the way, your muscles are not beautiful either."

"If you have time to complain about my muscles, why don't you take the time to unify the thoughts of this world? It's hard to get stuck on the progress bar." Li Ping muttered softly.

"Although you have experienced a lot of things here, the number of times you have shown your face is still relatively small. This step is almost the limit." Cornelia spread her hands. "However, thanks to the Horus fleet, the ideological trend is much more unified than before."

"That is to say, can we only gamble for the last time?"


"Okay." Li Ping opened his eyes and looked down at the others. "I don't know why, but I always feel that this battle may be anticlimactic."

"Is the crisis level anticlimactic? Do you have any premonition?"

"When I was releasing my spiritual power, I kept thinking about a problem." Li Ping looked towards the sky. In the orbit of Mars, the total number of imperial fleets was as many as [-] full-scale fleets, and the total number of fleets was nearly [-] warships of various types. .Prior to this, hundreds of warships of various types had been lost.


"If every coming-of-age ceremony had to kill an evil god..." Li Ping's expression was a little subtle. "It seems that the evil god is not enough..."


"I actually don't think I'm so good... Damn, I was stabbed! You have all been promoted now, and it hurts me to stab me! Anyway, I always think that I am just a middle-aged person, and then When I was a demigod, I dared to blow up one of the three pillar gods into hemiplegia for several years, so when I really ascended to the throne of heaven, my coming-of-age ceremony can only be said by blowing one of the three pillar gods back to the mother's womb, right?
So what are other people, I mean people who are better than me, doing?Or in the multiverse, evil gods like the Three Pillars are actually wholesale? "

"You don't have to think too much." Naiyazi walked out of the subspace. "We are still discussing what kind of thing you are, your strength growth curve is not normal at all.

You haven't realized it yet, the mission worlds you have been to are purely technological worlds except for the forbidden magic and the god of death. It's completely crooked to mix in a transcendent like you, but in these two worlds you He has soared directly from a mortal to a demigod, and is even short of the last step to complete the final transformation..."

Naiyako shook his head.

"You're destroying our common sense."



"It's fine if it's abnormal." Li Ping nodded clearly. "If I'm too strong, I'm better than the three pillars on the opposite side."

(End of this chapter)

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