The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

779 Chapter 756 is an enemy or a friend

779 Chapter 756 is an enemy or a friend
Then, the sun rose three poles.

"The permission to land was not granted until the next day. This base is really..." Arthur complained with some displeasure.

"No way, this port was actually occupied a few days ago." Captain Kurades comforted his deputy. "Cleaning the battlefield also takes time. In addition, we arrived a little late. At night, a group of foreign personnel who are not familiar with the place of life strolled around the newly occupied base. It is also more prone to accidents."

"Indeed..." Arthur thought for a while.

"Speaking of which, this is more or less a military port, right?" Li Ping looked at the people crawling on the fence around the port. "There are so many civilians lying on the hillside outside the port and on the fence to look inside the port... Are the troops here really not afraid of leaking secrets?"

"...That's right, why are there so many people?" Arthur also saw the dense crowd of human heads around the base.

Walking towards the port residential area, several people heard the sound of music and cheers from the crowd in the distance.

Then, the complexions of several people turned subtle—I'm afraid it wasn't that Mia held a concert here again.

While using fake Lux to slightly increase the happiness and morale of ZAFT soldiers, at the same time give eye drops to two UACEs who just returned to ZAFT, Durandal, are you sure this is a good deal?
Under the shadow of a container, Li Ping and his group watched Mia Campbell's performance.

There is one thing to say, Mia's singing skills and stage performance are really good. Even if there are some dance moves with relatively large movements, she can maintain smooth breathing so as not to affect her singing voice.

It is a professional level. When talking with Lacus some time ago, Lacus also thought that Mia Campbell's stage performance skills are already stronger than her own in terms of stage performances with the same physical fitness.

At least, with the same physical fitness, I can't dance and sing at the same time.

When the concert was about to end, Li Ping felt something in his heart and looked towards the hillside outside the base.

I saw a girl with short blonde hair, a beautiful woman in a black-haired suit, and a person who looked exactly like me.

"Talia, I'm going out for a while." Li Ping greeted and disappeared from the spot.

"Have a drink?" Li Ping appeared behind the three of them.

The beauty in the suit and the young man turned his head to look at Li Ping who suddenly appeared behind him.

"When did you...?" The two turned their heads to look inside the base in horror, and sure enough, the person had disappeared. "What's happening here?"

"Well, it's just Shunpo." Li Ping looked at the youth version of himself curiously. "Let's go, I see there is a pretty good clean room over there."

--in the bar--

"So you used the photocopied culture of the cells in the blood left by me before I went to the Archangel to report on the Archangel in January CE71, and the Natal No. 1 unit was cultured at the same time as the No. [-] unit? And this child is the last survivor of this group of enhanced human drivers." After listening to the story, Li Ping gently put down his wine glass.

"That's right." Natal Unit [-] sighed. "We were supposed to be destroyed, but the consortium took a fancy to our ability and kept us."

"Destroy..." Thinking that a bunch of clones of himself or Natal might be destroyed, Li Ping felt uncomfortable.

"Besides, I'm not No. 17," Natal's photocopier continued. "If you number them in the order of unfreezing, I am NO.[-]."

"...???" Li Ping tilted his head, this is a bit out of line again. Sure enough, let's open Wushuang to grab people first, right?

"Don't show this expression of "No one can touch my women, I will rescue them all." Natal was actually disgusted by the No.17 machine. "I know that our prototype is with you, and number two is staying with Orb, but it doesn't mean that the other 15 of us have to follow you. Even if you have some influence in Orb and Plant, we are now the Atlantic Fifteen colonels and captains of the No.80-Mobile Space Fleet of the Federal Army, although their backgrounds are rather embarrassing, they are also senior officers with real power.

It can't be that after our prototype falls in love with you after all kinds of hardships, we photocopiers can only choose to commit ourselves to you, right? "

"Emmmmm..." But even though I said so, if this kind of situation is thrown into the novel, it will be a poisonous point, it will be sprayed, and I will be very upset.

"Unlike No. 17 who has to rely on you to get out of the fate of a combat tool, our current situation is actually quite good. Although our background is embarrassing, we have also established a certain network in the Atlantic Federation. Over time, we will always break free from the consortium. Shackles." Machine No. [-] said seriously.

"The momentum is very good." Li Ping nodded, yes, Natal's standard iron-blooded soldier character, how could her photocopier come up and ask her to save her life.

"But in fact, it's still in your favor." NO.17 vented his aura, and turned his head to look out the window with some reluctance. "Senator Frey Aleister has won us normal military positions, instead of being treated as expendable equipment like this child."

"A digression..." Li Ping's 18-year-old photocopier suddenly said. "You and I are really the same person? Unlike other photocopiers, I actually don't have your memory. Although the combat talent, physical data and records are consistent, when we actually met, I thought that we are not at all. alone."

"It's really not alone." Li Ping affirmed his statement about the photocopier. "But because it involves worldview issues, I can't give you a specific statement for the time being.

You just need to know that you are a talented driver with an independent personality. "

"This statement makes me slightly uncomfortable. We are not independent after co-authoring, right?" NO.17 slapped the table.

"If you are not independent, what did you tell me just now?" Li Ping laughed. "If you are not an independent individual, An Xin will wait for me to save you soon? Isn't it natural for me to save my wife?"

"Tch..." NO.17 snorted unhappily when he realized that he had set himself up.

After chatting casually for a while, Li Ping watched the three drive away.

"Is it really not going to be saved?" Thalia came out from the side alley of the bar. "Based on your possessiveness, you probably won't let Miss Bucky Lulu's photocopies go outside, right? And if you confront them at that time, there will be a lot of problems between everyone, right?"

"Have you forgotten what I plan to do in the next stage?" Li Ping showed a funny smile.

"..." Talia lost her voice for a moment.Oh, I forgot that this guy is going to the Atlantic Federation to make trouble next time.

In this way, the No.80 Mobile Army soon became his army?

(End of this chapter)

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