The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 741 718 The decisive battle that hit the face 02

Chapter 741 718 The decisive battle that hit the face 02
In the next week, Li Ping went to Iskandar to discuss with Stasia about the production of the mass-produced wave gun carrier ship.

There is no other reason. The wave cannon, a star destroyer that can be carried on a 300-meter battleship, is easy to use and has too many side effects.

A small amount of use is good, but excessive use can tear multidimensional space and cause hyperspace channel instability, and heavy responsibility can tear the regular space of the universe and connect regular space with subspace, attracting subspace demons and causing subspace pollution disasters by the way.

After discussing for a while, the two found out helplessly that, not to mention the new and old grudges between Li Ping and the other side, but just for the safety of their precious daughter, this wave gun fleet should be built or had to be built.

As a result, two kinds of wave gun battleships and one large battleship accessories, which are quite inelegant according to Iskandar's traditional aesthetics, were sent to Iskandar's self-discipline factory.

One is a large battleship Chunlan class with a length of nearly 600 meters, five quadruple 510mm positron impact main guns, four 305mm quadruple positron impact secondary guns, triple new wave guns in the bow, and small positron impact guns in the stern Diffusion wave cannon, Wude is quite abundant.

One is the 300-meter-class Ark Royal-class multi-purpose cruiser, with three 356mm triple-mounted positron radio frequency guns, two triple-mounted 203mm positron impact secondary guns, and a new wave gun at the bow.

The last one is a 200-meter-long large box-type storage that can be mounted on the side of the ship carrying the wave engine.

Speaking of Ganaku, this kind of thing with a total length of over 200's hard to call it a ship is actually a transport ship with independent wave engines, independent shields, independent life support systems, simple cockpit and simple electronic equipment.In an emergency, this thing can even make short jumps.

The number of aircraft carried in a single hangar even reached an astonishing 200 aircraft.The huge double-deck hangar is an excellent choice for carrying carrier-based aircraft, transporting supplies during wartime, or temporarily transforming it into a refugee ship when running away.

After playing with Little Artoria for two days, Li Ping returned to Earth, and brought his four strongest thugs and the twelve newly promoted heroines selected not long ago to kill Towards the core area of ​​the deep-occupied area of ​​the Pacific Ocean, Li Ping kicked into the Starkiller Fortress amidst the screams of "My old lady's unscathed save file!!!!" In the three rooms and one living room built in the sea, it opened the prelude to the second deep sea war.

Because the specific reason for the war has been given to all the people on the front line like the admiral who have huge military power, the prelude to the second deep-sea war is even more exaggerated than the most anxious time of the first deep-sea war.

After all, the UEG's armament has been updated for two generations, and there are not thousands of ships.

The former super ace pilots, and now the admirals of the first-line tutelary mansion, after becoming admirals, are strengthened by linking the spiritual network between the ship's mother and the admiral. The more ships are linked, the stronger the link is. The stronger the boost you get.

For example, Soma Piris, the pilot of the strongest Human Revolutionary League, who used to be able to punch supersonic fists with her strengthened body, with the blessing of the ship's mother, her physical strength is close to that of Li Ping's daily state.

It was such a group of former ace pilots who had been buffed, they drove out UEG spared no expense to develop a special mobile suit for this kind of admiral, and entered the deep sea occupied area together with the ship girls under their command.

And behind them are the reconstructed UEG navy and the UEG space fleet that descended from space to perform fire support and guarantee air supremacy in the air.

However, even with such a group of gods, the battle reports that could be written during the second deep sea war were probably like this.

In 2326 AD, the bloody battle.On the 59th hour after the start of the war, Zhongqi Ji DS-3 Starkiller Fortress was sunk.

In February 2327, an unknown fleet called the Sea Fog Fleet appeared. Its appearance is mainly the appearance of warships during World War II and World War I. There are also ship types of the 2st and 21nd centuries, but the number is relatively small.

It once hacked the communication network of the earth circle, and made a speech similar to the deep sea that "demands that human beings give up the ocean".

Then it fought with the naval fleet that was gearing up and hadn't hit normal targets for some years.

I can't beat you and I can't beat you.jpg
In 2328, bloody battle.That same year, the Fog Fleet surrendered.

In 2329, the last Qi Ji behind her, the Southern Qi Ji World Destroyer Fortress was sunk, and the second deep sea war ended with the victory of the human side.

The only threat in the solar system is the ELS.


"That's why you have more than one division under your command?" Ikari, who had returned from Jupiter, tapped Li Ping on the head.

"It's like this when snowballing against deep-sea warfare..." Li Ping is also very big-headed. In a sense, the ship mother is a creature like a baby bird, which is difficult to deal with, whether it is built or "fished". The ship girl who got up, only after the admiral made a move to make the ship girl who was downline so low that she was downright sad, the ship girl would choose to break the thought link with the admiral.

In addition, the ship girl will have almost absolute loyalty to the admiral throughout her life.

If the admiral refuses to join the tutelary fort after the birth of the frigate girl, most of the frigate girls will even choose to sink near the tutelary fort instead of wandering or joining other tutelary forts.

This led to the warlordization of the Admiral-Town Guard House, which once plagued UEG for a long time.

Because the ship girl only listens to the admiral's orders, and doesn't listen to the UEG command at all.

As for the special unit like the tutelary mansion, which may exist for a long time, unless the ship is sunk, the combat power of this unit will continue to increase.

UEG didn't worry about this issue until after someone suppressed a certain second-hand tutelary mansion that was openly occupying land as king with one sword.

Don't make trouble, no matter how strong you are, you can't beat that Mr. Li. You stand on your own as the king, and he will kill you on the back. If you kill the canteen eggs, you will shake them yellow, and you are worried about the warlordization of a fart.

In addition, there is actually another thing that few people know.

That is, on the day the Sea Mist Fleet arrived on Earth, they actually fought against someone like Li and the Deep Sea Fleet.

On that day, someone Li was leading his subordinates to expand to the Thirteen Taibao's starship girls directly under the troops of the northern Qiji, the battleship Qiji, the harbor Qiji, and the elite deep-sea fleet directly under them.

The two sides raised their knives and dropped their guns, cutting all the way from the Arctic Circle to the Antarctic Circle, and from the Antarctic Circle back to the East Asian coastal waters, just in time to meet the sea fog and the Pacific Fleet surfaced.

The battleship Qi Ji, which would not have been sunk so early, was kicked in the abdomen by Li Ping and flew backwards. It was only slightly injured.However, it directly hit the ship of the Kaiwu super crossbow-class warship floating on the sea, the hull of the Yamato during the Pacific region.

The battleship-class Klein was able to withstand the impact of the battleship Qi Ji very well.

Surprised that he finally had a place to borrow his strength, Li Ping was very happy. He turned on the instant mode and rushed up directly. He bumped his knee into the face of the battleship Qi Ji, and the super huge kinetic energy was connected with the battleship Qi Ji. After smashing through Yamato's Klein stand and the main armor belt of the ship, it pierced through the Klein stand and armor belt on the other side of the ship.

Before Yamato was shocked, Li Ping grabbed the battleship Qihime by the ankle, and like a sledgehammer, he threw the battleship Qihime towards the processing core and completely overloaded it. The ship landed on the top of the bridge, smashed through the stand, smashed out from the bottom of the ship, smashed through the stand, and rushed into the bottom of the sea.

Li didn't think much, and swooped down, and opened a hole for Musashi from top to bottom. A few seconds later, the battleship Qi Ji was kicked out from the bottom of the sea again, directly smashing through Nagato's hull and flying into the sky …Li didn't let the sea fog fleet become brittle until it was tossed so hard by these two people that it couldn't take a stand.

Of course, it is also related to Li who finally broke the shield of the battleship Qi Ji, which is an eclipse-class super star destroyer, and sank it with a simple slash. The Sunstrider Super Star Destroyer.

Li, who was a little tired after the fight, ignored the sea fog fleet that was destroyed into rags, and left with the Eight Heavenly Kings at that time and the Sunstrider that had just been scooped up.

This incident, which can be called an indiscriminate disaster, also became one of the opportunities for the Sea Fog Fleet to surrender in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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