Chapter 73

"Captain, there are shadows of ships nearby. Three Bozgrove-class ships are shooting mobile suits."

"The first combat configuration of the entire ship, confirm the total number of enemy aircraft. Major Bucky Lulu!"

"Understood, the full attack system is activated, the ECM and ECCM are the largest, and the mobile suit team is dispatched. Second Lieutenant Yamato responds according to Plan 34. Captain Li and Lieutenant Colonel Flagg prepare Plan 6 to respond."

"Enemy ship, MS shooting completed. ZAFT Army's new MS Gaze, number 16, ZAFT Army's self-produced G series, number 4, approaching from three directions."

"It's all new machines? It's terrible... It will be a tough battle. I look forward to your hard work. Just stick to the Tropic of Cancer and enter the Alaskan air defense circle."

"...Hey, don't set up the Flag." The Holy Shield was ejected from the ship and hovered directly above the Archangel.

"This battle is not easy to fight..." The G-Jean driven by Lieutenant Colonel Flagg finally didn't have to drag the wires to use the beam rifle.Because Plant provided the energy clip technology for the beam rifle... Now the three mobile suits on the Archangel all use clip-powered beam rifles.

"The smoke spreads, and the Holy Shield begins to observe the shooting coordinates. Assault prepares for shelling, and Gottfeld takes aim."

"Wow... Kira-kun, this new OS works really well." Li Ping locked on all 23 targets including the ZAFT warship in the air.After upgrading the OS, central processing unit, radar system and optical system of the MS, the Holy Shield can now track 150 targets at the same time, lock 50 of them and attack ten of them.

"The attack begins!"

According to the coordinates provided by Li Ping, the Archangel and the assault of the high-energy pulse gun powered by the Archangel began to shell.

"All MISS?"

"That is to's not an ordinary enemy..." Lieutenant Colonel Flagg had a headache for a while, and then he was taken aback, looking in one direction. "...Kruse is here too? With those four mechas?"

"Cut, quickly replace the equipment on the strike. The Archangel's counterattack begins, Winbart reloads all the ammunition, and the shooting begins!" Major Bucky Lulu quickly changed his tactics. "Lieutenant Colonel Flagg escorted the Archangel, especially to protect the engines. Captain Li and Second Lieutenant Yamato destroyed the enemy planes to open the way for the Archangel."

"Tough battle... Kira-kun, be careful. Let's go." The holy shield and the dressed up striker stepped forward first.

Then the two were forced back by dense and precise beams.

"I'm XXXX..." Li Ping scolded his mother loudly. "Is it the ace of all the members on the opposite side! What a hatred!"

"It seems so..." Kira hid behind the shield and sniped the enemy plane one after another.

"It's troublesome..." Li Ping dodged a bunch of light beams, and the holy shield held up the shield, facing the shooting of a red and black Gates, knocking the Gates off the flying pedal.Then the attack shield with his right hand shot down continuously, breaking Gates' right hand and head.After obtaining the control authority of the flight pedal, the missile of the flight pedal is fired at the white Gates next to it, and then accelerates towards another orange Gates.

And Kira, after shooting down a crimson Gates, was entangled by another black Gates.

"The battle against ships has begun, Major Bucky Lulu, sink the enemy mothership!"

"Understood, Gottfeld and Hell Dart continue to attack the air, the rear missile launch tube is half loaded with "Sledgehammer" anti-ship missiles, and Variant is targeting the enemy ship. The attack begins."

"It's not good..." Li Ping shuttled back and forth in the light beam.The two attack shields discarded the empty magazines, and the auxiliary mechanical arm behind the back took out two spare magazines and loaded them. "Kira, you go and deal with the G series, I'll hold these trash."

After reloading the magazine, the Holy Shield rushed forward, and the left hand shield hit a green Gates stiffly, and the beam of the right hand shot continuously, breaking the Gates.


"It doesn't matter, G is a bigger threat than Gates, go quickly. I'll go there after I solve these." Holy Shield dodged two beam hook claws.Knock down the white Gates with a backhand.

"Bastard, don't... I'm X..." A yellow Gates just wanted to pursue it, but it was kicked in the waist by the Holy Shield, and then its hands and legs were cut off by two swords.

"There are still six machines..." Li Ping panted slightly, the physical exertion in this kind of battle is still a bit high.


"Lock on the alarm? Behind?" Saint Shield turned around sharply, aiming at Gates who was aiming at himself behind.Then the left arm that was protected by the Holy Shield was hit by the Gates at the elbow joint, and the Gates was hit on the upper right side of the torso, and Gates crashed while exploding. "Cut... the remaining energy..."

Holy Shield jumped up from the flight pedal. While giving up the flight pedal, Holy Shield let the flight pedal push it to the maximum, and directly hit a dark gray Gates.

"Four machines..." Li Ping glanced left and right at the four Gates looking for an opportunity. "Hold on... Sheng Shield Sauce... There is still a little while..."

After a short confrontation, a light red Gates took the lead, lit up its lightsaber, and charged forward, followed by the remaining three Gates.

"Those three deep purple Gates... hit red first." Li Ping forcibly saw the shadow of the big demon in the three Gates rushing towards him in a row.

Lighting up the toe lightsaber, the body of the Holy Shield sank at the moment it crossed the red Gates, and a sweeping leg cut the red Gates in half.Then the maximum thrust of the leg thrusters was injected, a front flip stepped on the head of the first purple Gates, the attack shield lit the lightsaber and cut off the right hand and head of the second Gates with a sword, and then pushed the knee to the first Gates The cockpits of three Gates.Turning around and aiming at the cockpit of the first purple Gates, Li Ping frowned, and then aimed at Gates' limbs.After four consecutive shots broke Gates' limbs, he transformed into a MA and rushed back to the Archangel.

"Energy remaining 35%... The knee joint is slightly faulty, the reserve magazine is 0, and the remaining ammo is 4 rounds... The energy of the body should be able to support one or two rounds of Kraken double-phase energy cannon..." At the aiming distance of the Holy Shield, Li Ping aimed at the storm closest to him.

"Go down and take a bath!" The three limbs of the holy shield spread out, and after a short charge, the multi-phase energy cannon fired, melting away the legs of the storm and the flying pedals under his feet.

"Come from behind? The Gates team is all wiped out?" Diaka turned his head in disbelief.

"Diaka! Damn it..." Yitzhak controlled the duel and turned to face the Holy Shield. "A mere prototype!"

"The prototype is the strongest!" Sheng Shield lit up the lightsaber on his toes and swept it on the shoulder shield of the duel.

"What did you say!" Duel drew out his lightsaber and slashed at the leg of the Holy Shield.

Li Ping manipulated the body to lean back to avoid the beam saber, turned around and kicked Duel's head with his left foot.Kicked Duel off the flight pedal, followed by a burst of fire that shattered the missile pod on Duel's right shoulder.

"Cut... I have no energy..." Li Ping turned his head and flew in the direction of the attack.

Kruse and Flagg went somewhere to chat on the public frequency again, and the little angel disappeared.

Aslan's body was lying on the ground, and Kira pointed at the cockpit with a beam boomerang.

"Captain, what's the situation? What's the next step?" Saint Shield landed next to the assault. "Are we going to capture this hapless boy again? Huh?"

"Aslan, leave!" Xunlei, who was left with only his right hand, disarmed the mirage system and rushed over with the propeller.

"...I'm going to this brat!!!"

 Thanks to eva_xy for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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