The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 702 686 The Flying Henan Man (Fog)

Chapter 702 686 The Flying Henan Man (Fog)
——About 12 minutes ago, when the Mobile Fortress first floated—

"In the combat area, four large enemy mobile fortresses appeared, and now our army's MS troops are in a hard fight."

"Following up, a group of enemy mobile suits appeared, with more than 60 units in number."

"Fight hard? Aren't our army's mobile suit units equipped with a large number of new machines using Zenith technology? Will they face a hard fight against the old-age machines of the remnants of the AEU?" The commander raised his eyebrows. "Call over the image of the enemy Mobile Fortress."

"Understood." The staff officer operated a bit, and the real-time video of the aerial photography was transferred to the command platform. MS is regarded as the opposite sex, the infantry is a stickman, the infantry equipped with individual armor is a strong villain, and so on.There is no intuitive understanding of the power of the mobile fortress.

"This kind of firepower..." the staff officer gasped. "Did they install the axle-class accelerated particle cannon on the Mobile Fortress?"

"Not only that, it seems that we still have internal problems." Okita Shisan watched the soaring environmental detection value and his eyes twitched. "Report to the Central Command, mark this data, and then send this video."

"M particle? What is this?" the staff officer asked curiously.

"Minovsky particle, a particle of alien technology, has a wide range of uses. It is a special particle that can be used from wide-area full-channel interference to beam weaponization. However, if it is put into use, it will cause our own The equipment had to be replaced in a large area, and its power was about the same as our commonly used particle beams, so it was not promoted.

However, prototypes of equipment capable of producing such particles should only be available in a few domestic military laboratories. Okita Shisan took a sip of his pipe. "Let the first wave of bombing troops return to equip with ship-to-MS equipment to assist in attacking the enemy's troops.

Also, sound the battle siren, will the fleet be far behind when the enemy's mobile fortress is on the scene? "

"Could it be those scientists who defected two years ago..." the staff officer asked in a low voice,
"There is absolutely no such possibility." Okita Shisan shook his head. "Those people have all gone to heaven and man, and you know the quality of the body of heaven and man. Isn't that special particle more convenient than Minovsky particle?"

"that's true…"

"Commander, the mobile suit team in battle has sent a request for fire support."

"Let the fire support ship start fire support. The fleet will head to the enemy base as scheduled. In addition, let the second wave of attack teams speed up the attack. I remember that there is a brigade of Iron Man High Mobility Type B on the transport ship behind, right? If it can If it is floating on the ground, can it work on the sea?"

"Technically, there is no problem, but the high-mobility B-type design is used on land, and seawater may corrode the parts of the body and reduce the service life of the body."

"Now that we have a satellite factory, what productivity do we still lack? If we can, let them attack and destroy the four mobile fortresses first." Okita Shisan waved his hand.

"Understood." The staff officer nodded, turned around and walked to the communication officer's position. "Contact the Odyssey and the transport ship Homer, and the No.70 Seventh Cavalry Brigade dispatched all aircraft to assist the troops that have already landed to attack the four mobile fortresses and the follow-up enemy MS. The No.13 frigate group is covering.

Contact Catapult No. [-], and start long-range fire cover according to the requirements of the front landing force.


After the order was issued, the two giant transport ships at the rear of the fleet began to slow down, and the folding hatches on the upper deck of the hull slowly opened, revealing more than 600 Ironman MK8s of various models transported in each hull cabin, most of which were It is a high-mobility Type B type.

(1050 high mobility TypeB, 120 high mobility TypeA, 24 bombardment type, 12 anti-aircraft type.)
After receiving the order, the combat alarms sounded in the two transport ships. The ground crews in the transport ships started to run and began to warm up the mobile suits, while the pilots took the time to put on their driving suits and head to the canteen inside the ship. Start a simple combat briefing.

Not far from these two ships, a large battleship with a simplified appearance also sounded the battle alarm. This kind of ship uses a wave-piercing hull, the freeboard is only more than three meters high, and the superstructure has a low hull in the middle of the hull. Apart from the hexagonal inclination bridge, there is only a group of invisible small chimneys at the tail of the hull.

However, this large warship with a length of 500 meters has 800 large general-purpose vertical launching ports piled up in other positions. basic equipment.


In a sense, a salvo of this ship can almost destroy a small country.

(After applying Zenith Star technology, the cost of Tomahawk S is almost 300 million imperial coins. If all Tomahawk S is loaded, a ship can carry 9600, and the total cost is about 288 billion imperial coins. Slightly higher GDP for one year in Cambodia.)
After confirming the relay guidance and attack coordinates, the vertical launching device of the arsenal ship opened the missile launch port, and the cruise missiles were launched into the air at a rate of four per second, heading towards the distant target.

"Huh?" A CIC member on the flagship made a puzzled voice.

"What's wrong?" The deputy captain walked behind him.

"The signal of No. [-] underwater unmanned detector is cut off." The CIC member turned to look at the deputy captain.

"No. [-]... this area? It's a bit sensitive. Let's launch three more scouts. During the battle, encountering enemy attacks is the priority." The deputy captain glanced at the nearby map in his hand and recalled four The responsible area of ​​No. Detective.

"Understood, launch a new scout." The flagship's general-purpose missile launch tube launched three more launch vehicles carrying scouts.

"...I think there should be no need for a detective device." The deputy chief pursed his lips. "The enemy fleet appears! Prepare for combat against ships and submarines!"

At the position where the No. 11 scout lost contact, that is, the direction of the fleet at 50 o'clock, at a distance of [-] kilometers, the entire fleet broke through the water surface and rushed up from the bottom of the water like the flying Henan Ren.

In this fleet there are ships with the characteristics of conventional surface ships, ships with obvious characteristics of spaceships, and ships with obvious characteristics of submarines.Even, in the center of the fleet, the third ship of the Doros-class giant space carrier built by the Principality of Zeon, which disappeared ten years ago, was also found.

God knows how AEU transported a 2800-meter-long space carrier to the bottom of the sea. That ship should only be designed to be used in space, right? .

"..." Well-informed and well-informed Admirals like the Thirteenth Okita all opened their mouths, watching this spectacular scene.

I've never seen this before.JPG
(End of this chapter)

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