The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 692 676 Interception

Chapter 692 676 Interception
"It's no loss that the AEU's armament has resisted the tactical forecaster of the Human Revolutionary Union for a year. It is really an accurate tactical forecast." Tieria evaluated the time and found that according to the timetable given by Katimanekin, he Not only can you get to the battle position on time, but also make the appearance more dramatic.

"That's right, this General Manekin is the pride of our AEU, if it wasn't for those damn nobles and religious forces making trouble..."

"That will not delay the demise of the AEU."

"...Uh, yes." The corner of Neil's mouth twitched. It was the education in the occupied area rather than the resistance of the AEU that limited the speed of the HUMAN's advance.

"Then, Neil Dirandy, Gundam Seraph, aim and shoot!" Seraph raised the large GN sniper rifle, and the lens in the high-performance optical sight on the rifle adjusted the focus several times, and quickly captured the approaching The figure of the enemy plane.

Then, Neil pushed the button on the joystick, and a pink beam shot out from the muzzle.

...the beam is then bent by the magnetic field near the high-orbit ring.

"Shot crooked! Shot crooked!" the external intelligent unit "Hello" in the Cherubic cockpit, which assists Cheryl to control the body, bluffed gloatingly.

"...The magnetic field near the high-orbit ring, correct it."

"Correcting! Correcting!"

With the assistance of the onboard small quantum computer, the influence of the magnetic field on the Gn particle beam was quickly resolved.

"Then, snipe again!" The screen in front of Neil Dirandy quickly displayed the real-time predicted trajectory of the beam.The Angel Gundam fired again, knocking down the enemy plane at a speed of one or two shots.

"The trajectory of the enemy plane changed, and it hid behind the high orbit ring."

"This side is also changing the orbit." Neil controlled the cherub to accelerate the height of the body's orbit.

"...Even this step has been counted? It's really a tactical forecast..." Tieria said with emotion after experiencing the role of a tactical forecaster in actual combat for the first time.

Just now, Tieria thought that he needed to change his plan. After all, based on the terrorist's straight trajectory, the attack location should be 500 meters below the planned location.

And just now, as the terrorist's body changed its orbit and flew above the high-orbit ring, the terrorist's expected attack target is probably the upper part of the high-orbit space station, which is the terrorist attack predicted by Katie Manekin in front of the position.

"It's just a prophecy..." Tieria sighed.

"It's just speculation on the enemy's behavior based on intelligence, it's no big deal. The Skynet system you developed should also be based on a basic theory, right?" Katimanekin seemed to send out at a glance. Li Ping was also emotional. "It's just that the Skynet system analyzes massive amounts of data, while our tactical forecasters use psychology, tactical command, and other theoretical foundations, as well as necessary information, to form a certain intuition in our minds that can be expressed. That's all."

"Enemy plane, the torpedo is in the firing position!" In the command hall of the Human Revolutionary Union's high-orbit warfare, the operator reported loudly.

"CIWS system, attack!"

"Enemy aircraft is in a firing prohibited area, CIWS cannot fire!"

"Damn it, inputting the firing restriction release key is more important here than destroying one or two power-generating satellites." The commander of the lieutenant colonel unbuttoned his collar and pulled out a key that was hung around his neck.Walking quickly to one of the operators, he opened a cover, revealing the keyhole inside.

The operator also pulled out a key from his neck and inserted it into a keyhole in front of him.

"Secret key?" The operator looked at the lieutenant colonel.

The "W332A" lieutenant colonel glanced at the secret key written on the key, and the operator quickly entered the lieutenant colonel's secret key, and then entered his own corresponding secret key.


"2, 1, turn!"

The two turned the key at the same time, and the CIWS's shooting angle restriction was lifted.

The remaining two mob-type and three Jetrati combat pods quickly approached the high-orbit station.

Two anti-ship torpedo launchers carried by thugs opened their launch ports, and the two quadruple anti-ship torpedo launchers fired five old anti-ship torpedoes.

"Enemy plane launches torpedo!"

"Attack, it's too late!"

"Ola, it seems we've caught up." Cherub finally reached the orbital height above the orbital ring, put the GN sniper rifle back behind him, took out two GN submachine guns from the storage compartment on the thigh, and covered the five torpedoes type sweep.

In the dense particle barrage, five torpedoes were destroyed.After confirming that the interception of the torpedo was completed, Neil aimed at the remaining enemy planes and strafed.

The first to be destroyed were two mobs with low performance that were swept into honeycombs and destroyed by explosions.The following three battle capsules fired a large number of missiles, and the missile group fired at the cherubs from all directions.

Neil frowned, and several additional armors on the body opened, firing out the mini-missiles built into the armor.

The mini-missile exploded after flying tens of meters, and countless steel balls flew out of the exploded mini-missile.

The steel ball rain directly destroyed most of the missiles, and the remaining missiles were also intercepted by Zhi Angel's beam submachine gun.

Breaking through the smoke generated by the explosion, Neil aimed at the two combat pods, and the beam submachine gun shot out a beam after a brief charge.The light beam hit the two combat pods that passed directly over their battle positions from behind.

"Enemy plane, out of effective range."

"...Tch, even I missed a chance." Neil scratched his head. "Tieria!"

"Huh." The Zhiang No. [-] machine came to the front area of ​​the high orbit station. "Spirit Angel No. [-], destroy the target."

"...Hahahahaha, culture? Songs? Fighting is the destiny of us Jetratis! The universe is so big that it is not wide enough for two civilizations to coexist!" Rushing towards the high-orbit station at full speed, ready to hit the high-orbit station The Emperor Jetra howled, his tone becoming more and more frenzied.

All the GN cannons of Zhiang No. 30 began to recharge, and then fired at the same time. A huge beam nearly [-] meters thick was shot out, directly engulfing the last battle bag rushing towards the high-orbit station at full speed.

"...The universe is too big to accommodate the coexistence of two civilizations?" Tieria said in a strange tone. "There are three cosmic civilizations that have established diplomatic relations with UEG."

"Wow..." Neil smacked his mouth. "It's an the point of not being able to."

"Mission accomplished, retreat." Tieria didn't answer, and fired all the cannons when he came up to increase the drama, which was also Katie Manekin's request.

at the same time--

"CIWS has locked on the unknown MS, Lieutenant Colonel, do you want to shoot?" The operator turned his head and asked his superior, and then felt a shadow blocking him.

"...General?" The operator was stunned, only to see the star on the shoulder of the comer shining brightly.

"Comrade, listen carefully now, you two have no problem with your handling, they are very good. You have not lifted the CIWS shooting angle restriction, you want to shoot at unknown aircraft, but there are no objective conditions." The unknown general will Presented his credentials to the lieutenant colonel commander and operator. "Then, I've never been here."

Putting away the documents, the general turned to look at his subordinates. "Notify the UEG Network Public Opinion Warfare Headquarters to relax the control of the global network, and the good show has begun."

(End of this chapter)

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