The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 690 674 First Mission

Chapter 690 674 First Mission
"In short, tomorrow will be the first military intervention mission. Although it is different from the game and disputes between the three major powers expected by the Celestial Organization, what we Celestials have to do now is to deal with the pirates and terrorists who destroy the existing peace. molecules." During the mission briefing, Teresa stood in front of the podium and explained.

"Our agents received information that at 1500:[-] tomorrow afternoon, a terrorist organization will attack the banquet hall of the Tianzhu High Orbit Station of the Human Revolutionary Union. At that time, the Human Revolutionary Union should be celebrating the anniversary of the Tianzhu being put into use. , In the banquet hall, there will be a TV station that is broadcasting live in real time, and dignitaries from UEG member states will come. If this banquet is attacked, people's sense of trust in UEG will probably decrease, and some of the people lurking in the dark The remnants of the AEU and the secular alliance will wait for the opportunity.

Therefore, we consider this attack to be a breach of the peace.We will block it.Now our intelligence personnel are doing their best to investigate the strength of the other side.

The tentative plan is that Ptolemy sneaks into the 1200 kilometers outside the Tianzhu high-orbit space station in active stealth mode, and the Zhiang No. [-] and No. [-] units meet the enemy's attack at a very close range and repel the enemy's attack. At the same time, to the world front our celestial attitude. "

"Understood." Tieria nodded coldly.

"Roger~" Neil frivolously gave a V.

By the way, his younger brother Lyle is also working in the Celestial Organization, because his sniper performance is mediocre, his MS operation performance is excellent but not top-notch, but his firepower suppression and firepower distribution projects are excellent, so he was assigned to the position of a battleship gunner.

"Then there is a second mission going on at the same time. Seraph No. 1000 and No. [-] carry heavy bombing equipment and [-]-pound incendiary bombs to bomb millet farms in South America.

The cheating Holy Britannian Empire, careless of the head and the tail, can't even look after its own back garden when the country's energy is concentrated on the development of the universe. Teresa curled her lips.

It has to be said that the grassroots awareness of the Holy Britannian Empire is much worse than that of the Human Revolutionary Union. The policy of the empire on the earth is slightly lower, and the stinky problems of the nobles are revealed again.

For example, seeing small profits but forgetting righteousness or something.

"Li Ping's Icarus Gundam is used as a backup. If the attacking team is entangled, the Icarus Gundam will go to the rescue. Above.

The ship is now going to the Tianzhu high orbital ring in a conventional way, and switched to the second combat configuration at 1430.Disband now. Teresa closed the briefing book and stepped down from the podium.

The main officers in the ship and the four mobile suit drivers nodded in greeting, packed up the combat briefing book, stood up and left the briefing room.

"Can it work?" Teresa asked in a low voice.

"If it can't be done, we can only take off this white uniform of the Celestial Being and put on the same white uniform of the United Space Force again." Li Ping shrugged his shoulders. "By the way, the few of us can also discuss how to eat each other with sauce. The best tactical forecaster, the best battleship commander, five top MS pilots in the world, and five mobile suits that are close to the ceiling of the real system MS, if there is no way to play an armed intervention, we will judge ourselves."

About 21 hours later, Ptolemy, who turned on the active cloaking device, was about to arrive at a position 350 kilometers above South America.

Two Seraph Gundams hang from the large jigs on the Ptolemy's bottom airdrop gantry waiting to be ejected.

"The first combat configuration of the whole ship, prepare for airdrop." On the bridge, Teresa sat on the captain's seat and issued an order with a crisp voice.

Originally, Li Ping wanted to imitate the original model of heaven and man, and let Kati Manekin take care of both battle command and battleship command.

But after several simulated battles, everyone said that it is better not to be dead, and the work of ms battle command and real-time tactical deduction is separated from the battleship command.

Teresa took over the role of Ptolemy's captain from her original scientific research and strategic planning positions.

"Aye Aye madam, the first battle configuration of the whole ship, airdrop preparation."

After a crisp bell rang, the lights in various places in the ship switched from yellow to red.


Hearing the instructions, the helmsman quickly pulled the steering wheel rudder backwards according to the operating specifications in memory.

Ptolemy's thrust changed, and the bow of the ship rose rapidly.

Teresa stared at the theoretical G-force of the hull from the corner of her eyes. Although the figures above showed that the current maneuver overload was enough to crush her relatively thin body into internal bleeding, but under the control of the SCI system, she could only I just felt the slight vibration of the hull, and when the value was about to reach the theoretical maximum, I gave the order directly.

"MS, cast!"

"Drop! Drop!"

Following the order, the gate of the ship's low-altitude drop garage quickly opened, and the two clamps held the mobile suit out, and the two mobile suits left the range of action of the inertial control device, and a huge acceleration of 25g instantly acted on the body.

The clamp was released, and the two mobile suits were thrown directly from the airdrop gantry, and were thrown towards the earth at a speed close to 35KM/s.

"The attitude of the airframe is corrected. The GN position is extended to the maximum in the front of the airframe, and the output of the GN-Drive is increased." Graham and Ramias quickly controlled the airframe, and changed the falling posture of the airframe into a nose-down posture. And a high concentration of GN particles was deployed on the nose to form a shield.

Only 5 seconds later, the density of the atmosphere in front of the two airframes rose rapidly, and high temperature and plasma generated by friction with the air appeared outside the shields. In addition to the quantum data link, the two airframes also communicate with the outside world, and other data communications are basically break the boundary.

Under the action of violent air friction, the two airframes decelerated rapidly, reaching a height of 50 kilometers, and when they rushed into the stratosphere, the speed of the two airframes had dropped to less than Mach 10.

"The navigation system is repositioned, and the coordinates are confirmed."

"Decelerate to Mach 4 and break through the troposphere. At an altitude of 5000 meters, the body is leveled and enters a cruising posture."

"Radar exposure is detected. There is a radar station nearby that is not in the data. Scan the radar. The performance of this machine should be fine."

"The countdown starts at 19 minutes, the target distance is 120 kilometers, and we are ready to start full-segment broadcasting."

"There are mobile suits taking off from the target area ahead."

"Flag? Poison Field's escort plane?" Ramias raised his eyebrows. "But attack within 3 minutes? Is it a sentry machine?"

"it turns out……"

"Hello...Graham?" Ramias was stunned.

"How dare you use the flag, how dare you use the flag to do such a thing that tarnishes your reputation..."

"On mission now, Graham."

"For the glory of Flag Fighter, I bestow upon you Heavenly Execution!" Graham pushed the throttle to the bottom, and the body jumped out.

"That Hamtaro...what the hell?" Ramias controlled the body to lower the altitude, turned on the full-band high-power broadcast, and began to shout using the high-power speaker mounted on the body.

The general idea is that in 15 minutes there will be a bombing of the drug field and the drug factory, and the old one who doesn't want to die should leave quickly.

Three minutes later, Graham, who was full of evil spirits, flew back with the aircraft, and the four Flags were directly shot down.

Fifteen minutes later, the two Gundams stopped circling, formed again, and dropped four 15-pound (about two tons of charge) ground-penetrating bombs at the drug factory, and 4000 60-pound incendiary bombs at the drug field. After completely destroying the poisonous field and the poisonous factory, pulled up the nose, directly climbed vertically, rushed into the sky, found a cloud and rushed in, activated the active cloaking device and optical camouflage, and started a silent flight. Flying towards the Pacific Ocean at subsonic speed, preparing to go to the advance base built by the Celestial Beings on some isolated islands in the Pacific Ocean.

At the same time, Ptolemy has arrived in the combat space near the Tianzhu of the Human Revolutionary Union.

(End of this chapter)

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