Chapter 651 Chapter 643
"...The explosion was three seconds earlier than expected." Li Ping scratched his head, and began to gradually unlock the power of level 6. "I really didn't say the last sentence because I was the man who made the impossible possible. Forget it, no one will hear me anyway."

"Call to the Jetra fleet, do you still want to be enemies with us humans? If we stop fighting now, we still have the possibility of peace talks." Li Ping loosened his collar, and the suit he put on at the moment of resurrection was not tidied up , a little strangled.

"Does a person who relies on high-performance airframes still want to threaten us?" Dorgo Podolza's voice appeared on the non-encrypted public channel.

"Have you ever thought about one thing?" Li Ping pulled out the Zanpakuto. "Actually, the body is my limiter."

Obviously, no matter how knowledgeable the ancient Jetra Emperor is, he can't get it. The outer armor of the first machine is actually a stalk of the first machine limiter.

"Kill him, and then we will win."

"What a pity..." Li Ping shrugged his shoulders, and then his expression became serious.He raised the Huangli sword high with his right hand, and swung it down gently. "Sweep."

As soon as Li Ping finished speaking, countless bolts of lightning spewed out from Li Ping's Zanpaku Sword and hit the enemy units near Li Ping. Then, the lightning that hit the enemy units split apart and hit dozens of enemies again. , and then split again, and there were dozens of enemies. This kind of lightning chain like a thick branch spread from Li Ping to the Jetradi fleet.

Vehicles were destroyed, fighter jets were penetrated, warships were cut off and exploded...

The flames of countless explosions were a few seconds behind the lightning, and they also spread.

"Wuhu..." Colonel Li Abao almost saw the whole view of Chain Lightning from the edge of the left-wing battlefield.With this single blow, the Jetradi fleet lost nearly one-tenth of its troops.

Morale is basically in an avalanche state, and the Jetra Imperial Army that survived the chain lightning has already begun to flee.

"I'll repeat it again, Imperial Jetra, do you still choose to be my enemy?" Li Ping's tone was full of murderous intent, and he understood that the progress bar for the final stage had already been saved. In a sense, , If you are willing to surrender yourself, you will be a little bit disappointed.

"Don't be confused! Don't back down! That kind of move can't be fired in succession! Force it up! Only one person has this kind of fighting ability, this one must not be left behind!"

"There is really no way to burst." Li Ping silently agreed with Dolgo Podolza's judgment. This is the most critical one for the initial solution of the mass-destruction chain lightning named "Sweep" by himself. The condition is that the density of the enemy is high enough, so that the lightning absorbs the energy of the destroyed enemy plane to split and attack the next target before the energy is exhausted.

If the enemy density is not high enough or the energy obtained is not enough, the lightning chain cannot complete the next chain reaction.

This move was originally used by Li Ping to deal with ELS, insect swarms or BETA swarms, but looking at it now, the insect swarms and BETA swarms cannot be dealt with. The energy contained in these carbon-based life forms is too low, and the chain Reaction to the second level will be due to the depletion of lightning energy and the inability to split.

In a sense, it can be said that the development failed, but...

With today's record, who can say that this move was a failure?

As long as you don't go out to force the purpose of development, then no one will laugh at yourself for developing a failed move.Jpg
But now, the enemies within a radius of 5 light seconds have been knocked down seven or eight times, and less than [-]% of the remaining enemies can't provide enough enemy density at all.

But... this move can't be fired in succession, I have other moves.

Seeing the part of the enemy fleet turning towards him and the main guns of the Bodozan-class fortress lit up, the corners of Li Ping's mouth raised slightly.

"Swastika." Li Ping let go of the sword in his hand. "Phantomless martial arts."

"Wuxiangyanwu? What is that?" Lin Youde bit his nails and looked out the window in confusion.

"Wuxiangyanwu is a move to summon my enemies and my allies, follow my instructions, and defeat the enemy."

"Friendly army and enemy army...?" Lin Youde probably knew what Li Ping wanted to do. "Could it be that……"

"Well, that's the one to say." Li Ping's mouth turned even happier. "Does this count as attacking the other's shield with the other's spear?"

"Don't spoil the idioms, Quanjun, don't be frightened by the scene later."

"I'm almost scared to pee, what's more exciting?" Colonel Pierris said to Lin Youde in a strange tone.

"This is really..." Lu Xiaohuang frowned continuously. "Maybe we can really win."

"Commander! There is a large-scale space-time change in the rear of the fleet! A fleet with the size of a large fleet is about to appear!" CIC members shouted hysterically when they saw some of the explosive data.


Then, a fleet that was exactly the same as the 118th backbone fleet gradually broke away from the FOLD navigation method and emerged from the subspace.

"This is..." The soldiers on both sides looked in shock at the new fleet with Li Ping's personal LOGO painted on the hull.

"You guys don't know anything about real power." Li Ping cheerfully glanced back at the fleet he pulled out.Then, looking back, I looked at the Podozan-class fortress that was about to be launched.Then, with a wave of the right hand. "shooting."

The Podozan-class fortress that he summoned opened fire first, and the heavy beam of tens of kilometers in diameter shot at the Podozan-class fortress of the 118th Fleet.

The light beam collided fiercely with the weight sub-beam launched a few seconds behind the enemy fortress, and a huge explosion occurred.

"Hmph, it's not in vain that I drained myself thousands of times of spiritual pressure just now. A swastika of this scale is a bit refreshing." Li Ping felt refreshed all over his body as he watched the huge explosion.

Sure enough, this kind of huge explosive activity makes people feel happy physically and mentally.

Faced with this unscientific phenomenon, the Jetra Imperial Army fell into a great panic, and some ships even began to retreat.

At this time, Bulli Tai's 7018 backbone fleet jumped into the battlefield, facing the confrontation between the two Jetra Imperial Army, Bulli Tai widened his eyes. "Dicaruccia... what's going on!"

"Probably, it's a secret weapon on the human side." The recording staff said quietly.Among the materials sent by humans to their own side, there is also a part of the content introducing the patrons of their own civilization. Now it seems...

The person who compiled the materials was really conservative.

"7018 Bulli Tai calls everyone on this battlefield, everyone who is listening to this song, please calm down and listen to me. Please feel the feeling that this song brings to us carefully. Is there a feeling that seems to be in a long time? The feeling of hearing it before?" Brett said in a deep voice, clutching his chest. "This is probably the culture of our genetic provider calling us. Now this moment, officially spanning 50 years, is an opportunity for our culture to revive again.

We can no longer lose our original culture, let's take our culture back by defeating the stubborn Dolgo Podolza. "

(End of this chapter)

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