Chapter 636 Access 629
"Didn't catch it?" Lin Youde, who had already completed the preliminary communication in the past two days, heard that Li Ping had woken up, so he hurried over.

"I caught it, it's hard to deal with, let her go first, and I'll take care of her later." Li Ping rubbed his hands in pain. "I met a lunatic who was driven mad by a hopeless future."


"It's nothing, it's all about the details." Li Ping gave up rubbing his hands.

The guy who called himself Stasia Iskandar, if he didn't run fast by himself, he might be caught by that person whose appearance is so good that he can't describe it in words, or the existence of "beauty" itself was exposed on the spot.

"So what's next?"

"The talk was not bad. The lady minister agreed with our statement that we held a group to keep warm. The fleet is about to set off for a visit to the earth. Considering the confidentiality of the first meeting, the visit location of the fleet is tentatively scheduled to be the Torrington Base in Australia. Then the General Staff The instruction given was to go to Shanghai for a non-governmental visit.

Professionals will participate in technical exchanges, military exchanges, and economic and trade exchanges.

In addition, according to the communication, they believe that they are descendants of the "Aquarius Civilization", which is different from the theory of the origin of the original gene and the origin of the apostles that we currently think.

In addition, they have not come into contact with the Jetradi people so far, and they have not come into contact with the civilizations mentioned in the information from Adams and the information on Macross that can be confirmed by each other.

Similarly, most of the civilizations they talk about such as the "Iskandar Empire", "Boa Federation", "Dark Star Empire", "Serer Empire", and "Gatlantis Empire" have never been heard of.

According to speculation, this may be because the main area of ​​activity of the Gamilas Empire a few years ago is what we call the Magellanic Cloud.

And most of the information we know is what the civilizations in the Milky Way look like, and now the two sides are conducting further intelligence comparisons. "

After finishing speaking, Lin Youde's face was full of shit.

"Five years ago, everyone was still clamoring that the universe was lonely, and there was no other echoes other than human beings... Now there are more than ten known civilizations that are still alive, and the universe that can survive in the universe There are four races, and at least two special races that can be recruited are about to visit the earth.

Now I don't think the universe is cold and lonely at all, it's too lively. "

"Who said no..." Li Ping spread his hands. "It's not surprising that I found Ultraman from the M78 nebula on Earth now."

————One week later, Earth Australia Turlington Base———

"Retracting the preface, it's really weird." Li Ping looked at Colonel Li Abao, his two wives and three children with his brows twitching.

One of the blond-haired new humans who can use brain quantum waves with obvious traces of enhancement is called Stella Lee, who was born in the Enhanced Human Research Institute of the Britannia Empire. Li Ping, who looks like a man named Lu Xiaohuang, thinks it is worth discussing.

According to the personnel information, this lady named Lu Xiaohuang is 45 years old, a natural person, a Ph.

Although the physical structure looks completely human, but ah...

Can you tell me what is that huge hyperspace communication network you have been linked to?

Also, aren't you too good at pretending?I'm afraid that now only I can see that although this body looks like a human being, it is actually another kind of advanced life form.

"It's a fine tradition of human beings to see through and not to tell the truth, isn't it?"

"What's the origin of your old age..." Li Ping hadn't completed his assessment of "Queen Iskandar is actually a high-dimensional creature". This time, he saw that Comrade Li Abao had an alien wife , Li Ping felt a little burning in his head.

"According to the description in the earth culture, we are cosmic Zerg, and now we call ourselves Vajra."

"Are you a queen-level individual?"

"Ah, no, it's just a special investigation individual with slightly higher authority. If you want to talk to the queen through me, you can't do it. To use a human analogy, the bacteria on your body want to introduce you to other Bacterial flora, does your brain take care of it?"

"But you'll be fine if you catch a cold."

"As long as you can survive the self-immunity mechanism of the swarm."

"...that's embarrassing."

"Yes, please work harder if you want to talk to the queen."


"By the way, aren't you going to participate in the official official meeting?" Li Ping disconnected the forcibly connected mind link, turned his head and looked at Minister Misela who had changed into a common clothes on Earth, and his skin was disguised as a Caucasian through some kind of equipment.

"It doesn't matter, the basic framework has been settled. I have already stipulated what must be won and what can be given up. The rest depends on the skills of us and your negotiators. So, why the first meeting is not In the center of politics, but on this sparsely populated continent?"

"Because the internal thinking on the earth has not yet been unified, and some regimes are not ready to accept the existence of aliens. If you talk in a metropolis with a complicated structure, it will be embarrassing if you are attacked. In addition, the universe The female ghost may also brainwash us, and both of us will be very passive if we open fire again.

However, if I just take you all around as a private investigation to get to know each other, safety and everything can be guaranteed. On the premise of not revealing your identity, even if there is a safety accident, it is easier for the officials of our two sides to fool it. "

"...Hey, I'm afraid I'm the only one injured in that so-called safety accident?"

"No, you won't be injured either. A security incident refers to the attack itself. You can't be injured if I'm within 100 meters of you." Li Ping paused slightly on the people who showed up in the base. Are there any messy things like Mimics/Kamen Riders/Ultramans/Tegamans/Kryptonians in this base?

It's a pity that the only person who can be called an alien in this base is a Vajra Zerg individual named Lu Xiaohuang who claims to have low authority.

"It seems that you are very confident in your own strength."

"Look, this is the misunderstanding caused by the difference in everyone's cognition." Li Ping laughed. "When you can understand what it means that I can complete an offensive and defensive battle within a thousandth of a second, you can understand why I am so confident in ensuring your safety."

"What do you mean?"

"That is to say, even if a bomb explodes in your arms, I can take you out of the area of ​​effect of the explosion before you are burned by the explosion, and I can also give you a new hairstyle by the way."

"It's completely unimaginable." Misera lowered his head and pondered for a while, and found that it was completely unimaginable.

"I will gradually understand it later. After all, with the development of time, all kinds of strange things will come out." Li Ping took out today's scheduled itinerary given to him by Minister Misera.

"The commercial street in Shanghai... let's go." Li Ping put his hand on Minister Misera's shoulder.

"How do we go?" Misera frowned and looked at Li Ping's hand on her shoulder.

"Go this way." Then Li Ping took her away using space teleportation.

(End of this chapter)

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