Chapter 633 626 Deviating from the Rhythm
The current configuration of this Cylas border patrol fleet is a Hezetra-class first-class space battleship, three Geltrow-class second-class space battleships, two Gorbadis-class combat aircraft carriers, 24 It consists of a Destoria-class heavy cruiser and 110 Kribetra-class destroyers.

According to Li Ping's understanding of the space battleship Yamato, the white-painted Heizetra-class first-class space battleship should not appear here at this point in time.

The No.13 independent fleet has two Buzhoushan-class heavy aircraft carriers, six gray Trojan-class assault landing ships, sixteen Shandong-class battleships, and 32 Zhoushan-class heavy cruisers.They are all elite ships that have applied the alien technology from the relics of Callisto and Macross, as well as the reproduction technology from other worlds brought out by Li Ping.

The Human Revolutionary Alliance plans to use the No.13 independent fleet that survived the Wigan Raider as the core, and invest in the latest technology and the best talents to create an ace force that can keep up with Li Ping's battle rhythm.

Changing to a traffic boat, Lin Youde, Li Abao, and Li Ping went to the Gamilas fleet alone. Under the escort of two fighter jets, the traffic boat was induced to enter the hangar of the first-class space battleship of the Hazetra class.

——Then several greeting staff from the Gamilas side showed great shock.

Li Ping walked out of the transport boat without wearing a space suit in the unairtight hangar.

Walking into the ship, the built-in sensor of the spacesuit showed that the air in the Gamilas ship fully met the standard for human beings to breathe. Lin Youde and Li Abao looked at each other and took off their helmets one after another.

"Is his situation normal on Earth?!" Camilas took off his helmet, and a girl with blue skin and sharp ears asked impatiently.

If it is a common phenomenon to survive without obstacles in a vacuum environment of more than 100 degrees below zero, their evaluation of the earth will have to be changed to another level.

"No, but this is what we are working on." Lin Youde shook his head. "This is currently the strongest person on Earth, Lieutenant Colonel Li Ping. He is fully responsible for the first communication with an alien civilization in human history."

"Strongest? If there is no corresponding error in the vocabulary between us, it seems that the lieutenant colonel should not have the rank that a civilized strongest person should have." The sharp-eared girl frowned.

"There are many other reasons. Lieutenant Colonel Li Ping enjoys the best treatment on earth. If he needs it, the whole country will mobilize to meet his needs. This military rank is only convenient for him to move in the army." Lin Youde laughed smiled.

"It seems that there should be quite a lot of internal reasons for this." The sharp-eared girl also smiled. "My name is Misera Celestra, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Intelligence and Propaganda of Gamilas.

In fact, we should have visited five Earth years ago, but we were held back by a very brutal war.

A few years ago, we observed a very strong gravitational wave originating from this planet.After several years, we observed the fluctuation of faster-than-light travel near the third planet in this galaxy, and we discovered that this planet has uncivilized... civilization. Minister Misela Serestella stretched out her hand and looked at Li Ping, who had an unnatural expression. "Is there any question?" "

Li Ping lightly shook Minister Misera's hand and came back to his senses.

"It's okay." Li Ping shook his head. "I just want to sigh. After we knew that the universe was full of dangers and natural disasters everywhere, we didn't expect that you would be the first to communicate with us."

Not to mention anything else, Li Ping still feels gross now, always feeling that there is a little bitch plotting against him, but he still doesn't know who it is, the most important thing is, it seems that she still can really count Count to.

"The universe is full of dangers? Indeed, the universe is cold and dangerous. Even we, Camilas, often encounter natural disasters that we cannot deal with." Minister Misela nodded with sympathy.

"Let's just ask, you look different from them. Is Gameiras also a multiracial country?"

"That's right, the main civilization of Camilas consists of two parts, the first-class citizens of Camilas, the second-class citizens of Zerus and other nations conquered by Camilas. I am a Girel, although Not Gamilas, but still a first-class citizen."

Hearing the word second-class citizen, Li Ping and the three raised their eyebrows together.

The gene moved.jpg

"It's okay. It seems that there are some differences between our political systems, but generally speaking, we respect your internal affairs." Li Ping said with a smile.

"It's weird..."

Then, the two sides had an awkward chat in the conference room for a long time, so long that the two sides had already drank five or six pots of things similar to tea and coffee in their respective civilizations, and the smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger.

This made Li Ping feel very... weird.

I don't have any bad feelings towards Gamilas, and I even feel that this group of cosmic morals are quite good, such as the boss of an imperial country is the president or something.

But why is it that I don't like this little girl with pointed ears anyway?

Li Ping frowned and leaned back in his chair, re-examining his behavior today.

The rebellion on Earth was planned by me, the Human Revolutionary Union, and the Britannian Empire, and even the other party was acting according to their own timetable. The actions of ADAMS were also within my expectations. During the communication on the Sri Lankan side, new information came from the Earth side.

The enemies attacking the Antarctic base were repulsed, and the French Foreign Legion in front faced the situation where ADAM, who was holding a "460mm electromagnetic submachine gun", was pointing at it with a "gun", and chose to surrender.The Garrison Death Squad and the Garibaldi Combat Brigade are now being pursued by the Breton Army.As for the Japanese base, Dr. Katsuragi rebelled, transformed himself into a biological bomb, and blew himself up in front of his daughter, trying to kill Yui Ikari.

But the explosion was suppressed by Yui using the AT position, and no one died except himself.

The defense forces of the two bases withstood the first wave of attacks, and the traitors and infiltrated AEU agents in the bases were also eliminated immediately. The casualties caused were not high, and most of the key equipment was protected.

Before the attackers' heavy weapons were put in, Adams and EVA Zero went into battle in time, suppressing the enemy's follow-up troops with overwhelming firepower.

460mm machine gun...

Well, this is the emotion I should have.

There will be surprise and curiosity about the development of the situation, and the emotion of unreasonable disgust has not appeared in me for a long time.


Li Ping closed his eyes and began to look for the variation point in his thinking.

mind control... no

Airborne chemicals interfere

Hormone secretion... normal

Intracranial moisture...normal


...Fuck, interference from high-dimensional space?
Li Ping opened his eyes in astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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