The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 628 621 I Can Do It Again

Chapter 628 621 I Can Do It Again
There is one thing to say, with the cooperation of four aliens who call themselves ADAM, who can communicate, remember, eat and play, and are a little bit humane, high-ranking and divine life forms, the research of Li Ping and the five on the apostles and related matters can be described as rapid progress.

Hmm... Mainly because in the sixth month after the start of the research, ADAM, code-named "Yang Guo", who had self-destructed his arm, felt that he was doing well again after half a year of secretly accumulating energy.

(By the way, the code names of the four Adams are Yang Guo, Bedridden, Thinker and Erha

The reason is that Yang Guo once cut off his own arm.Bedridden and seeing Yang Guo being instantly killed, he immediately put him to death, asked what he said, but knew the least.Every time Erha recovers from his injury, the apostles rise up to rebel, and then they are violently suppressed by Li Ping and the other three. The thinkers spend every day intensively thinking about ways to get out of trouble, and then because they saw Erha being suppressed, they say "it will be next time")
"Yang Guo" doesn't think that he is the reckless "Erha", that reckless man can't even accumulate excess energy, and the weak AT position can easily penetrate even human beam naval guns.

I am different. After 12 years of hard work and hard study as a slave, I have accumulated a small number of sons and inherited my father's blood for six months. Except for the appearance, I am a little miserable. I am not weaker than I was in my heyday. ! ! !

Orcs (crossed out) Apostles will never be slaves! ! !

En taro tassadar! ! !

"...Evacuate this area, prepare for the second battle of the whole army, prepare for the ground attack, and silence the alarm to make this second idiot happy." Li Ping looked at the huge ugly face with a smug smile, feeling The active ones, the energy hidden (thought to be) by "Yang Guo" became active, and a little helplessly connected to the communication of the base headquarters.

The three ADAMS including Erha have completed energy accumulation and self-healing during this period of time, and their appearance is much better, which basically conforms to human aesthetics.For example, their face that doesn't fit human aesthetics is already covered with a light gray mask, um, it's the kind that resembles a water angel.

According to themselves, this is their real face.It feels hard, but it can be freely contracted like a muscle to make blinking movements.

There is a black on the body, they claim that when the energy is full, it is a red spherical object, which is their core.

The location of this core is different. For example, "Yang Guo" grows at the heart position, that is, the left side of the chest.

"Bedridden" grows on the lower abdomen, Erha grows on the top of the head...Look at the thief.

By the way...they're cute when they blink...

Just save that little energy by yourself, don't fix the appearance, don't stare at who are you staring at?
"Understood, the evacuation warning is issued, and the entire army is dispatched urgently. Do you need to bring the trial Longinus spear?"

"No need, it's just a stupid dude, there's no need to go all out, just use the original version here. If there are any changes in the other three, just turn on the combat satellite, and then launch all the ones that have been produced." Li Ping casually He took out a set of sofas and coffee tables from the space, and watched Adam "Yang Guo" quietly while drinking tea, preparing to rise up.

"As ordered."

After hearing the orders from the earphones, many staff stayed for a while, and then quickly and methodically finished their work according to the predetermined plan, and evacuated in order.

“哼,愚蠢的人类,没想……喂!”“杨过”脑补完自己大杀四方,把李平暴揍一通,抱着李平的两个老婆,让李平满脸屈辱的舔自己脚的After the screen, the rebels rose up.

Then I saw my three companions rise up in the same way, walked to the corner in unison, obediently nailed themselves to the wall with Longinus spears, and stuck two Longinus spears on the ground beside Li Ping. .

As for why there are two, after getting along with each other in the past few months, they already knew that Li Ping was used to dual wielding weapons.

Compared with "Yang Guo" who silently suffocates bad water, "Erha" who knows Li Ping better because of his motivation to make troubles, "bedridden" who has even participated in some projects because of his active role as a leading party, and who is good at The "Thinker" who confessed by looking at his face knows a lot more than the "Yang Guo" who conceals a small amount and looks sensible but holds back bad water.

For example, the battle platform "God is dead (God ist tot.)" launched into the universe for defense against the apostles a month ago, as long as there is a change in itself and breaks through the first line of defense.

108 (per person) counterfeit Longinus spears will be dropped from a height of 32 kilometers at an initial speed of 350 times the speed of sound, and when they are finally stuck on themselves, the estimated speed is 37-39 times the speed of sound.Although those Longinus guns made by human beings were called counterfeit Longinus guns by the people of the Revolutionary Union, I once mistakenly thought they were my genuine ones... Bah, the imitation of the original Longinus guns board, but it is not.

The information contained on those spears is that "Li Ping, the God Eater, launches an attack that must hit", which is a hunt launched by the hunters of the gods, rather than the allusion of "Longinus killed Jesus with a spear" for angels. The weapon of the fight between.

In addition, there are three Tsar hydrogen bombs buried underground in this base, which are used by Li Ping to judge that the situation is out of control, and delay time at all costs.

There are six satellite bases around the base, and each base is stationed with an elite force equipped with four assault landing ships, six battleships and two high-speed vertical take-off and landing transport aircraft.

The only purpose of this unit is to smash all the nuclear shells they have and the positron axis cannon with an astonishing output of [-] million KW on the out-of-control ADAMS.

And the energy lines between these six satellite bases and the Antarctic base, etc., essentially constitute a magic circle for hunting and killing angels. People who know this thing exists.

T·M·D·Magic·Fa·Array! !

Thinking of this ADAM code-named "Thinker", he went crazy for a while. What kind of civilization would think about hunting angels with mortal bodies? Hey, and this magic circle really made me feel threatened, okay? The energy used to self-test the integrity of the structure is running, so let yourself be scared, okay? If it really works, based on my own knowledge, this thing is powered by the triple combination of nuclear reactor-soul-astrology.

Let’s not mention the nuclear reactor that doesn’t seem to be a system. The soul-astrological energy supply system of this thing makes it impossible for me to deal with it. If you want to get out of trouble, you have to do it. If you do it, you have to die. When people die, their souls come out. You are absorbed by the magic circle, the magic circle is fully activated, and you are dead.

You are annihilated together with your soul, the magic circle detects energy fluctuations, activates, extracts energy from the concept of the corresponding celestial phenomenon, and you die.

The spell that can replace the celestial phenomenon... At least it needs to be done by an archangel or an archangel.

Is this thing really thought up by mortals?
Well, it's true, the magic side of the forbidden world has studied symbolic magic for thousands of years. In an extreme example, the Amakusa style can even be associated with symbolic spells in every movement, so as to cast spells.

Unlike many worlds that only have religious legends but no real gods, the forbidden world is true. T. M. There are gods.And those who can face the existence of gods piously are usually only low-level believers.The higher the level, the more difficult it is to view the existence of gods purely.

——What if the gods really come down and want to masturbate me?Just grab it?
How is it possible (caught with nothing)
Therefore, basically every denomination has developed spells for combating gods...and what Li Ping brought out was the only Roman Orthodox magic spell for angels that was recorded in the 300 volumes of little yellow books... Mode.According to the description of this technique by the Roman Orthodox Church, in the most extreme state, sacrifice [-] million ordinary people in Rome, and fully strengthen the magic circle called "Magic Circle", as well as the [-] great knights and four saints of the Roman Orthodox Church. Even the Lord would have to die here with his legions of angels.

Li Ping took out this formula and rewritten what should have been the "horoscope on Friday night (that is, the night of Good Friday)" over Rome, and changed it to the current one. The concept of navigating with the immovable and always bright Big Dipper, come to find the way home” was written as “Under the Antarctic Star, come here, you will always be fascinated here.”

At the same time, combined with some of the achievements Ikari obtained from the "Chain of Ascension" project, Li Ping's concepts of "half-god" and "God Eater" were extracted, and together with Li Ping, they developed this concept that actually includes "God is dead". The battle satellite's insurance against the apostles, here is the first actual combat magic-technology compound attack method of human beings - "Zhuxian Sword Formation"

Although the insider complained that the name is also reliable in the word "Zhu", but it didn't use a sword, and it didn't kill immortals.

Faced with at least three layers of insurance that could kill him, and Li Ping himself who could beat him to death, the other three Adams were very moved, and then they didn't dare to move at all.

Faced with the fact that the really naive "Yang Guo" really sincerely held back bad water and made troubles, the seemingly naive but in fact the "Erha" who was a thief ran away silently, so The form of self-hanging southeast branch means that it has nothing to do with oneself.

"You traitors!"

"Only crickets and low-level humans are stationed outside!"

"Don't you want to be free again!"

"Hmph, isn't it just this man? Last time I fought against him when I just woke up, and the relationship between me and him was [-]-[-]! If it's in full bloom, it's my strength that is stronger!"

"Boom!" "Yang Guo" held his head high, and instantly entered a state of apotheosis, his whole body turned into a white glowing state, and the two wings of light behind him spread out, smashing through the zenith and soaring into the sky.


"Sir, do you want to attack?" But it didn't seem to interfere with the communication.Li Ping listened delicately to the sound coming from the earphone.

"No, the strength of the target is within expectations."



"Now, man, kneel down for me!"

"Boom!" "Yang Guo" was directly pushed back from his apotheosis state, and fell to his knees suddenly.

The four Adams looked at Li Ping, who was sitting there as the cos godfather, in astonishment.

Why did "Yang Guo" kneel down?

"I dared to open a film with an archangel who has not fully descended when I was only level 5. Now I have advanced to a demigod. According to certain narrow definitions, I would say Thor and Death. My job is also a god eater. , Your immediate boss is my prey, how did you have the illusion that you are stronger than me?" Li Ping looked up curiously, with the inconceivable "Yang Guo" written all over his face. "Whether it's the strength of spiritual pressure, the absolute output of power or the degree of mystery, I'm much better than you. I don't use level 6 or above, that is, the power of a demigod. It doesn't mean I don't have it."

(End of this chapter)

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