Chapter 622 Brick 615

The two-month vacation passed in a flash, and Ikari Wei and Kyoko, who had tried hundreds of times but failed to achieve their wish, decided that in the next few years, the research subject would be Li Ping.

No, it should be said that it is the existence of 'Li Ping'. According to the preliminary analysis, Li Ping has been reproductively isolated from human beings. There is no genetic problem, but something on another level.

When Li Ping's genetic material combined with the genetic material of the other two, the genetic material of the other two would disintegrate.

Obviously there is no physical problem.

Therefore, for a long period of time, the three members of the four-person group devoted a lot of energy to studying the subject of Li Ping's body.

Moreover, Ritsuko Akagi, who skipped grades to complete university courses in the second year after Li Ping and others returned to the earth circle and completed three doctorates in two years, also joined this project.

In 2297, because the four people were studying the many achievements of Li Ping, the five people were transferred from the Institute of Microsystems in Shanghai and assigned to the confidential research institute named "Penglai Island" in Siberia. .

This is the research and development institution of the "Super Soldier" of the Human Revolutionary Federation. After receiving part of the results of the research team headed by Yi Yiwei, the fifth phase of Super Soldier was born.

Here, Li Ping also met an old acquaintance whom he hadn't seen for several years, Colonel Soma Piris.

"Long time no see, Colonel." Li Ping and Colonel Pierris shook hands vigorously, and the veins in both right hands burst out at the same time.

"It's been a while since I saw you. Your hands are much stronger, Colonel Pierce." Li Ping smiled like a flower.

Colonel Pierce's expression gradually distorted, but he still said with a ferocious smile.

"After receiving part of your research data, as the most perfect super soldier, I underwent the sixth transformation operation. I always feel that I am becoming less and less human."

"Relax, Colonel Piris, your physiology is still normal, you are just an overpowered human being." Taking advantage of the opportunity of shaking hands.Li Ping took the opportunity to check Colonel Piris's physical condition. To be honest, it was hard for Li Ping to imagine that the human revolution union's body transformation technology could reach this level.

According to Li Ping's estimation, Colonel Pierris's grip strength at this time is already measured in 'tons', probably between 1-1.5 tons.The strength of a single arm is almost over ten tons, and the skin, bones, and internal organs have all reached the strength required for this level of strength.

Seeing that Li Ping and Colonel Piris were tied in the short trial, but they obviously didn't try their best, the eyes of the researchers in this base obviously lit up.

"Speaking of which, has our country's human body enhancement technology reached this level?" Li Ping was a little curious. This level of arm strength must be at the level of a fantasy system, such as Spiderman, Hulk, the strongest disciple in history, etc. , if it is a little more outrageous, it should be Saitama-sensei.

"Most of it is the technology we developed. After combining the alien super technology obtained from the alien ruins found on Callisto, we can do this for the time being.

Considering number one... Colonel Pierris is our country's combat hero, and with the consent of Colonel Pierris, we have carried out the transformation of Colonel Pierris with the highest security. "A colonel-level researcher, who looks like most of his head has been transformed into a machine, said with a smile. "If you don't consider practicality, the artificial human produced by this base is much stronger than it is now. "

"Much stronger?" Li Ping blinked. "Haven't you tested it?"

"Tested, but it doesn't make sense. The body and the brain don't match. The experimental subject has become a monster with human intelligence, bloodthirsty, tyrannical, elitist, self-proclaimed god, and wants to kill us all and then violently rule all mankind." .”

"Then?" Li Ping cooperated with the stick eye.

"Then he swung his fist violently, displaying a power of [-] tons." The researcher colonel spread his hands and smiled.


"Then the molecular chain of the whole body broke instantly, and it became a puddle of unknown liquid that could just make up a human being."

"...Is this a punch that caused fission..." Li Ping frowned. "But this strength is wrong..."

"The van der Waals force is broken and the chemical bond is broken. There is a big difference... Well, it's just a thought." Director Mao scratched his metal head. "The strength is indeed wrong, so now we think that the experimental subject also has some supernatural ability."

"??" Li Ping tilted his head, what did he say just now?

"I think we will have a good time getting along in the future, Lieutenant Colonel Comrade Li Ping." The colonel researcher shook his head and stretched out his hand with a smile.

Li Ping also stretched out his hand to hold his hand. The moment he held it, Li Ping's smile became brighter.

——MD, contact type weak current memory reading device.

"Cut... it really doesn't work." The colonel's researcher curled his lips. "There are too many secrets in you, and the personal experience you can investigate can't support your ability at all. The attitude of the upper management towards you is also very contradictory. Do you want to cooperate with our work and analyze your state, or Let us cooperate with your work and apply your physical fitness to the sixth phase of super soldiers by methods other than mating, gene implantation, and cloning."

"First apply the results obtained by analyzing my body to the sixth phase of super soldiers, and then analyze the secrets of my body?" Li Ping let go of the colonel's researcher's hand.

"You can call me Director Mao, and my rank is Colonel. I am the person in charge of this Penglai Island base, and at the same time, I am also the person in charge of the recently launched project code-named 'Abnormal Human Research Center'.

In view of the fact that you have now been transferred to this base, and the intelligence authority has increased a lot compared to before, I will just pick up what I can say.

First of all, there are legends of immortal fairies in our country, and legends of immortal witches in Europe, and, about a hundred years ago, our country confirmed the identity of one of them.Princess Elisabeth Amalia Eugenie von Wittbach Sissi of the Kingdom of Bavaria in Europe in the 19s. "

Fuck CC's parallel world individual?Li Ping blinked his eyes.

"After several local wars with the United States of America and European Union countries, this Queen Sissi was captured by our country. After dialogue and research, we confirmed the existence of a supernatural ability named GEASS.

However, due to the instability of this power and its extremely subjective characteristics, this ability is judged as a dangerous existence. Except for those with individual abilities that are better than nothing, and those whose individual abilities combine with the general justice of society, other ability users are under the control of Queen Sissy. He died under the hunting and killing of a certain special forces of our country.

Empress Sissi is now living in a certain coastal city under a small amount of necessary surveillance.

In addition, related to Queen Sissi, there is also a collection space of human collective subconscious, mind and memory called "C World" by Queen Sissi.Through research, we believe that human beings can obtain some means of controlling the world through the world of C, and influence the thoughts of all human beings.

Because it is too dangerous, the code-named Code:R project is now in a semi-frozen state. "

"Then it was an advanced technology acquisition plan hosted by the underworld base in Ukraine." Colonel Mao led Li Ping and others into a meeting room, then closed the door and made the window glass opaque. "The content of the plan is to build a partial space-time closed-loop space, and ask the Human Revolutionary Union 50 years later for the technical details of the application.

And the technology 50 years later will be researched and reproduced from the technology 50 years ago. The results of the reproduction will be fed back to 50 years later, and we will obtain more advanced future technologies.In this way, we will break the technological blockade imposed by the United States of America on our country.

If our technology lags behind theirs by 20 years, then we just need the latest technology from ourselves 50 years later, then we will gain a strategic technological advantage that is more than 30 years ahead of them. "

"However, this plan is in a state of both failure and success, and it is also in a semi-abandoned state.

The reason for his failure is that our inquiry plan failed, and the developed equipment penetrated space-time, but did not establish stable hyperspace communication.But the reason for his success is that we have received technical information from the future.

One of the results of this plan, you have also had contact with Reynard Testarossa, a group of them are now called "whisperers" with superpowers, they can receive messages from 50 years later Information from the Human Revolutionary Union.

According to our statistical research, there is only one reason for the birth of the Whisperer, that is, a total of 5 people in the world were born within 301 minutes of a certain fluctuation generated by the breakdown of time and space when the hyperspace communication device was activated for the first time and only time baby.

Among them, 139 people have been taken in by our country, and 21 people are known to have died. It is known that three of them are working in the current Imperial Academy of Britannia, two are working in the AEU High Energy Particle Laboratory, and two are basically free activities in the country. , such as you, Miss Ritsuko Akagi.I don't know why you didn't start showing whisperer traits when you were 12, but you're one of the 301.

In addition, Dr. Li Ping, this project is still related to you. "


"Why is it still involving me?"

"In 2290, the year you arrived, there was a turning point in history. The information received by all the whisperers in our country has changed.

Your name has appeared in a large area of ​​history, such as scientists, psychologists, politicians, fleet commanders, the strongest fighter ever, the strongest super ace pilot ever, the No.1 admiral in human history, etc. Many identities have participated in almost all important historical events after 2290. "As he spoke, Director Mao laughed. "After everyone summed up your future experience, everyone found you a very appropriate code name. "

"I have an ominous premonition..."

"The Brick Alchemist."

"Brick..." Li Ping thought for half a second before realizing what it meant. "I'm a brick, where do I need to move it, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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