The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 583 576 Interest-free short-term loans

Chapter 583 576 Interest-free short-term loans
"If you know this scene, Central Room 46 will definitely not agree to the modernization of Shinigami's armed forces, but will always maintain the existing Zanpakuto power system." Byakuya Kuchiki sighed faintly.

"What are you talking about, Byakuya." Li Ping looked at the worried Kuchiki Byzai strangely. "Even if Room 46 of the Central Committee agrees to the modernization of the Shinigami armed forces, this is not something that you, a mere ghost world, can handle. Even if Nishi Mayuri and Urahara Kisuke are geniuses, they can't handle it."

"Huh? In fact, we already have modern equipment such as the messenger machine and spiritual pressure detection glasses..."

"It's different, Bai Zai." Li Ping shook his head. "This army is two of the emperor's personal guards built by a super empire with a land area close to half of the earth's surface and a population of nearly 30 billion. It has more than a dozen overseas colonies.

For example, my final flagship, the Great Brittany, to build that aviation battleship and the vehicles on it requires three coordinating committees, more than 500 related majors, and [-] supporting manufacturers. More than [-] million skilled workers were involved, and close to [-] million people were needed to select enough talents to serve as the emperor's final defense line. "

"I've always thought that the emperor's personal guards are all for show and to set off the majesty of the royal family." Byakuya Kuchiki roughly understood what Li Ping said. Miao people, it is better to obediently follow the current routine of watching the sky and eating.

"I, their emperor, am the strongest ace pilot in the world. Every time I go to war, I must rush to the forefront. If my personal guards are not strong enough, who will protect whom?" Li Ping spread his hands and smiled.

However, Li Ping is actually very grateful for one thing now, that is, he has finished the twelve trials, and got stuck with the inherent attribute of "never die from the same way of death in this battle", so he resisted this time Swastika solution consumption.

I really didn't expect that just summoning a floating fleet and a heavy mechanized army would almost drain me dry, and when the battle started, the spiritual power was further drawn, so that Li Ping announced 5 seconds after the explosion His spiritual power was exhausted and he died.

The four chatted as they walked, mainly because Li Ping told the other three people some stories about himself in the past and demonstrated that the soul world was not enough to support the existence of a modern army.

"Who the hell are you...?" Hei Dao held Rukia who looked loveless. At this time, Rukia was wearing a white kimono, and her chest was pierced by the chains of hell, but she looked like nothing but the god of death. Apart from the fact that his power was temporarily sealed, he seemed to be in a good state of mind.

"Me?" Li Ping pointed at his nose funny.

"That's right! What the hell is this!" Black Knife pointed at the KMF troops and tank troops that surrounded him in a panic.

Now the entire fourth floor of hell has been massacred by the army summoned by Li Ping. On the ground, there are still sporadic gunshots and anti-aircraft fire from the red-haired man who was resurrected from the crater.

Facts have proved that in the face of 30mm steel core armor-piercing projectiles, the culprit who has not yet been resurrected is vulnerable.

"KMF, KnightMare Flame, also known as the humanoid free combat armored cavalry, the humanoid mobile weapon that the Holy Britannian Empire first put into battle in the 11th area strategy battle, in front of you is the sixth generation of CE world technology The main battle tank over there is an M140A1shp main battle tank equipped with a 7mm electromagnetic gun, which is a fusion of Academy City..."

"I'm not asking this! Why is it the army!"

"Isn't it normal for a legion to fight a legion?" Li Ping tilted his head. "You are entangled with the army of blame, so I summoned my army, isn't this a normal thing?

Zanpakuto's ability depends on the soul of the god of death. For someone like me who has spent most of my life in an armed organization, the best in fighting is unified. That is, when my personal force reaches a certain level, I will will be the commander.

Then my initial solution is to further strengthen my point-to-point combat ability, and my second solution, Wuxiang Yanwu, is to summon the troops I have commanded and the people who have fought against me to fight for me. "

"...People who have fought against you?" Byakuya Kuchiki raised his eyebrows, realizing that there was something in Li Ping's words.

"That's right, anyone who has fought against me before can be summoned, whether it is a netizen who once fought against me, an enemy who was shot down by me in a MS battle, or an angel who once fought each other, or The captains who fought mock battles with me." Li Ping spread his arms and smiled. "Of course, the upper limit of spiritual pressure will not exceed the upper limit of my instantaneous output of spiritual pressure. I'm afraid I can't get it out like Mr. Yamamoto's swastika. The summoned people are all based on my understanding of them. Virtual personality, It’s definitely not as good as the original version in combat.”

"That is to say...if he summons a group of elite teams..." Hitsugaya Toshiro's mouth twitched.

"Generally speaking, we can just go there recklessly. If I think the four of us can't be defeated, I will summon two dozen Saragi Kenhachi to go there."

Kuchiki Byakuya closed his eyes, trying hard to suppress the desire to complain.

Hitsugaya Toshiro rubbed his temples and shook his head, you are an army alone, right?
"If you don't want this woman to die! Just cooperate with me obediently! Cut off the chains on my body! I know you can do it!" Hei Dao picked up the knife stuck on the ground and pointed at Rukia.

After Rukia glanced at the black knife that was gradually collapsing in distaste, the corners of her mouth twitched twice and continued to look sideways, pretending to be unlovable.

"I said, those who are pierced by the chains of hell will be resurrected indefinitely. You won't forget, right?" Li Ping looked at Heidao strangely.Is the kid out of his mind? "Captain Kuchiki, I still need to suppress the culprits in the infinite resurrection, and I will leave the battle against him to you?"

"No, let me do it myself." Rukia turned her eyes back.

"??" The four present all looked at Rukia suspiciously.

Sister (little sister), your power of death has been banned by hell, you point it at the head and hit it?
"Before that, can you let them come?" Lucia pointed to the will of hell in the distance.

Shortly after the battle started, he was completely transformed by hell, resurrected on the surface, and his spirit body was also penetrated by the chains of hell.

But there is one advantage, under the influence of Li Ping, I have already experienced some changes that are not very clear for the time being. Of course, it may also be the power fed back by the ring of scum.

No matter what the reason was, after being besieged by hundreds of criminals, he quickly fell into a disadvantage, was pierced through the heart by a black knife sneak attack, and was thrown into the magma of hell. Before he was resurrected by hell, he established a vague connection with hell.

After being penetrated by the chains of hell, this connection is even stronger.

Hell was blown to pieces by Li Ping, Hell's will was not even allowed to approach the battlefield, and if he approached, he would be smeared by the ship's heavy artillery. Leaving aside the discomfort caused by Hell's determination to prevent Hei Dao's escape from prison and Hei Dao's attempt to plot The annoyance of outsiders cutting off the chains of hell that are absolutely not allowed to be cut off.

"I will help you to drive that man and his accomplices into the deepest part of hell."

This is a clear message that Hell sent to me through the chains of Hell after I regained my consciousness.

"Could it be..." Li Ping blinked.Will the will of hell want to help Rukia solve the black knife?

(End of this chapter)

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