Chapter 573 Chapter 566

"No." Li Ping flatly rejected the request of 'sister'. "This is the bond between you and Rukia in the past, why would someone like me who can't even be called an audience in this relationship intervene?"

"That's right..." Seeing 'sister' float back with a downcast expression, Li Ping's eyes became more and more strange.Although I say that my daily three views follow my five senses... But when I face the "children" who are my grandmothers who are too old, I still feel weird to death no matter how I think about it.

Rukia, who is about 150 years old and looks like a young and beautiful girl on the surface, although you can occasionally see their mature side in the tone of their speech, but most of the time her personality and way of doing things are still very close to high school students. of.A little impulsive, loyal and emotional.

Guys like Hitsugaya Toshiro who are around a hundred years old, like Toshiro Toshiro, are very old-fashioned in speaking and doing things, but their personality is still very similar to that of elementary school students.

Young and middle-aged, Kuchiki Byakuya, who is about 200 years old, can cover up his inner emotions well, and his behavior and personality are relatively safe.

The only ones who can really play against each other are Jingle Chunshui and others from the Millennium Elderly Group.

...So the growth cycle of Shinigami is really fascinating.

Seeing that the two siblings went back to bother Rukia, Li Ping took out a sofa and sat there cheerfully watching as Lucia coaxed the child while recalling some of the memories that had been erased but were told by Li Ping from a hundred years ago.

Are you feeling a little old?

Li Ping found out a paper on AI based on ternary supercomputing and looked at it. From the corner of his eye, he paid attention to the noisy three of Rukia.

Generally speaking, in order to prevent the high school graduates who entered the infinite world from being wiped out by the task world to lose their spirituality and loyalty to the mother world, and to prevent their feelings for their relatives, friends and hometown from being indifferent due to too long task time, the main god system The memory of the task time will be isolated from the memory of the mother world by means of memory isolation.

In this way, no matter how long you stay in the mission world, as long as you return to the mother world, the "player" will be an 18-year-old boy in his prime.This is also the reason why most of the starting identities in the mission world are recruits, students, etc.

However, after finishing the Forbidden World and the UC World, Li Ping came into contact with the "divinity" that should have come into contact with the tenth mission prematurely.

This directly led to some troublesome consequences. One is that the "main god system" has limited interference with Li Ping's memory, and even the personal panel's own data has become unstable.

For example, attributes such as strength are in a state of instability. According to the knowledge I heard in a certain (university) preschool class, this is because the upper limit of the power of the main god system is "under the angel", and this situation belongs to myself. In the sealed state, it is stable at the "Peak of Humanity". At level 5, the power is fully activated to match the angel, and at level 6, the power is fully activated to match the demigod.

As for intelligence, which used to be a constant 9, it was overused by myself to point it to 11...

It fell back to 9 again, is it because I thought less after I was able to play... Li Ping's mouth twitched slightly, he was lazy recently, but he didn't become stupid.

In addition, in terms of missions, the senior players at the university suggested to themselves that, on the premise of completing the missions at will, expand the breadth of the mission world as much as possible, and search for the specific benefits of the mission world as much as possible.

In addition, when participating in missions, in fact, the missions are not in the original world, that is, the so-called fandom world. In fact, there are templates for participating in missions.

For example, the mission templates of Lelouch’s World and Reaper’s Time are very similar. They both intervene or watch the turning point of the protagonist’s life. After becoming a classmate or friend with the protagonist, find a way to join the plot that the protagonist will participate in and interfere.

Then it was difficult for me to get along with the protagonist group because of my mentality...

I, who is mentally older, can play more with the middle-aged and elderly groups such as Heiqi Yixin and Jingle Chunshui, who are as immobile as mountains.He didn't want to entrust Urahara Kisuke to transfer himself to Kurosaki Ichigo's class to be a classmate with Kurosaki Ichigo, and to build a good relationship with the protagonists in his class by the way.So far, Li Ping is actually on the fringes of the protagonist group, and his relationship with Kurosaki Ichigo is just a relatively simple preaching, resolving doubts, and occasional psychological counseling.

After all, Kurosaki Ichigo's parents are captain-level Shinigami and Quincy masters, Ishida Uryu was also taught by his father, and Chadu completely unfamiliar.

On the contrary, I am more familiar with Orihime Inoue and Ryuki Arisawa who often come to eat and train.

"Hey Rukia, who is that big brother~" 'Sister' turned Rukia's head towards Li Ping.

"If you want to say, he is my husband-in-law now."

"What is that? Forget it, where is Rukia going to go in the future?"

"Leave here with him and go to Xintiandi to learn more. And he also needs us to help him find a life."

"... Rukia is leaving?" The expression of 'sister' became gloomy in an instant.

"Leave temporarily, my intuition tells me that I will be back soon." Rukia shrugged her shoulders.She has already recalled how the two children died, and now she is walking back along the long river of memory, looking for the details of getting along with the two siblings in the depths of her soul.

"We don't want Rukia to leave." 'Sister' had an ugly expression. "Can't you take us with you?"

"I know, we agreed to live together forever, but..."

"...I don't want to hear it but, can't we leave together?" The body of 'sister' began to overflow with black Reiatsu.

"Yes, yes, but didn't you just escape from the virtual circle? The place he is going to is much more terrifying than the virtual circle."

Rukia recalled how the two siblings danced and danced in front of her. Before that, what did she say?What are their names?

"...So Rukia still has to go and doesn't want to take us with her, right? In your heart, does that man hold a lot more weight than us?"

"How did you come to this conclusion..." Rukia's train of thought was interrupted by the spiritual pressure of 'sister'.

(Li Ping: Damn, why didn't I find out that Rukia still has such a straight side? You make them two happy and take care of it soon. They just can't hear the content of separation now.)
"Sister... are you serious..." 'Brother' looked at Rukia with some worry.

"Of course, kill that man, and then fuse with Rukia, then we can be together forever."'The black spiritual pressure around my sister gushed out, forming a spiritual tornado.

"Yes, sister..." The Reiatsu of the 'brother' also spewed out, fused with the Reiatsu of the 'sister', wrapping Rukia's body.

Li Ping sighed, stood up from the sofa, threw the paper back into the space, and looked in Rukia's direction.

Rukia was also smiling wryly.

"Don't kill them, remember to get me back."

"Understood, Lu Sanzang." Li Ping held the handle of the knife with his right hand.

"What the hell is Sanzang!"

(End of this chapter)

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