Chapter 571 564 Rukia

"You seem very... irritable?" Ye Yi followed behind Li Ping, using Shunpo continuously to follow Li Ping's footsteps.

"Strictly speaking, not." Li Ping maintained an anxious expression on his face, but he was not actually anxious. Although the incident happened suddenly, it did not exceed Li Ping's expectations.

When the Zanpakuto rebellion, the spirit skeleton rebellion, and Minggu appeared at the same time, Li Ping was ready for the attack of the broken-faced army, the robbing of the king's seal, the defection of Hitsugaya Toshiro, and the two false attacks to control memory. Rukia, the attack of the sinner from hell, etc., are preparing for the simultaneous occurrence of many events.

The purpose of not letting the Masked Legion and the Kurosaki family participate in the robbing of the soul world is to prevent being attacked in this world.

"The voice rang directly from his head!" Ye Yi found out in surprise; Li Ping's voice rang directly in his head.

"Ghost pressure has a certain nature of lightning, so I can use it to directly transmit my thoughts to your mind through the current. If you want to answer, just think about it in your mind. Then continue, Wearing a mask of anxiety on our face can make someone make a wrong judgment if they are monitoring our actions.

Generally speaking, when a person with a considerable degree of power like me is anxious, it usually means that he is about to be angry, so that his "sanity disappears" and he reacts impulsively.As long as the opponent is not particularly stubborn, most of them will make a not very complicated response.

As long as the other party responds, I can see the trick.

The rebellion of the spirit bones is actually not a big problem. As long as Captain Mayuri and Urahara Kisuke confirm the mastermind and its purpose, we can quickly end this farce.

The skeletons who have all the memories of the captain and vice-captain also have their own pride. Rather than rebelling with the mastermind, they probably have their own way to protect the soul world and practice their beliefs.

So in a sense, the skeletons are not enemies. "

"But why didn't they say so?"

"Most of the manufactured artificial humans have some kind of monitoring equipment in their bodies. Although their thoughts may be difficult to monitor, their words and deeds should still be able to be monitored. If they speak out, all previous efforts will be wasted, so they can only be entrusted to the virtual snake."

"But Byakuya is going to kill the mastermind of the Zanpakuto rebellion..." Yeyi was a little worried.

"That's the Guarding Team Thirteen. It's okay to be counted once, but it's too shameful to be counted again when you know the opponent's identity." Li Ping chuckled.

"Then, I'm going to this world, take care of yourself." Ye Yi also chuckled lightly, how could the Xiaoxiao who didn't even dare to show his face think of himself again.And the upper limit of the enemy is already known, and it is definitely not the opponent of the captain.

"Yeah." Li Ping and Ye Yi separated and rushed towards Liuhun Street.

In the plot, the two children brought Rukia back to Xudiao, the 78th area of ​​Nanliuhun Street. Generally speaking, as long as the character does not collapse, the two of them will still bring Rukia back to that position.'s really far away...

Li Ping flew in the air with a wry smile. The straight-line distance from the core area of ​​Jinglingting to South 78 of Liuhun Street was close to 1200 kilometers. The burden on the spirit body below was no longer light for him who did not hide his spiritual pressure too much.If it flies at super high speed again, it will cause considerable collateral damage.

As a result, it took Li Ping more than half an hour to reach the position where Rukia stopped moving while flying with Shunpo.

Just like in the original work, Rukia, who didn't know when she changed into a purple kimono, half-kneeled on the top of a mountain where she could see Jinglingting. Here, there are three simple graves.

"Those two children don't look like they're going back to change your clothes and buy clothes for you. After losing the self-awareness of the god of death, can't they even maintain the costume of death? Rukia." Li Ping smiled Looking at Rukia's back, it is a carefree, Rukia limited edition that has not been polluted by the disputes between nobles and civilians within Goutei [-].

By the way, Asanjing Renji said that Rukia's evaluation of Li Ping at this time was really appropriate. At this time, Rukia's movements always inadvertently revealed the elegance of a lady.And not with the deliberate and incongruous, educated grace with which it was trained.It's the kind of action that is my habit, what I should do at this moment, the action that has become part of my temperament after decades of nurturing.

Presumably Rukia was also a noble daughter of a big family in Japan before her death.

By the way, after Li Ping expected Rukia, although Rukia didn't mention it, she still had the scar of compromise with reality deep in her heart.

As far as I know her, the wildness and unruliness brought out from the 78th district of Nanliuhun Street, where the law and order is extremely poor, are almost worn out in Zhenyang Lingshu.After entering Kuchiki's house, his temperament was polished again by the rules of the big family.After entering the Goutei [-]th Team, she was ridiculed by the Shinigami sent by the aristocrats because she was an adopted daughter of the Kuchiki family and did not show enough ability to support the surname (later it was proved that Byakuya used the back door to prevent Rukia from becoming the seat officer). The populace sent death away.The entire thirteenth team, only five people above Huche Qingyin can still talk to Rukia.Then Zhibo Haiyan and Zhibo who had the best relationship were killed in battle. Although there were elements of suicide, Zhibo Haiyan was killed by her own hands.

In addition, it can be said that Rukia's love for the first half of her life can be said to be a miserable life that has been lost.

Forgot all of this for a while, but kept the nobility of life and the wildness of struggling in the world of corpses and souls after death... It's like a little wild cat's eyes.

...Do you want to trick Rukia into wearing cat ears next time?

No, no, it seems that this time when Rukia combines with this Xu, she will turn into vertical pupils, so I will take this opportunity to put them on for her to try.

Li Ping's eyes instantly became firm.

"What nonsense are you thinking about!" Lukia felt the change in Li Ping's eyes, and instantly covered her chest to block Li Ping's sight. Immediately, she was even more puzzled about the reason for her instinctive reaction. "Eh? Why do I have this reaction... why do you know my name?!"

"Why do I know your name?" Li Ping raised his brows, walked slowly step by step towards Lucia who was looking at him suspiciously, stopped in front of Lucia, bent down, slightly looked down at Lucia, stretched out his right hand Rukia's jaw hooked up.Make Rukia look at her face.

"Kuchiki Rukia, you actually forgot about me, did mere memory operations cut off the connection between you and me?" Li Ping pinched Rukia's chin, preventing her from pulling her face away. "Kuchiki Rukia, look at my face and say, what is my name?"

Rukia frowned for a moment, then her eyes widened.


(End of this chapter)

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