The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 566 Additional Information 559

Chapter 566 Additional Information 559
"...What the hell?" Li Ping expressed his opinion concisely.What is the purpose of talking about so many things? To put it simply, it is to dig a hole for Kisuke Urahara.

I devoured the flesh and blood of the gods in my hometown and was promoted to level 6 in the Forbidden World. The law has changed from the need to abide by the local laws to the fact that I only need to abide by my own laws. If there is a conflict, Li Ping has the final right to interpret.

This is also the reason why Li Ping quickly possessed the three powers of Quincy, Reaper, and Xu with the assistance of Bengyu, but Zanpakuto is closer to the soul weapon than the original Zanpakuto.

Although there are no special cases in the objective world that Li Ping swears by, it is very troublesome for you to reproduce the experience of Li Ping, a ghost.

In other words, under the limited objective conditions of the current world, Li Ping is a special case from outside.

There is no possibility of reprinting.

Then he was slapped in the face.

Looking at his burned right hand, which was still steaming, Kisuke Urahara's expression changed for several rounds before he recovered his usual cynical feeling.

"Ala, ala... this is really a surprise." Urahara Kisuke conjured up his small fan again to cover half of his face. "Even though you said that, you seem surprised, Li Sang."

"After all, it is a special case that cannot be realized under limited objective conditions, right?" Kisuke Urahara looked at Li Ping meaningfully.

Li Ping blinked innocently.

"Anyway, let's go back first, you still have a bunch of captains and vice-captains waiting to be fed at home, don't you?"

Thinking of the shameless captains and deputy captains at home, the veins on Li Ping's forehead twitched.

This group of people who are hundreds or thousands of years old at every turn, who seem to be just young people, has a quantum state of face.

The skin is seamlessly connected between infinitely thin and infinitely thick. When facing a defector like Ai Ran, the faces of this group of people will be broken at the touch of a touch. Whenever they meet, they will hold Zanpakuto and shout "For the corpse!" The glory of the soul world!" Chop it up.

But the thick-skinnedness between acquaintances can basically be infinitely thick, even Kuchiki Byakuya, who talks about the glory of nobility all day long, will use Rukia as an excuse to flirt with Li Ping's house in an elegant manner. meal.

Normally, Li Ping would do it when he had nothing to do. Anyway, using super powers to control pots and pans to cook is very simple.

If Li Ping is not in the mood, this group of people can also seamlessly switch from the mode of sitting and waiting for the meal to the mode of having a morning meeting.

Li Ping was amazed at his shameless death and the fact that he could get away with it, and he would not be annoyed if he couldn't get it out next time, and he would come again next time.

"The Grim Reaper is a creature whose lifespan can be long or short, maybe he will die tomorrow. It will be very painful to be too entangled in certain things." Kisuke Urahara sighed deeply.

When Li Ping returned home, he saw an unexpected visitor at home.

"Captain Nirvana Yuri? Are you undercover?" Li Ping looked curiously at Captain Weird who was drinking a cup of matcha tea.

Thanks to the weird hat on his head, he was the only one sitting on the sofa that could have seated three people.

"I'm here to collect information, and I'll go back later." Nie Yuli rolled her eyes, not really waiting to see her, and beat herself to the point of being forced to because she abused Nie Yinmeng Li Ping who liquefied and revived.

The most irritating thing is that the poison I am proud of has no effect on this person!

"First of all, there is good news and bad news." Captain Mayuri Naruto raised two fingers. "Which one do you want to hear first?"

Nirvana Mayuri looked around.

Close your eyes and rest your mind, close your eyes and rest your mind, the indifferent indifference, the straight eyes and the straight eyes, in short, no one answered.

Who doesn't know that you Nie Yuli like to confront people, so that you can tell good news but you must tell bad news, whoever speaks up will be degraded.Anyway, out of your sense of responsibility, you will definitely continue talking.

"Cut..." Nie Yuli curled her lips in displeasure.

"First of all, the good news is that Jiaogu has been successfully wiped out, and the spirit world and the world are complete. The bad news is that your words and deeds have been fully reported to the Central Room 46 by the secret maneuvering people. You are sentenced to death."

"Oh." Li Ping nodded, indicating that he knew.

"..." Nirvana Yuri was suffocated again. "Aren't you going to say something? That's the execution order from Central Room 46!"

"Are you beheading the human beings in this world with the order of the soul world?" Li Ping blinked curiously. "Besides, isn't Aizen still here?"

"Aizen Soyousuke..." Nie Yuli smacked her mouth, probably understanding what Li Ping meant. "Yeah, then there's nothing to worry about.

I have found the mastermind of the skeleton, the seventh member of the [-]th Division, Shadow Wolf Zuo.According to my judgment, the predecessor of the spirit skeleton was the "Pioneer Project" in the soul world thousands of years ago, that is, the project to transform the soul.It is inferred that the spirit skeleton is that Shadow Wolf Zuo collected our spirit seed samples in the broken world, thereby artificially synthesizing our spiritual power, and reconstructed the spirit skeleton troops that can be faked from the real ones through the information recorded in the spirit seeds.

However, the purpose of Shadow Wolf Zuo is still unclear, but judging from his current mode of action, it is likely to gain the dominion over the world of corpses and souls.

As for the Zanpakuto Rebellion... Pfft..." Nie Yuri burst out laughing at this point. "Ah, I'm a little rude now.Although several captains headed by Captain Yamamoto have not been replaced, but ah, the Zanpakuto used by Lingku is after all an imitation without a soul, it just has an empty shape.

For example, Captain Kuchiki Byakuya’s Senbon Sakura, although Captain Kuchiki of the spirit skeleton can also understand it, but it is not Senbon Sakura after all, but a parody imitation using reishi.

So so far, only the Zanpakuto of the lower-level Shinigami in the world of corpses and souls rebelled, and they were quickly suppressed by the spirit skeletons. So far, only Rukia Kuchiki's Sode Shirayuki of the captain-level Zanpakuto has been instigated for a time.

As for the mastermind of the Zanpakuto rebellion, through the description in the corridor of the Great Soul Book, I tentatively identify it as the son-in-law of the Kuchiki family, the Zanpakuto of Kuchiki Kayokawa, Muramasa hundreds of years ago.Zanpakuto's rebellious posture this time is exactly the same as the battle recorded by Nakamura Masa hundreds of years ago. "

"That is to say, if we want to break into the Soul Realm to counterattack now, we may first face the Zanpakuto rebellion? Then we will be beaten by the enhanced version of ourselves?" Li Ping raised his hand and asked like a good baby.

"Unfortunately, yes." Nirvana Yuri shrugged. "I'm afraid the only thing to be thankful for is that the captain and your spirit skeleton won't appear."


"Please count, you two's spiritual pressure is hard to come across in a thousand years, that trash of Shadow Wolf Zuo can't make a container that can hold the two of you even if he drains the broken world!"

(After a week of dull pain and almost a week of super fucking pain... I managed to kill the nerve pain in my tooth, and now it's finally pain free... Just ignore the still inexplicably loose front teeth and the teeth next to him, and the gums in the gums Cyst, I seem to be able to wait for the treatment next week with peace of mind...)
(End of this chapter)

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