Chapter 556 549 Sleepover
"What a surprise." Back at Li Ping's house, Li Ping and Matsumoto Rangiku met after Akane Shizuku went to take a bath. "After the captain returns, we will break into the valley for re-investigation."

"Well, it's hard work. After analyzing the data given to me by Kisuke Urahara, I plan to compress this piece of space called Valley and use it as Akane Shizuku's 'core', so that she can continue to live as a human being."

"That child, should it be just a collection of memories?"

"Although it's strange, she has a complete soul. Compared with ordinary death gods or human beings, she only has a very complicated and blurry memory.

To me, she is a complete human being, so she has the right to live, and within my ability, I intend to let her live. "

"You're such a nice guy..."

"Nonsense, is your good family always punishing the Jiu Clan? Or is it the real Zhu Jiu Clan that is so down to the point that it's not dead yet?" Li Ping sneered.

"Judging from your behavior, you are probably the kind who can't do without killing, right? If you are really a bloodthirsty person, your temperament is not very easy-going." Matsumoto Rangiku rolled his eyes. "I have seen all the big villains and tyrants dragged into hell. Even the best disguised villains can't hide the rancid smell from our gods of death, and you can still act recklessly. You have a good friendship with all the members of the Guarding Team [-], but it can only be said that the people you killed were all necessary killings in line with your concept of justice.

If you say that your three views are outrageous, it is also impossible to get along with us normally. Even today, the [-]th Guarding Team can still maintain a good relationship with you. It can only be said that it is not this kind of killing or even reconciliation with most of us. view.

To sum up, you should probably feign death in the end, otherwise you will be tied to the seat of the ruler by public opinion. "

"..." Li Ping looked at Matsumoto Rangiku who smiled and tilted his head than yeah~ after the analysis game. What did he say, big breasts and no brains?You have a strong ability to see small things. According to the records in the central spiritual book corridor, Hitsugaya Toshirō’s complaints and Hina Morimo’s dismantling, this sister usually uses this kind of ingenuity in paddling. ?
"Look, showing this expression means that you have encountered the situation I mentioned more than once, right? You just admitted it. In the end, you are a dead tsundere who engraves a strange sense of responsibility in your bones and still can't see the tragedy."

"...Tsundere?" Li Ping's eyes twitched violently twice.

"Tsundere men are disgusting." Matsumoto Ranju pinched his nose and waved his hands, as if trying to blow away Li Ping's smell.

"!!!!!!" Li Ping's heart stopped for a moment, and the first time he was called tsundere and rejected, the string called reason in Li Ping's mind was about to snap.

"Didn't you notice the change in your attitude in the soul world? When you treat the Kuchiki family, the Jingle family and many other noble families that have made a lot of contributions to the soul world, your attitude is very polite. Treat civilians and When you were a resident of Liuhun Street, your attitude was also polite, and when you were offended and suspicious, you were also very patient.

But you have always been honest with nobles who have not made contributions and are still enjoying privileges, and you will take the opportunity to attack anyone who offends you. "

"...Is it so obvious? Wait, why do you know so much?" Li Ping's hairs stood on end when he thought of being secretly observed for so long in the soul world. stand up.

"You're almost writing on your face that you want to find fault and hack all the nobles who don't deserve it. Besides, I didn't observe it. It was the information she quietly collected after Captain Aizan left."

...It's even more scary, okay, I didn't realize it at all, hey.A drop of cold sweat oozed from Li Ping's forehead.

"It seems that Captain Broken Bee also contributed. After all, someone gave her the video of you masturbating Miss Yeyi at the gate of Baidaomen. If it weren't for the fact that you stayed in the fourth team all the year round, you would not have had much contact with Miss Yeyi. If there were too many, she would have been PKing with you in real life."


"Don't forget, the Shunpo you use is an improved version of the version used by Ms. Yoruichi. Most people will doubt the relationship between the two of you, right? Only Captain Kuchiki and Kisuke Urahara are using the Sifengin family's improved version in the entire soul world. Shunpo after passing by, even Captain Suifeng, who entered Miss Yeichi's social circle a little later, couldn't get this kind of Shunpo." Seeing Li Ping's expression of "I have no grudge against her", Matsumoto Ranju shrugged. Shrugging his shoulders, he smiled helplessly. "This kind of art belongs to the level of family secrets, and it has nothing to do with it, so you can't learn it at all."

"……so I……"

"Slightly slightly... I won't listen, I won't listen~~~" Matsumoto Rangiku predicted Li Ping's upcoming Versailles statement, and directly covered his ears and pretended not to listen.Just thinking about his captain's heart-stopping learning ability is enough to shock him, and what Li Ping, who has achieved omnipotence in three months, is about to say must be even more heart-stopping.

"Forget it... take the time to explain." Li Ping scratched his head.

"Explain what? If it wasn't taught by Miss Yeyi, the explanation you said would only make people more angry."

"...Also, for a genius, the efforts of a mediocre person really seem meaningless."

"Hack you to death."

"Just kidding."

"Anyway, it's the first time I've stayed at a boy's house." Akane Shizuku, who was wearing a dry turban on her head and a bathrobe, came out of the bathroom. "But it's amazing, you, living in this kind of villa is a little exaggerated from time to time? Mind if I visit your room?"

"You are still young, and there are still many things to do for the first time." Li Ping complained casually. "By the way, what's there to see in my room? Come on."

"I haven't seen it~" Akane Shizuku scratched her head in embarrassment.

"Wow, this country is here~" Akane Shizuku and Matsumoto Rangiku looked at Li Ping's room with bright eyes.

From the big bed built by Li Ping himself with a 3.5*2.5 mattress of Diamond Majesty customized in the UK, there are bookshelves of various books on one wall, and on the other wall are the books that Li Ping has driven and ridden so far. Models of vehicles and warships.

On the other side of the room are servers connected in series with twelve large tower hosts and twelve 34-inch 16:9 monitors made by Li Ping himself.

This array whose performance is close to supercomputing is an important prop for Li Ping to stir up the financial market during this period of time.

"What are these unseen robots?" Akane Shizuku pointed to the alloy model of the Holy Shield Gundam that Li Ping rubbed.

"Ah, that is the body that I snatched when I went to the battlefield for the first time..." Thinking about it now, I still feel a little sorry for Aslan. When Li Ping told Qian Shizuku the story of those decades ago, his mind was running It's other emotions.

He is a fiancée and a body, and even the treatment in front of his own father is half as bad.

(End of this chapter)

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