Chapter 554 Chapter 547

"Who are you? What do you belong to? When did you put on the skeleton?" Rukia frowned.

"As you can see, it's the god of death. As for Yoshiku, it's the one he put on just now." The girl answered casually, playing with her hair. "Shouldn't you introduce yourself before asking someone else?"

"Guotei Thirteenth Squad, Vice Captain of the Thirteenth Squad..."

"Elukia, have you been promoted?"

"Whispering! After mastering the 卍jie and only serving as the vice-captain, it's already the eldest brother who left the relationship again. He was going to drag me directly to be the captain of the ninth team!" Lucia almost choked. "Rukia Kuchiki, vice-captain of the [-]th Division."

"My name is Akane Shizuku, which team are you from...?" The girl played with her hair and pretended to be remembering, Rukia was furious.

"You...!?" Just as Lukia said a word, she felt Li Ping's right hand resting on her shoulder suddenly, and exerted a little force.Is it someone or someone that Li Ping knows? "Forget it, what do you know about those white ghosts with red pointed hats?"

"I don't know at all." The girl said casually.

"Then why attack those things?"

"I felt it was right to do so, and then I chopped it off." The girl disagreed.

"Which period are you from the Central Academy of Spiritual Arts?"

"That kind of thing doesn't matter, right?" The girl even wanted to pop an earwax bomb to express her impatience.

"..." Rukia tried her best to suppress her anger. This impatient and non-violent non-cooperative attitude made Rukia very angry. "I'm at a loss, come on, anyway, I'll go back to Soul Soul Realm first, at least to find out about the disconnection of communication."

Rukia glanced at Akane Shizuku who had already run to tease the dog.

"Do you know the identity of this child?" Lucia asked softly beside Li Ping.

"The collection of memory lost and chased by the soul, the missing rosary." Li Ping also replied softly. "Be careful when you go back, I always feel a little unsteady."

"It's really rare that you actually said something that you are a little uneasy about."

"The sweeping spiritual pressure made me feel a little uncomfortable, as if some new rule had appeared, and this rule made the world a little unbalanced."

"Huh? The world is a little out of balance?"

"My observation angle of the world is somewhat different from those of the god of death, ordinary human beings, and annihilators. I use the five senses to observe the world while observing the three-dimensional universe from a higher-dimensional observation site. I call it This is the angle of view of the 'reference point', and now my five senses and the observation of the reference point have shifted." Li Ping's eyes lit up briefly, then he shook his head and returned to the normal observation mode. "The sweeping spiritual pressure should have flowed from the broken world. Maybe if it reappears next time, I can intercept some of the spiritual pressure to observe the information contained in these spiritual particles."

"I see. I'll come back as soon as I have news." Rukia understood that the five senses and the high-dimensional observation results had deviated, which sounded like advanced enough trouble. "So what are you going to do with this kid?"

"See if we can fix Yuanyuan and let her survive. If you can't, just have fun with her and go on the road happily." Li Ping's tone was a little melancholy, memories that no one knows...

"?????" Lucia looked at Li Ping strangely. It's rare to be so depressed.Don't you usually have an attitude that as long as you have a blood bar, the gods will kill you?
"Unlock." Rukia pulled out the Zanpakutō, opened the world-transmitting gate, and returned straight to Soul Soul Realm.

Li Ping frowned as he felt the unsteady Boundary Severing Spirit coming from the World Transmitting Gate.But considering that this unremembered heroine is a key prop controlled by Minggu Space, if it is easily lost, the follow-up plot will be more embarrassing.

(Note: The missing soul is the soul that is accidentally sucked into the broken world during the process of reincarnation in the present world and the soul world. The gradual collection of free souls will create a space called "Calling Valley".

Because of its small size, London, the world of ghosts and souls in the UK, is very close to the real world, and even intersects with the real world at the nearest time. In a sense, it can be regarded as a special space called Valley. )
"Has that big sister left yet?" The girl's energetic voice came over.

"She goes back to do some errands first, and I'll keep an eye on you later. But I'll take you to a place first." In order to imitate the girl who is as energetic as a husky running around, Li Ping directly grabbed the girl's wrist , took her to the Urahara store.

"Eh~~?" Akane Shizuku didn't seem to mind, so Li Ping didn't bother to pretend. "Where are you taking me~~?"

"Go find a strange sorghum to check your body."

"Shocked!!!!" Qian Shizuku looked at Li Ping in shock, are you dirty adults so direct!

"Long time no see, Li Sang...huh?" Sensing the Reiatsu that Li Ping specially made him feel, Kisuke Urahara came out to greet him on purpose. Kisuke Urahara, who has the best brain at present, can see Akane Shizuku's special form of existence at a glance.

It is formed by the aggregation of countless memories, with one of the relatively strong memories as the main body, and the experience of this memory forms a personality, and even produces a new soul out of thin air. It is a special existence that can use Zanpakutō normally. beads.

There are many spaces called Valleys, but there are not many examples of Missing Beads being living bodies.

"I've read the records, and you seem to have the technology to preserve the rosary bead? It's just a pity that the soul owed was wiped out at that time, and the memory that lost its power could not survive alone, which led to the disappearance of the rosary bead at that time, so that your research Not finished yet?"

While Akane Shizuku was teasing Xiao Yu and Tiesai, Li Ping and Urahara Kisuke were discussing in a low voice.

"It's not because the power dissipated that I couldn't continue the experiment, but the resources I paid didn't match the purpose I achieved. I didn't continue the next stage of the experiment, and let the space called Valley and the soul owed be wiped out.

If we go to the next stage of experiment and burn the equivalent of all the spiritual pressure of the digital captains, so as to compress the called valley space, use the compressed called valley space as the 'core', and make the human-shaped rosary beads into an existence similar to spirit bones, then we You can harvest a soul pressure strength comparable to the captain, the total soul pressure is very huge, but the strength is only the combat power of the vice captain level.

At that time, the valley space had a radius of only 0.7 liters. If the volume of the valley increased, the energy required would increase by the cubic level. "

"Really, please give me a copy of the follow-up information."

"I'll give you a summary later, speaking of Li Sang, I know you have enough spiritual pressure, but it's not worthwhile to face someone you just met who doesn't even have any experience of your own. Kisuke Urahara lowered the brim of his hat.

"Of course it's not cost-effective." Li Ping directly admitted Urahara Kisuke's opinion. "But I want her to live, she's alive, and I want her to live. I don't care if it's worth it or not."

"Really, it's fine for you to decide. I personally don't want to see such a sad thing. If it weren't for the central spiritual book corridor that would forcefully record the research on Minggu and me, I'm afraid I don't even have the child's face now." You remember." Kisuke Urahara cast a glance at Urahara (Xiao Yu) indiscriminately.

(End of this chapter)

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