Chapter 528 521 Practice
"Yo, I'm still thinking about what you're doing hiding in this kind of place. So you're hiding in this kind of place to do the practice of swastika. That's the body of your Zanpakuto? It looks quite interesting, right? Let me have a leg too." Renji looked at Ichigo who had just started training, holding his sword.

"A Sanjing... Renji..."

"Hey, hey, what kind of expression is that on your face? Why is it an expression of "Why are you here?" A Sanjing Renji walked towards Ichigo. "Don't look at me with that expression, I just want to find a quiet place to practice swastika. After all, there is no time, and with my current strength, there is no way to rescue Rukia directly. "


"Lukia's execution time has been changed again, and the final time is set at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow?!" Ye Yi's eyes widened.

"That's right, tomorrow." Li Ping also jumped down from the zenith.

"Tomorrow... This way, there is not enough time to practice the swastika!" Ye Yi looked a little bit broken, using the God-turning body to shorten the practice of years or even decades to three days is magical enough in itself Well, now you tell me that I can only give you 48 hours?What's more, the execution time is less than 22 hours now.

"That's not okay, Ms. Yoruichi." Ichigo's eyes became serious. "Didn't you propose this practice? It wouldn't be good for you to give up first. And, combined with what that guy Li Sang taught me, I have a faint feeling."

"What? How does it feel?"

"Thousands of swords on the ground are actually fakes of Zhanyue. The real swords have never been here. Every sword here, or every fragment of my heart is my weakness."

"For example, this one." Ichigo opened his right palm, and in the distance, a big sword that looked exactly like Zhan Yue flew over and was held in his hand by the clothes. "This one is the most intuitive."

The swastika was obtained through traditional means, but because the Zanpakuto was too weak, Yoichi Yoruichi, who had been using taijutsu to fight, looked at Kurosaki Ichigo in a daze.

"This sword that looks exactly like Zanyue is actually a symbol of me trying to rely on Zanyue's power." Kurosaki Ichigo's spiritual pressure gradually increased, and the surge of spiritual pressure directly shattered the pseudo-Zenyue sword in his hand. moon.

"Look, the fragile ones are going to die." Kurosaki Ichigo glanced at the blade and it was shattered into pieces, leaving only the fake Zanzuki still holding the handle in his hand.

"Actually, when I am fighting someone, I can faintly perceive some of the opponent's thoughts. For example, the emotion in Uncle Zhanyue's sword is "examination", and he is checking whether I am qualified to use the swastika.

Zaragi Kenpachi's sword was born for fighting and died for fighting.

Earlier, when he was practicing against Li Sang, his emotions were a bit more complicated, but in summary, he has absolute confidence in himself. At the same time, his attitude towards the world seems to be looking down on the world, but it is not That haughty feeling... feeling... a feeling that I've played everything?
According to Rukia, her sword mainly exists for protection. "

"..." Li Ping looked at his hand suspiciously, could he feel it?

"What about me?" A Sanjing Renji interjected.

"...If I don't feel wrong... low self-esteem and entanglement?" Ichigo thought about the feeling at that time. "It's the kind of self-denying hopelessness that you don't get right, and always feel that you are looking up to someone."

"Then what now?" Ah Sanjing raised the knife high, and then chopped it down.

Seeing this, Kurosaki Ichigo directly pulled out a knife from his side, blocking Renji's slash.

"Eh?" Ichigo was stunned for a moment, then laughed. "You're confident, Renji."

"Hmph." Renji withdrew the knife and laughed self-deprecatingly.The past self was like a monkey fishing for the moon, constantly catching the phantom of that person as if he was constantly comforting himself, trying to bite him all the time and surpass him.

Baboon King Shewei really is a portrayal of myself.

But... what happened to that person?

"Oh, the route I took before was a route where I rode like a thousand riders, looking down on the world. It's normal for Ichigo to feel this way." Seeing the puzzled look in A Sanjing Renji's eyes, Li Ping explained a little.


"Besides MS ace pilot and superpower, my main identity is a politician, a master of strategy and a master of tactics."

"Oh? So you were a king?" A Sanjing Renji raised his eyebrows.

"The king's words... are not very appropriate." Li Ping raised his index finger and wobbled it. "The largest area of ​​my rule has already reached the circle of Jupiter. If I didn't run fast, I'm afraid I'd have to work overtime in that position until I die."

"...No wonder you almost collapsed the Kasumi Oji family while you were playing around." A Sanjing Renji finally knew why Li Ping was asked by Captain Yamamoto to deal with the affairs of the Kasumi Olu family, and he was not afraid of this person and Xia The Dalu family is in a panic.

People have long been tired of playing the set you want to play, okay? The things you have worked so hard to calculate and calculate to get are things that people don't want to play anymore.

I am afraid that the existence of Captain Yamamoto, who has held power for more than a thousand years, can understand Li Ping's current state——

Damn I really want to retire, and have fun while I'm retired.

The only difference is that the man in front of him escaped successfully, probably because he has cultivated an excellent successor.Captain Yamamoto has cultivated for thousands of years but has not yet cultivated a person who can hold a stable position, so he can only go to work all the time...

"Well, that's pretty much what it means." Li Ping nodded.

"!!!" Ah Sanjing Renji was stunned, and looked at Li Ping in astonishment.

"Your face looks like a barrage of bullets, you can probably guess what you're thinking about." Li Ping said amusedly. "The only reason why Mr. Yamamoto and I can reach a strategic cooperation is that I just want to have fun and become stronger, and I don't have any pursuit of power and wealth in the soul world.

So as the price for me being able to stay here all the time, and talking and laughing with the captains of the various teams before Rukia's execution, I helped the old man beat up some of the more noisy masters in the nobles, and by the way, I took their troubles. After searching and searching, it is estimated that they can fight for decades of peace? . "

"...Although I don't think you would take the initiative to break into the Jingling Court alone and hide in a low-key way, but you must have lived a bit too rich." Ye Yi heard this for the first time.

"It's not bad. If I were doing it before, I should be thinking about what kind of social model should be used in this world with a huge gap in individual strength, and then launch the entire Liuhun Street to attack Jinglingting."

"Thank you so much!"

(End of this chapter)

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