485 Chapter 478 died
...to be scared to death.

When Renji moved in front of Rukia with Shunpo, he was about to surprise Rukia with a slash close to the tip of his nose.

Rukia took a light step forward, then raised her left hand over her head, and lightly grabbed Renji's wrist.

"Yo, long time no see, Renji~" Rukia smiled like a flower.

Even if his spiritual pressure was limited by 80%, even if he didn't try his best, even if he just had a random surprise.

When Rukia grabbed his wrist lightly and couldn't break free, the surprise turned into horror.

Wait, I must have not slept well today, and opened it in the wrong way, anyway, find the time machine first... What a big-headed ghost!What the hell is unfolding!

Rukia let go of Renji's wrist.Renji took advantage of the trend and jumped away, creating a distance.


"It's me~ What's the matter? Vice-captain Renji Asai~" Rukia still had a smile on her face, as expected of herself, the surprise that had been prepared for half a month had indeed received the desired effect.

Look at Renji's dumbfounded expression as if he saw the little white rabbit killing the Tyrannosaurus rex with one bite, it's really interesting.

Rukia swallowed the Yihun Pill and completed the death transformation, while Li Ping was going to play the show operation that he had wanted to play for a long time.

"What a beautiful Shunpo." Byakuya Kuchiki slowly pulled out the Zanpakuto.

I recognize the look in the eyes of the man in front of me, that is...

Come on, have a fight.

In addition, it is almost the same as himself, and in a sense, it is closer to the Shunpo that Yoichi Sifengin uses that he can hardly see clearly, which is enough for Kuchiki Byakuya to pay attention to.

And Li Ping held his right hand empty, and the iron sand attracted from the ground gradually condensed into a handful of silver-black thousand cherry blossoms.

"Are you trying to fool me?"

"No, no, no, don't get me wrong, this is just an established matter. I've wanted to play like this for a long time." Li Ping waved the thousand cherry blossoms made of iron sand, and it felt weird.

"As I said, my ability is electromagnetic force, and I can control countless pieces of iron sand and iron to use as weapons. Don't you think, on this level, it's very similar to your Qianbenzakura?"

"It seems that you know us very well, who are you?"

"Let Rukia tell you when you have time, I'm not interested in telling stories to men." Li Ping weighed the knife in his hand and found the most comfortable holding point.Then, throw it upwards, holding the knife backwards like a dagger.

"You first?" Li Ping spread his hands.

Kuchiki Byakuya didn't make a sound, and rushed up directly using Shunpo.

As the two identical Zanpakutō collided with each other, there was a crisp collision sound, and the next moment, the sound of sword collision in this small area rang continuously like firecrackers stand up.

Now Renji can barely see the afterimage of the hem of the clothes where the two of them disappeared in a flash.

"This is Captain Kuchiki's power... I can't see clearly... and that human... who the hell is it?!" Renji was distracted, but Rukia found the opportunity and pinned her to the ground with her arms twisted.

"What the hell is going on with you! Why did your strength rise so terribly in just a few months!" Renji couldn't care less about being pinned to the ground by Rukia's twisted arms.

"Lenji, in the past few months, I have completed the swastika."

Cultivate the swastika and solve it...Cheng the swastika and solve it...

"Huh?!" For Renji who knew that Rukia would never joke about this kind of thing, these words were like a bolt from the blue, constantly echoing in his mind.So much so that I lost a dozen words.

Li Ping and Bai Zai parted ways, and the two were panting slightly at the same time.

At this time, the sleeves of both of them tended to develop into rags.

"It seems that simply using Shunpo and swordsmanship is not enough."

"Let's scatter, Senben Sakura." ×2
Under Renji's shocked, Rukia's gaze, the swords in their hands were like mirror images, and the two blades, one black and one silver, turned into black and pink petal-shaped blades.

Li Ping raised his eyebrows slightly, satisfied with the [-]% similarity of his simulation, while Bai Zai frowned.

Unlike the gorgeous Hajime Kuchiki Byakuya that Renji had seen before, this time Renji could hardly see the pink petals flying all over the sky.

The only thing that can be seen is the buzzing sound of sparks and blade collisions between the two of them.

Small wounds and cuts appeared on the two of them constantly. Li Ping's smile became stronger and stronger, while Bai Zai's eyes flashed a hint of surprise and joy, and his brows gradually relaxed.

Li Ping felt that he had almost figured out Bai Zai's way, and took a step forward, and then another step, walking faster and faster, and finally even started to trot.

Bai Zai took aim at the slight gap where the two small blades attacked each other, and used Shunpo to disappear in front of Li Ping, while Li Ping also used Shunpo to turn around, and when the two reappeared, the two kicked at each other with whip , the calves collided together in mid-air.

Then, the two disappeared at the same time, blocking each other's elbows, and with the sound of Shunpo, the two disappeared again.

In the space where the iron sand petals and the pink cherry blossom petals were fighting, the two kept flashing and fighting, so that the sound of crackling fists and kicks resounded in the air again.

When the confrontation stopped again, two people with bruised noses and swollen faces appeared in front of Renji and Rukia.

The only difference is that Bai Zai's eyes are both blue, and the corners of his mouth and nose are bleeding, while Li Ping has one eye less than Bai Zai.

"How do you feel? Captain Kuchiki Byakuya?"

Bai Zai didn't want to talk to you, and threw a swastika at you.JPG
"Swastika, Thousand Cherry Blossoms·King Yan"

Li Ping followed Bai Zai to let go of the blade, but he really couldn't do it himself to make water ripples appear in the space.

However, what remains is basically an exact mirror image.

As two thousand 40-meter broadswords rose from the ground, they turned into a torrent of iron sand and a torrent of cherry blossom petals.

Dozens of iron sand torrents and cherry blossom petal torrents collided with each other in the air, constantly trying to break through the opponent's protective circle to attack the caster.

The gorgeous and handsome picture that Li Ping had imagined did not appear.

Now, it's like a duel between a black tentacle monster and a pink tentacle monster...

Especially the tentacles on both sides... I mean, when the two Reiatsu/Iron Sand torrents attack the middle of the opponent's torrent, the ends will split, and then hit a certain position of the opponent's torrent at the same time, cutting off the opponent's torrent.

Sometimes it will entangle the opponent's torrent, directly tighten the spiral, and cut off the opposite torrent.

For a while, neither side could do anything to the other.

I was thinking about whether to call the soul world, apply for the lifting of the restriction, and show some color to the little ghost in front of me who is suspected of cheating on my step-sister and sister-in-law, but I am afraid that Rukia will feel that she can't afford it.

Li Ping raised his hands in surrender.

The main reason was that it was boring. Everyone tacitly put their hands back to fight, and the opponent was limited to 80% of their strength, which was too boring.

"Captain Kuchiki Byakuya... If we have a chance, how about we fight again in the Soul Realm. At that time, we will find a place where there is no one and fight with all our strength. You are also restricted and I can't let go. It's not interesting."

Hearing Li Ping's sincere words, Bai Zai...became angry after a while.

Very good, as expected, I should kill this little bastard.

(End of this chapter)

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