Chapter 482 475 Strength
"That's right." Li Ping nodded. "As you can see, this kind of void is no more difficult to kill than ants for me."

With a slap, Li Ping shattered the eyelid that was about to interrupt his speech.

"But for you, this is fatal." Li Ping clapped his hands. "Just to give you a little reminder, your power is actually already in your body. The way to activate it is usually strong emotion and will. Next, I will not make a move until the two of you have the ability to fight. If you If you want to hate me, then do it. It's one of those strong feelings."

Another miscellaneous ghost landed beside the two girls, howling and walking over slowly.

"Come on, girls. If you fail, I will observe a moment of silence at your funeral." After speaking, Li Ping walked to the side of the sports goods warehouse, leaning against the wall and looking at the two girls. "At that time, remember to become stronger in your next life."

Xu walked up to the two girls, opened his bloody mouth and howled loudly.The left limb, which was like a whip, was raised high and quickly swung down. Long Gui quickly jumped away with Zhiji on his side, dodging the first attack.

Under the shadow, the corners of Li Ping's mouth curled up slightly.

Consistent with Kisuke Urahara's point of view, it doesn't matter whether it's a recruit, a god of death who has lost his spiritual power, or a person with spiritual power who needs to be awakened.

The first strike is the most critical, as long as you dodge the first strike, the battle is already half won.

"One more reminder for you."

"What!" Long Gui shouted at Li Ping.

"When a companion is seriously injured or even on the verge of death, the will of the other person will become unprecedentedly strong, and the probability of survival will increase dramatically."

"Are you serious!" The eyes of the two girls tightened suddenly.

"Generally speaking, when human beings have the strongest willpower, it is when they want to live between life and death. The other is when the companion they want to protect is dying or has just died." Li Ping folded his hands on his chest, Said this fact in a flat voice. "It's been like this since ancient times."

"So, Arisawa Ryuki and Inoue Orihime, how do you choose? Two people live together, or two people die together, or sacrifice one person so that the other can live?" Li Ping's voice broke out. Full of bewitching meaning.

"That day, it was classmate Li Ping who let me see my brother's soul." Orihime Inoue slapped Long Gui on the shoulder with one hand, and turned to look at Li Ping in the shadows.

"...Cut, I knew that Rukia would have problems if she bought the cheapest memory replacer." Li Ping complained.

"Then, will you really watch us die?"

"Yes, the sooner you die, the less pain. For me, physical death is not the end of life, but for you, it is not."

"Zhi Ji! Don't worry about being sentimental!" Long Gui pushed Zhi Ji away abruptly, making room for the two of them, and slashed between them with his long whip from top to bottom. "I can see it. Today, either it will die or we will die."

"Otherwise, our spiritual power will only allow us to continue to attract such monsters. If no one protects us once, we will still die."

This child is very enlightened, Zhi Ji is a bit too kind.

"But...don't be kidding! I want the two of us to live together! Let Zhiji die because of my powerlessness...what are you kidding!" The smoke cleared, only to see Long Gui ruthlessly stomping on Xu's whip type forelimb.

This ruthless kick made the miscellaneous groan, and another whip-shaped forelimb swept over. Long Gui had no time to dodge, so he could only forcefully put on a stance, crossing his hands in front of his chest, while blocking the whip, Was beaten out.

Li Ping leaned forward slightly, and immediately leaned against the wall again, restraining his desire to strike. Although the blow looked powerful, Long Gui's left arm was only broken, and his body was bruised in many places due to rolling on the ground. , there is still hope for a counterattack.

Even if you want to make a move, you have to do it at the last moment.

"It hurts, hurts..." Long Gui shrugged with his left hand, put his head on the ground, propped up his body with his right hand, stood up trembling, and muttered softly in his mouth at the same time. "Bastard, you are so cruel..."

"Longgui Sauce!"

"...Ah!" Inoue Orihime who ran over anxiously was pulled aside by a whip, rolled on the ground several times before barely stopping.

"Hey! Zhihime! You bastard! Come to me!"

As if hearing Long Gui's roar, that Xu turned around and walked over step by step howling.

However, halfway through the journey, Xu still felt that Orihime, who couldn't even climb up, was easier to cook.He turned his head and walked in the direction of Orihime.

"You bastard, I've said it all, come to me... Can't you hear me!"

Li Ping looked at Long Gui who was running unexpectedly. It is really rare for a teenager to run with an open fracture of his left forearm and endure the pain.

Before Xu Xu walked in front of Zhi Ji, Long Gui ran to Jian Jian who was lying on the ground first.

Seeing that his food was blocked, he let out a howl, and shot forward with both whips at the same time, stabbing Long Gui.

Seeing this scene, Li Ping stood up straight, ready to make a move.

"I don't understand human language!" Long Gui suddenly raised his head, looked at Xu's mask and shouted.

The two long whips were not aimed at her at all, but aimed at Zhi Ji behind her.

In a fit of rage, Long Gui opened his hands suddenly, hugging the two whip-shaped forelimbs to his sides.

At the same time, a storm of spiritual power spread around Longgui, blocking Li Ping's sight.

"My strength will turn into my armor...ha..." Long Gui laughed at himself, and the storm dissipated, revealing Long Gui's current image. "Isn't it a bit strange that I, a Japanese high school student who practices karate, wears this kind of armor?"

At this time, Long Gui was wearing a silver-gray plate armor, with movable joint armor and chain mail as aids at the joints.Then, both sides of Long Gui's armpit tightly held Xu's forelegs.

Long Gui loosened his arms a little, and let Xu retract his two forelimbs.

"Interesting..." Particle-shaped spiritual pressure gradually condensed into a two-handed epee around Long Gui, and Long Gui slowly held the front of the epee with both hands. "It seems that there is a voice telling me that this kind of sword... is used in this way!"

Long Gui violently pulled up the epee, swung the epee like a war hammer, and used the blade near the gauntlet to directly cut off the forelimb that had been swung by him.

However, because it was the first time to use this kind of epee, after the cut, the body turned half a circle more.When Long Gui turned his head back, he couldn't react in time, and was whipped on the breastplate with a whip.

Hearing a "creak", Long Gui only slid half a meter and stopped.

"It's really powerful, this armor." Long Gui wiped the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, held the epee in both hands, and slowly began to charge.

He jumped to the right while running, dodging the thrust of Xu's remaining long whip, then leaped high, swung the epee in the air, and smashed heavily towards Xu's mask.

The epee, which looked at least twenty or thirty kilograms, was like a war hammer, and the gauntlet slammed heavily on Xu's mask, directly smashing Xu and his head to pieces.

The void turned into spirit particles and dissipated in the air.

Long Gui hit the ground heavily, and slowly stood up from the pit.

"Is this power..." Long Gui's armor turned into light and slowly dissipated. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, he fell to the ground slowly.In the end, her eyes saw Li Ping who was drawing his sword. "What... the co-authorship really scares me..."

(End of this chapter)

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