Chapter 477 Chapter 470
"That's three swords~" Listening to Li Ping's frivolous voice, Rukia looked down at her left trouser leg that had been shattered into pieces, panting slightly.

It was much better than when he was oppressed by Li Ping's spiritual pressure, malice and murderous aura at first, making it difficult to move or even breathe.

On the other hand, Li Ping outputted high-intensity trash talking in an attempt to arouse Rukia's anger bar.While strolling around in circles around Rukia, he procrastinated for time so that Rukia had time to adapt to the murderous aura and the battle against opponents who were higher than her Reiatsu.

"You only have three chances left, Lucia~" Li Ping raised three fingers on his left hand and shook them.Then, dragging the knife again, he rushed over.

"Ling Wu, sleeve Baixue."

"It's finally solved..." Li Ping almost burst into tears, you can finally fight back normally, right?Of course, on the surface...

"Ha, just relying on the sword held by these trembling hands... how could it hit me!"

It means that when Rukia can completely overcome her fear and her hands are no longer trembling, Rukia will definitely be able to hit her with the strength of the chief executive.

The moment Li Ping passed by, he raised his head and lowered his waist to avoid Sode Shirayuki's slash, and slipped past Rukia's side on one knee, chopping the last leg of Rukia's trousers into pieces.

"!!!" Li Ping just wanted to get up and continue to talk trash, when he saw a little frost on the hair tip of his forehead.

"It seems that I will be able to meet you gradually." Lucia took a long breath, stabilized her body, and slowly put on a posture in a dead bully outfit similar to a one-piece swimsuit.

(Meanwhile, the first floor of the Urahara store.

"Manager, I think that if this video is sold to Kuchiki Byakuya, in addition to allowing us to be chased and killed by Kuchiki Byakuya, it will only give the Kuchiki family an extra captain-level brother-in-law."

"That's right...")
"It seems that your hunting activities will come to an end here, even if it is my young body, you can't lick any cream." Rukia firmly grasped the hilt of the sword with both hands, her eyes were sharp and clear. He calmly looked Li Ping squarely in the eye. "Humans still want to treat me as prey, don't be too arrogant, little brat."

"It's you who are arrogant, Reaper. I'm afraid you haven't fought as many battles as I have. It seems that you don't quite understand the concept of a person who has come out of all-out war for 40 consecutive years." Li Ping held his sword Insert it into the ground.A red spiritual pressure gradually rose from his body.

Like a Saiyan exploding, the gushing out Reiatsu enveloped Li Ping like a flame, making Li Ping's coat rattle.

"In addition, you don't quite understand what it means to "listen to the will of heaven with a human body"."

"The meaning of this sentence is that I can use nearly infinite computing power to deduce the ways of ghosts and the use of Reiatsu that I am interested in."

Li Ping closed his eyes and took a deep breath, the spiritual pressure gushing out of his body began to compress to the body surface, and compressed into two tornado-like spiritual pressure torrents at the height of his back.

The alien deadly costume on the upper body was torn into pieces by the spiritual pressure, leaving only...

Two stirrups as lining.

("This is...!!!" Urahara Kisuke didn't care about how inconsistent the two hoops on Li Ping's body were, but he almost choked himself to death with his saliva, so he will be so pissed off this night! He must be so pissed off !)
The Reiatsu compressed on the body surface gradually moved towards the fingertips, and the tips of his ten fingers formed sharp Reiatsu claws three centimeters long.

"Be the prey obediently, Kuchiki Rukia. Be careful, I haven't mastered this move well yet." When Li Ping opened his mouth to speak, the corners of his mouth even flowed out the liquid spirit condensed by ghosts. pressure. "Instant opening!"

After finishing speaking, Li Ping disappeared from the spot in an instant, and when he reappeared, Li Ping was already more than ten meters behind Rukia.

Rukia turned her head in horror to look at Li Ping who was getting up slowly.

When Rukia was horrified that Li Ping was able to develop a new ghost way in such a short period of time, she only heard a "tear" sound, and the upper body of the Shiba costume was torn apart by the torrent of spiritual pressure, leaving four The scratches that have been scorched by the high concentration of ghosts, at this time, only the tube top type underwear is left on Rukia's upper body.

"It's the last blow." Li Ping adjusted his posture, while correcting the formula of the operation, while adjusting his position.

"If his target is my body, then I can use my body as a weapon to attack him." Rukia's eyes flashed a dark color of determination.

On the other side, Li Ping was already panicking to death, and originally planned to give Rukia some openings with the fifth blow, for example, let Rukia cut off her sleeve or leave a wound.

I didn't expect that when I saw Rukia fart just now, I pulled out the half-deduced "Instant Opening Beast Form" as soon as I got up.

"Laughed?" Li Ping saw the change in Lukia's eyes just now, and probably guessed that Lukia wanted to use her body as a bait to use the ghost way or the moves of Sijie at least hurt herself.

But what happened in this dazed moment?
It's nothing more than a white Reiatsu around the person, why did the eyes suddenly turn into a confident look.

"To be honest, now that I think about it, I'm really pampered. Be careful not to die, Li Ping. I haven't mastered this trick yet." Holding the knife, the tip of the knife hangs on the ground, standing there casually.

"What happened, hello! Are you bluffing? Or did the universe explode? Can you, the protagonists of this hot-blooded show, be reasonable!" Seeing Rukia Kuchiki whose spiritual pressure was rising steadily, Li Ping felt as if a hundred thousand giants Flipping by.

"Although I don't know what happened, but your status as a free man has come to an end."

"Really, I don't think so." I don't know if it was Li Ping's illusion, but he actually saw a bit of tranquility from Rukia's stinky smiling face? !

In the next second, the two disappeared from the same place at the same time, and at the same moment, a huge amount of spiritual pressure burst out at the center of the two.Viewed from the side, it seemed that a red wing and a snow-white ice wing suddenly unfolded at the same time.

"Damn it?" Li Ping's right hand grabbing Rukia's crotch clothes was blocked by the ice pick extending from Rukia's body.

"Zanpakuto, its shape and ability, are made from the soul of the god of death, and live with the god of death, and die with the god of death." Lucia said in a brisk tone, and her voice gradually became high-spirited. "In other words, Sode Shirayuki is me, and I am Sode Shirayuki!"

"What the hell are you, Setsuna!" Li Ping was about to retreat, but found that his right hand was frozen with an ice pick.Just about to break the ice cone...

"It's too late." Rukia shook her head and said softly. "Moon White"

Dozens of white light spots appeared on Lukia's body, and then dozens of icicles penetrated Li Ping's body under Li Ping's shocked and bewildered eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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