The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 46 045 Desert Breakthrough Operation

Chapter 46 045 Desert Breakthrough Operation
"... Awesome... Oh, that's wrong, Si Guoyi..." Li Ping had just shot down a Dean helicopter, and when he turned his head, Kira had already kicked Butterfield's body away again to attack the second helicopter. Five Baku went.

Unlike Kira's style of play, where one shot is one shot, and one shot is an enemy with a huge visual impact, Li Ping's style of play is completely unreasonable.

In the two attack shields, there are a total of four beam rifles that deliberately reduce the output power and increase the rate of fire. Whichever MS is aimed at, they will burst into fire just thinking about that MS.

If you catch a fighter jet or a combat helicopter, use the 20mm cannon built into the shield to fire.

"Madoc Cao, can the rate of fire of the beam rifle be increased... It's not fun..." Li Ping avoided the siege of two Deans, and aimed at a Desert Gene that had just jumped to the ground. The rifle fired at once, and Desert Gene was battered and exploded in just a few seconds.

"It's impossible in the atmosphere. Unless you have water cooling, the heat dissipation will not keep up. If you further reduce the output power, I'm afraid your rifle will not pose a threat to the PS armor of the G series."

"Adjustable power or increase the barrel?" After dodging several missiles fired by ZAFT fighters, Li Ping shot down the two fighters that dared to approach with a 20mm cannon.

"The variable power depends on the almighty Second Lieutenant Yamato. This is a software problem... As for increasing the barrel... I will try to install two more beam pistols for you later. But in this case, in order to ensure battery life, the shield I need to add another battery." Madoc wrote and drew on the PDA in his hand and made a sketch.

"Does the increased mass affect the flexibility of the arm?" Li Ping kicked the rushing duel away, and beat the two Desert Genes behind the duel into a sieve.

"It definitely has an impact, but it shouldn't have a big impact. The quality of the beam rifle that only retains the particle focusing and particle acceleration parts is not great. Although the quality of the battery is relatively large, after a period of battle, you will use the extra battery built into the shield. Discarded."

Li Ping manipulated the holy shield into MA form, biting the three Deans in front, and then Li Ping firmly pulled the trigger.Four beam rifles and four 20mm cannons focused fire on Dean.

"This is five planes..." Two Dean planes were shot down and one plane was damaged.Li Ping twisted the body, dodging the attacks of Storm Gundam and Duel.Li Ping tilted his head and looked at the screen on the left. The attack had completely wiped out Baku, and even the Zaut team had only one Zaut left.

In the middle and high altitudes, ZAFT's few fighter units were also beaten to pieces by Lieutenant Colonel Flagg.

"Boom!" Pulling black smoke, Dean in the "controlled crash" state shot at Kira's attack.Knocked down by the subconscious counterattack of the assault.

Kira dodged the missile fired by Dean, and his eyes were slightly narrowed by the flames of the explosion. It was the explosion of the last Zaut destroyed by the Archangel's main gun.

"Andy..." Of all the MS signals in combat displayed on the screen on Aisha's right, only the four fighters of the Cruze team, five Desert Genes, and a small number of fighter jets and armed helicopters are still fighting.

However, the 500mm recoilless gun was empty, and the 76mm short-barreled assault gun in his hand could not threaten the battleship at all.

Although everyone in Kruse's team has good technology and airframe performance, they couldn't help being a little confused by the fool of the Earth Army officer last time and the follow-up information from home.The rhythm of the battle was not good, and the four of them couldn't carry out their instruction of "attack the battleship with all their strength and leave the others alone" very well.These four people will attack the battleship with hammers and sticks, and then pin down the holy shield to cover their own MS, and then shoot down the missile launched by the battleship for their own MS, and then attack the storm to create an attack opportunity for themselves...

As a result, gradually, the advantage in combat power was almost reversed.

"I know! Da Costa, attack the ship! As long as we sink the long legs, it will be our victory!" Butterfield opened his helmet visor and wiped his sweat.

"Yes! Captain!" When the battleship was configured for battle, the red lights, plus the tiger's focus on the battle, did not pay attention.So the tiger didn't see Da Costa's blood on his face, and the emergency lights in the ship that went on and off.

"The seventh district and the ninth district are gone!"

"It is impossible to repair the department, and the power output is as low as 30%"

"The fire in the eighth district is difficult to extinguish!"

"Boom!" Da Costa was almost knocked to the ground by the huge shock. "What's the matter this time! Naval guns shoot, target enemy warships! Count as many desert torpedoes as there are, shoot them out! Target the bottom of the enemy ship!"

"The second deck was shot! The VLS system is damaged and cannot be used!"

"A fire broke out below the VLS, and the ammunition depot was urgently injected with flame-retardant materials!"

"Cut... give up the eighth area, let Zaut fire a cannon in that area, and blow out the flames directly." Da Costa firmly held on to the podium to prevent himself from falling.

"The Henry Carter is sunk!"

"What!?" Da Costa turned to look at the ship of the Lesseps.Just now, the ship was hit by several 1100mm electromagnetic gun shells and a dozen large anti-ship missiles, and disintegrated after a huge explosion.

"The Hetori class of the Cruze team will be in place soon! Hold on! Cut..." Da Costa was almost knocked down again. "What is it this time!"

"Sector [-] shot! Damage unknown."

"Captain, the energies of Assault and Holy Shield are both lower than 30%. It's dangerous to go on like this." Major Bucky Lulu reported to Ramias.

"Can you provide further fire support?"

"Rear, ZAFT land battleship found!"


"The main gun hits the line directly."

"Evade!" Ramias ordered.

"Attack, shoot down the shells!" Bucky Lulu also ordered.

"Boom!" "Boom!" Two 200mm shells hit the rear of the bridge.

"Cut... eh? The field of fire is open! The rear missile launch tube, the seventh to No.18 tube, is loaded with the "sledgehammer", targeting the newly-appeared enemy ship, launching intensively. At the same time, the hell dart, targeting the enemy ship, intensively launching Launch!" The vibration caused by the shell explosion almost threw Major Bucky Lulu out, but... when she saw from the camera that most of the enemy ship's hull leaked from behind the rock, she showed a surprised expression. "Variant No. 180, turn [-] degrees, target the enemy ship, and fire automatically!"

"The aircraft carrier on the enemy's road hid behind the rocks and lost its range of fire. It is confirmed that the enemy ship is on fire and its combat capability is low."

Twelve Sledgehammer anti-ship missiles and sixteen Hell Dart air-to-air missiles swarmed from the port side of the battleship on the Zaft Road that appeared in the rear. Although half of the missiles were intercepted, the remaining missiles It still blew up the port side of the battleship and the two Zauts standing on the hull.

 Thank you Star Sea Ranger for your reward~
(End of this chapter)

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