The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 431 424 Torrington base surprise!

Chapter 431 424 Torrington Base... suprise!

"Hey CC!"

"Sorry, sorry." The Destiny Gundam, which is mainly pink and dark red and supplemented by the shelling type, waved its hand insincerely, looking for another gathering place for federal mobile suits.

"Cut..." Kallen spat, and manipulated the body to avoid the three rounds of beam rifles fired from the ground.Accelerated into the air again, then descended at full speed, maneuvering at a high speed less than one meter above the ground, avoiding the artillery fire of the Federation, and approached the three GMIIIs ahead.

After that, he swung his sword and chopped off the arms of the machine in front of him one by one.

Karen felt a tingling pain in the back of her neck, and quickly controlled the body to turn around.Dodged the six large-caliber rockets fired at him.

After these six rockets were dodged by Karen, they hit the last GM III in front of them whose shoulders had just been severed.

It was found that three left-handed beam rifles were outflanking Nim with a rocket launcher on his right shoulder and a strike-type Jim.

Propelled by the energy wings, the Destiny Gundam Red Lotus flashed left and right in the sparse but precise beam barrage.

Strike Jim took the opportunity to rush up, waved the beam sickle, and rushed forward.

Karen sideways dodged the first blow, then bent down and put away the energy wings to avoid the second blow. At the moment when the striking Jim swung the third blow, Karen pushed the joystick, and the jet engine on the back of the machine ignited. Dash in front of Strike Jim.

The fingers of the large palm of the right hand were close together, and a beam saber was formed at the fingertips, and he swung it twice in a row, breaking the elbow joints of Jim's arms.

The driver who hit Jim seemed to be stunned for a moment. Immediately after, Jim's backpack was ignited, and while retreating quickly, he used the Vulcan cannon on his head to restrain the movement of the Destiny Gundam Crimson Lotus.

Karen manipulated the body to turn around, and the one-handed sword in her left hand came out, directly piercing Jim's head.

Karen approached Jim further, pulled the sword out of Jim's head, and then pointed her left hand at the three Nims that were throwing rats. , rushing to deploy the energy wings and rushing towards the sky, after locking on to the next prey, Karen returned to the maneuvering height of the urban area, using the base building and the fire smoke caused by the bombing as cover, approaching and flanking the Federal Army garrison from behind.

As for why CC and Karen didn't jointly attack...

CC drives the mech with wide open and close, and if he can shoot, he doesn't fight in close combat. If he does close combat, he uses Western swordsmanship and free fighting as the basis, and fighting skills based on massive combat experience.

Karen, on the other hand, is approaching at high speed, leaving at high speed after a high-speed melee combat, looking for the next target.

The fighting skills are taken from street fighting skills (commonly known as the skills of fighting with punks) and the army fighting skills taught by Li Ping later.

It really doesn't work well with CC.

"The entire ship is deployed in a guard formation, the MS team lands, and the defense line is deployed around the A-08 apron at Turlington Base, and the Unicorn Gundam activates NT..."

"Boom!" A huge roar and the sound of concrete collapsing interrupted Li Ping's words.

Faintly aware of the crisis, Li Ping turned his head to look at his right hand in astonishment. He threw the beam rifle with his right hand, spread his five fingers in front of him, and Li Ping himself deployed a powerful electromagnetic barrier.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" Sure enough, two familiar bombardments rushed out of the smoke and hit Li Ping's electromagnetic barrier in a daze.

———That is the brilliance of Beam Magnum.

"Has it been put into actual combat yet? The Unicorn Gundam unit of the Federal Army."

The smoke was gradually blown away, and seven Unicorn Gundams painted in gray urban camouflage stood on the right side of Li Ping in a standard configuration of one gun and one shield.

The computer of the Messiah Gundam suggested that there was a huge pothole behind the seven Unicorn Gundams. According to the information, it should be one of the underground warehouses of the Torrington Base.

"It's troublesome..." Li Ping smacked his mouth.Seeing the seven gray urban digitally painted Unicorn Gundam armor unfold, the head mask is put away, revealing the Gundam face underneath, and the horn is split and turned into a V-shaped antenna.

Then, the mental power skeleton under the armor began to glow red.The Qi machines of the seven Unicorn Gundams locked onto Li Ping's Messiah Gundam.

On the other side, the Unicorn Gundam driven by Minerva is also surrounded by three Unicorn Gundams, and the Phoenix Gundam driven by Rita is surrounded by four Unicorn Gundams.

Minerva's Unicorn Gundam and Rita's Phoenix Gundam, led by the Unicorn Gundam group that launched NTD mode, launched NTD mode one after another.

The mental power frame built into Li Ping's body also resonated with the seven Unicorn Gundams in front of him, and the psychosensory wave emitted by the mental power frame even interfered with the cockpit display.

"Intent to kill without malice? What's the mentality of the driver on the other side?" Li Ping felt the emotion transmitted by the other side through the telepathic wave.

With the mentality of wanting to see what surprises the other side can give him, Li Ping just silently looked at the seven Unicorn Gundams on the other side.

I saw the seven Unicorn Gundams on the opposite side walking away slowly, and the color of the mental power skeleton on their bodies became brighter and brighter.

At a certain moment, a large amount of something like "Qi" gathered at the focus of the seven Unicorn Gundams, and then the group of Qi rushed forward, and the end of the "Crescent" barely touched the ground, just Can tear the ground apart.

Li Ping was at a loss for a moment, always feeling as if he had gone to the wrong set.

Messiah Gundam stretched out his right hand forward, and pinched the red crescent moon with three fingers, which seemed to be a telepathic position.

The collision between Li Ping's telepathic position and the opposite telepathic position makes the world seem to lose its color, and others can only see black and white pictures when looking at the picture here.

After slightly raising the height, three fingers forcefully crushed the ball.

Then the world returned to normal, but the tone was still a bit reddish.

"...Reality?" The corner of Shaar's mouth twitched, and he looked at Minerva's ugly face with a teasing smile.

Of course, Li Ping's complexion was not much better.

Seeing that the shock wave from the telepathic stance didn't work, the driver of the Unicorn Gundam of the Federal Army raised the beam magnum decisively, raised his gun and fired.

Li Ping threw the beam rifle in his left hand to his right, compressed the high-intensity electromagnetic field on the surface of the palm of his left hand, and slapped a beam magnum.After that, the nozzle of the body sprayed, and the speed rising dragon avoided the remaining six beam magnums.

The right-hand beam rifle aimed at a Unicorn Gundam and fired continuously, but the high-energy particle beam was blocked by the Psychic Stand covering the surface of the Unicorn Gundam.

"...WTF? Where did the federation get such high-quality new humans?" Li Ping's eyes almost popped out.

"...I suddenly felt that his lightsaber slashing beam skills displayed in the second Neo Zeon War were very real." Shaar's back felt cold, and he quickly controlled the body to evade, and narrowly avoided being attacked by Li Pingyi. Slap crooked Beam Magnum.

(PS: The warhead thrown to the seed world was sent there after the forbidden world, using the holy sword Katina to take advantage of the rules)

(End of this chapter)

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