Chapter 426 420 Old Man
"...Interesting, but not very interesting, but after all, it is still a little petty." After the Unicorn Gundam once transformed into NTD mode in the square, the Laplace program was successfully launched and displayed again. The coordinate point of the stage.

——As shown in the plot, the next target point is in Australia, after passing through Sydney, head to Turlington Base.

"But it feels really bad... UC's first-year federal government team headed by Ricard Matheras can be called the so-called "futurists". They believe that although the space colonists are living well at this stage It is very bitter, but the so-called new human beings who adapt to the universe will inevitably appear, and this new human beings will inevitably bring about changes to human beings.

So they secretly chose to join Chapter 4, "Future" when formulating the Universal Century Charter and making the Universal Charter Stele in the first Prime Minister's Mansion in the universe.They hope that in the future, new humans will be given priority in participating in politics, so as to promote the development of society.

Unfortunately, the rest of the politicians don't think so. First of all, the military. When the Federation is established and there are no enemies in the earth circle, there is no need for the Federation Army to exist.

And they want the federal army to continue to maintain the power of themselves and their descendants.

Secondly, other politicians in the federal government, they don't want to give the "abandoned people of the universe" any hope of climbing up, not at all.

Therefore, there was the Laplace incident directed and acted by himself, and the current Laplace incident.

With the Laplace mansion turned into wreckage, the Federal Army was able to continue in the name of anti-terrorism, and even carried out several large-scale military expansions.And the Matheras family also continued to gain a foothold in the Federation by assassinating their own patriarch, and even the third Prime Minister of the Earth Federation was a member of the Matheras family. "

Afterwards, before the federal army completed the encirclement, the mobile suit troops of Broken Phantom went to the hidden base near the Congo through the underground tunnels excavated from the criss-crossing old mines in Africa that could accommodate mobile suits.

However, in the next two weeks, the troops of the Shattered Specter all hid in the underground base to repair and prepare the machine body.

Use the equipment and parts delivered by the Juno that has already arrived to maintain the existing body, especially Nightingale, that machine is really too good at the stage of performance.

As for the remaining two warships, the Neptune has just completed the maintenance of the main engine and main wings, and is now trying to get rid of the federal pursuit force, looking for mountainous areas in West and Central Africa that can serve as shelters and camouflage to eliminate their navigation traces Lose.

The Jupiter has been repaired, but because the entire Federal African Corps has been attracted by the Neptune, the whole of Central and West Africa has become a mess. In order to prevent the Jupiter from being entangled by the African Federal Army , Bucky Lulu chose to take a long way around the Cape of Good Hope from the Eastern Atlantic Ocean to the direction of the Arabian Sea.

"I see, the first batch of 36 RX-0Ns will be delivered to Luna II on time..."

"No, Miss President, I'm calling this time to tell you that the delivery method and delivery date have changed."

Haman frowned slightly when he heard the words of the federal lieutenant general opposite.

"Yes, then what time should it be changed to?"

"We will send the driver himself to receive his airframes, and within three days, we will pack 36 airframes and their spare parts."

"Send the driver directly to receive the body?" Harman folded his legs, turned around, tilted his head, and clamped the phone receiver with his shoulder.Both hands quickly typed codes on the computer keyboard to retrieve information about the recent internal mobilization of the Federal Army.

"That's right, the combat effectiveness and troop size of the Broken Ghost have exceeded our imagination. We have never thought about such a thing as a Gundam force attacking the federal capital. Since the people of the Broken Ghost are unwilling to formally communicate with us, and they refuse to be obedient If you die, it will make us very difficult." The lieutenant general of the Federation opposite chuckled. "Then, there is only one way to fight poison with poison."

Harman selected the information he wanted from the massive amount of information. Three days ago, a total of 136 artificial new humans or enhanced humans with the appearance of 12 to 16 years old were sent from the Augusta Research Institute in North America (which was once The Broken Phantom attacked and snatched the Kabini MKⅡ that the twelfth sister drove), Japan's Murasame Research Institute, Oakland Research Institute and other new human research institutions on the earth were "extracted" by the Federal Army and boarded the Federal Army transport aircraft.

Seventy-two of them boarded a military shuttle at Spaceport in Panama, headed for the Moon.The remaining 72 people were sent to the Chabro base in South America for an unknown purpose.

"Understood, then, we will complete the packaging of the body and parts..."

"No, Miss President. The body and a base of weapons and ammunition are just on standby. Our pilots will drive the body and leave directly. Countless lessons have taught us that it is safer to let the driver drive something like a high-performance mobile suit." .You pack all the parts and ammunition.

The rest, just leave it to the new human troops of our federal army. "

"The new human army..." Hearing the busy tone on the other end of the phone, Haman felt lost for a moment.

Thinking of the troop with the same name that appeared in the late stage of the first Neo Zeon War that backstabbed him, and the group of lolis who wandered around Jiedo all day long, Haman only felt his temples twitch several times.

Three days later, the Jupiter and the Neptune, under the cover of the Shattered Phantom Mobile Fleet, which was added to low-Earth orbit, escaped the federal army's pursuit force and arrived at the secret base where Li Ping and the others were located.

Almost at the same time, two Columbus-class transport ships escorted by two Rakalam-class and twelve Krapp-class escorts landed in the hangar of Nova Industries' Granada factory.

A general, a lieutenant general, a colonel and three majors walked off the transport ship with 36 expressionless teenagers and girls.

"Miss President, we are here to receive our equipment." The gray-haired general smiled and shook hands with Harman. "I haven't seen you for a while, Miss Harman Kahn. I didn't expect to see you on this day."

"It's been a long time since I saw you, General Yarasuo Gaopu. I remember that you chose to enter the government three years ago as a member of parliament. Why are you wearing a military uniform again?"

"Things are unpredictable, Ms. Harman. Seeing that the juniors have been played so miserably by you, I have to step up to the stage again.

Unlike the immature Shaar, I always feel that your leader, who is still unknown, is a serious thinker and politician. What you are doing is fundamentally dismantling the rule of the Federation and establishing what you have. The desired new system of governance.

Don't think about giving us a size? General Gao Pu shyly put his hands behind his back, maintained a gentle expression, and said cheerfully enough words to shock the generals behind him.

Harman shrugged his shoulders and waved his hand to tell the Misakas who came out from behind the pillar not to make the next move.

"Don't talk about this kind of thing here, General Gao Pu. Please come inside, I don't think you are here to ask for peace."

(End of this chapter)

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