The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 416 Chapter 411 Mars Front

Chapter 416 Chapter 411 Mars Front
"Report from the Globe."

"What's wrong?" Li Ping landed slowly, and the blue-white electron beam extending from his right hand was slowly retracted.

Behind Li Ping, a red Bazam Mars style fell to pieces on the red ground.

"According to the Laplace plan, it entered the fourth stage. The operation was transferred from the C12 plan to the D1 plan. The Grand Snow crashed in the Sahara Desert and is expected to be unable to move within three weeks. Lieutenant Colonel Taxa died in battle, and his soul was taken by Amuro Brought to Midway Island. Amuro died in battle, and the resurrection process is expected to be completed within 24 hours." Cc's voice came through the Misaka network.

"The mule died in battle?"

"Leta's consciousness was swallowed up by NTD for a moment, and Jie Gang, who shot down Lieutenant Colonel Tagusa, in order to facilitate the evacuation of Lieutenant Colonel Tagusa, Amuro blocked a beam Magnum from Phoenix Gundam.

According to the evaluation, one or two more battles with Minerva will be able to control the Unicorn Gundam. "The voice from Cc was also mixed with the sound of chewing.

"Hey, are you eating pizza at CIC again?"

"No, I'm in the bedroom... well I'm eating pizza at the CIC."

"... paddling again?"

"You, Kallen, Cornelia, and Miqin took action to suppress the last stronghold of the Zeon army on Mars, and you still need me to command this kind of battle?
It seems that there are not ten mobile suits on the opposite side, right? "

"..." The corners of Li Ping's mouth twitched. Although the words were true, the truth was not.

But regarding CC's blatantly skipping work, Li Ping has no way to deal with CC, deducting wages?I'm sorry I didn't post it.Demotion?Thanks for just paddling.Bed punishment?It's better to say it's a benefit.Physical punishment?My sister has lived for hundreds of years and been treated as a witch for hundreds of years. Have you ever played with punishment?There is something new, and I would also like to thank you for enriching my sister's experience.

However, CC has never lost the chain in major matters, and Li Ping turned a blind eye to minor matters...

"By the way, Lacus went to the moon recently, and she and Harman seem to have a good conversation recently."

"Haman and Lacus?" Li Ping blinked, this should be a real cross-world chat.

At the same time, Li Ping raised his right hand, separated his five fingers, and directly grabbed a beam saber chopped off by Zaku IV.

Five blue-white light spheres appeared around Li Ping, and high-energy electron beams were ejected from the light spheres, cutting off the Zaku IV's limbs and head.

Li Ping jumped away before the wreckage of Zaku IV fell, and Zaku IV, which was broken into five parts, fell to the ground weakly.

"In a sense, the two of them are a bit alike..." Li Ping landed in the distance, and looked up at the Mars Zeon Army stronghold that fired three white flares.

Both of them lost their parents when they were teenagers (Li Ping's Lux's father was still alive, but they didn't know that her father was still alive for a while), so they had to carry the banner of a faction, holding a cannon in one hand and a gun in the other. Politicians and politicians all over the world are plotting against each other.

The only difference is that Char, whom Harman was trying to rely on, slapped his ass and ran away to Aogu, while Li Ping, who Lacus was trying to win over, took the initiative to come up.

As a result, Haman only found half a confidant before his death, reconciled with his own world, and protected the traces of Minerva and Shaar with his own death.

And Lux ​​won the "two-year war" in the Seed world with many like-minded comrades fighting together, sitting on the third strongest army in human beings, and becoming a third-party force to maintain the order of the earth circle.Then he left with Li Ping and faced the wider world.

But judging from the pitfalls of their childhood/young best friends (Aslan and Shaar), and part of their experiences, it is very normal for two people to have a common language.

" can bear so many queens around you? If the external pressure that holds them together disappears one day, it won't be a problem for them to start a world war." CC held a pizza in his mouth Lying in bed looking at the ceiling.

“…threats and external forces are here to stay.”

"Whether there is no threat will create a threat, until we all get used to each other's existence, right? Are you glad that the nobles of the Britannian Empire allow polygamy so that Cornelia and Karen don't reject you? There is a woman around?" Cc's tone was full of ridicule.

"How could it be?" While chatting, Li Ping issued an order through the Misaka network to accept the surrender of this stronghold, start to take over the defense of the stronghold in an all-round way, clean up the battlefield, and start receiving and treating the wounded regardless of the enemy or us.

Although Broken Specter has been very effective in transforming Mars over the past few years, the atmosphere has become so dense that ordinary people can breathe outdoors.

The temperature is also around 10 degrees.

When the temperature rose from the initial temperature of around minus 50 degrees to around 0 degrees, the melting of Martian water resources caused considerable disturbance and hindrance to the work of Shi Shi and others.

So much so that the suppression operations on Mars had to stop, and they worked together with other forces on Mars to carry out super-strong quarantine and sterilization work.

Because... In the melting glaciers and subterranean rivers of Mars, Broken Ghost's environmental monitoring team found aggregates of organic matter suspected of cell wall fragments and revived ancient single-celled organisms.

In order to prevent the plot of Resident Evil or Prometheus from appearing here.

The cleanup team with the Misaka series as the core is in full swing on Mars, carrying out biological extinction operations.

At the same time, the biological research team is also conducting coexistence experiments between Martian organisms and humans.

The only good news is that this ancient single-celled organism is very dull and will not become hyperactive for five thousand generations.

However, the gene structure of this eukaryote is very simple, and the probability of mutation is very high.

So don't take it lightly.

"...While you are talking to yourself, can you help me get out of the cockpit and put my hands and feet on, the general of the broken ghost over there..."

There was a sound of exhaust and the operation of the hydraulic system, and Zaku IV behind Li Ping opened the cockpit door on his chest.

"Fix your hands and feet? Where did you come from, the Terminator? The pilot of the Martian Zeon Army." Li Ping jumped near the cockpit of Zaku IV.Looking down, the driver of the Zaku IV had been cut off from the elbow joints to the knee joints, leaving only a stick-shaped prosthetic limb with some kind of neural interface connected to the machine body.

"It's really cruel..."

"In order to fight against you, we have to pay the price. It just seems that there is no way to fight against you." The driver of Zaku IV said gently. Commonly used prosthetics, wearing gloves and lowering the sleeves and trouser legs, it is impossible to tell that this person has prosthetic limbs.

"Meet you for the first time, the general of Broken Phantom. I am Ciro Amada, my rank is Colonel, and I am the commander of the garrison of this Apsas."

"I'm Lieutenant Colonel Darryl Lorenz, the captain of the No. [-] MS Battalion in Apsas." Not far away, the driver who climbed out of Bazam came limping over.

"...The name is really familiar." Li Ping was a little emotional.

After a while, the aircraft that took off from the stronghold of the Zeon Army on Mars landed near Li Ping.Three women in their respective uniforms stepped down from above.

"I am the governor of Apsas, Aina Hazarin."

"Same class, head of technology development, technical lieutenant colonel Kara Mitchum."

"Same genus, technology development consultant, Major Nina Pableton Technology."

(End of this chapter)

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