The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 407 Chapter 402 Laplace's Undead 06

Chapter 407 Chapter 402 Laplace's Undead 06
When it was 150 kilometers away from the wreckage of Laplace, Niagama sent MS troops to investigate the wreckage of Laplace.

"Why are you so straightforward? Even if you have a corresponding plan, this kind of behavior that you don't even bother to act..." The Jegan-A type driven by Lieutenant Colonel Taxa used contact communication to communicate with the Unicorn Gundam.

"The purpose of our broken ghosts is the liberation of all mankind, whether it is the shadow called Zeon constructed by the Zabi family, or the privileged domination system called the Federation." Minerva controls the unicorn Gundam with pure psychopathic waves , holding his face, looking a little bored at the approaching wreckage of Laplace.

Those were the first few generations of cosmic colonies built by humans. However, the small cosmic colony that was built more than a century ago is actually not much different from the existing colonies a hundred years later.

For hundreds of years, human beings still use the cylindrical earth to rotate to generate centrifugal force as a substitute for gravity.

And the gravity control system in science fiction is still the content of science fiction.

The other parts were either pushed into the atmosphere for destruction, or pushed into the debris belt around the earth, drifting endlessly.

What remains on the original track is only the most representative wreckage 400 meters long, that is, the location where Ricard Matheras gave a speech.

"You actually talk about the liberation of all mankind?"

"That's natural. In order to save the earth that is about to collapse, in order to concentrate the power of all mankind, and carry out large-scale space colonization and space development that were impossible in the old era, an organization with power comparable to gods is needed to coordinate the power of all mankind. Execute this project, and this organization is the federal government.

It's a pity that when the development of the space colonies is in full swing, the federal government that was supposed to lead mankind to continue to move forward has changed into a ruler that oppresses the space colonists. It is completely sorry for the original intention of the federal government.

Then, Aogu, who launched the Gryps War, was also corrupted, which proved that the self-introduction within the Federation could not bring the Federation back on track.In the first Neo Zeon War, Harman was backstabbed by the Zeon Revivalists when he almost won the hegemony of the earth circle, which made the first Neo Zeon War a joke, proving that relying on Zeon cannot effectively gain the right to speak.

When the federal army is already invincible in the earth's circle, then, we can only pull the human beings out of the predicament that is about to survive. "

"So, why do these things?!"

"To remind everyone, what did the federal government and Zeon do?" Minerva sat upright. "People are very good at forgetting, as long as they have a little reason to convince themselves that that matter has nothing to do with them, then they will be indifferent to that matter.

They will only pay attention to this matter if they are those with vested interests or those who have lost their interests. "

"Are you trying to educate humans!"


"Why did you tell me?" Thinking of the subtle attitudes of his own commander and the commander of Lundbell next door, Lieutenant Colonel Taxa, a pure soldier, said that although I am not stupid, I really don't understand this.

"Has Lieutenant Colonel Taxa thought about his life after retirement?" Minerva didn't answer Lieutenant Colonel Taxa's question.

"..." Lieutenant Colonel Taxa fell silent.

"Sure enough, the current you really want to consume yourself to pay for what you think is your sin." Minerva heard Lieutenant Colonel Tagusa's heavy breathing and understood Broken Ghost's intelligence and personality. correctness of the evaluation.

"Heh..." Minerva smiled slightly. "Lieutenant Colonel Taxa, under your indifferent disguise is a heart full of responsibility and humanity. It is obviously not your responsibility, but you have always regarded that incident as your own sin. Only by burning yourself peacefully can you wash away the sins you carry.

I can't judge whether this is good or bad, right or wrong, but, personally, I respect you.

To you, a professional soldier with a sense of responsibility, I think you are the ones we can fight for and the ones we can unite with. "

"From what you said, you Broken Ghosts are an anti-government organization. As a federal soldier, it is impossible to collude with an anti-government organization like yours."

"Lieutenant Colonel Taxa, what is your reason for joining the army?" Minerva still ignored Lieutenant Colonel Taxa's answer. "Is it to protect the citizens of the Federation, or to protect the politicians of the Federation?"

"...I joined the army for the benefit of the Federation..."

"If the rights of the federal government and the people of the federation are in conflict, which side do you choose?" Minerva's lips curled up.


"It is impossible for you to be a lieutenant colonel commander in an elite unit like ECOAS, Lieutenant Colonel Taxa, you cannot understand politics. I believe you can also see now the division between the privileged class of the Federation and their people.

The privileged class of the Federation living on the earth no longer regards the space colonists as their people, and even the ordinary residents of the earth are about to be regarded as pariahs by them.

How does this kind of federal government lead the Earth Federation out of the current predicament and turn its attention to the universe?

The current federal government, not only does not have the courage to lead the entire earth circle to truly go out of the earth circle, but is even unwilling to solve the problems of energy shortage and material shortage of space colonists.Is this kind of federation really what you want to protect?Lieutenant Colonel Taxa. "

"So, what did you all do...huh?!" Lieutenant Colonel Taxa suddenly remembered that the Broken Phantom really did a lot of things, such as announcing the death of corrupt officials in the intelligence agency, attacking the Federation's inhumane research institute, Distribute small greenhouses and small breeding warehouses to the colonists, and distribute high-performance batteries to the colonists...

Wait for the event to show up...

Lieutenant Colonel Taxa quickly stopped his association.

Admitting the bravery of the enemy can demonstrate one's own strength and strength, but acknowledging the political correctness and justice of the enemy in theory...

This is nonsense.

"It seems that your news is also quite well-informed, Lieutenant Colonel Taxa." Minerva was a little surprised, and she thought she needed to ask what the Broken Ghost had done.Listening to this subtle punctuation and silence, the commander of this ECOAS unit actually has such undisclosed information.

"why me?"

"Because you came at the right time, when we were investigating your identities and where you could be used, we just pulled out the carrots and brought out the mud.

By the way, Lieutenant Colonel Taxa, have you ever thought about getting married? "


"After the exaggeration of some programs of our Shattered Ghost, Lieutenant Colonel Tagusa is now the most famous federal soldier in the earth circle besides Amuro..." Minerva was a little embarrassed, after all, he was using his back What about the tragic past of this man.

"???" Lieutenant Colonel Taxa had a strong premonition of an unknown psychology.

(About 2 hours later, the logistics team of Unit 920 stationed at the station of Unit 920 of ECOAS saw the logistics officer of the logistics headquarters of ECOAS pull over two large cardboard boxes with a strange face.

"Here, here are your letters for this month." The logistics officer pushed two cardboard boxes, which add up to about half a cubic meter, to the logistics team of Unit 920.

"??? Huh?" The logistics officer of Unit 920 looked bewildered. Most of the 120 people in his unit are orphans and basically have feuds with Zeon, otherwise they would not have entered this training. ECOAS forces of death indicators.How could anyone write so many letters?

Seeing his colleagues leave tremblingly, the logistics team of Unit 920 was even more at a loss.

When I opened the carton full of letters, [-]% of the letters inside were love letters in pink envelopes.

The envelopes basically read "To His Excellency Tuxa Markle, Commander, Squadron 920, Federal ECOAS Force" in beautiful fonts.

The rouge contained in these love letters made the logistics officers of Unit 920 almost suffer from rhinitis.

"... What did the captain do?" Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. )
(End of this chapter)

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