The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 39 038 Going Out to Purchase

Chapter 39 038 Going Out to Purchase
"Well, Mr. John, do you have anything to say to us?" Ramias took off his hat and tucked it under his arm.

"Actually, it's nothing." The gentleman who called himself Agent John spread his hands. "I just came here to confirm the status of everyone. After all, the three school-level officers on the Archangel are all considered to have a deep background. This unconventional supply operation is also jointly organized by the forces behind the three-dimensional. Our intelligence department or their army alone It can't be done."


"Eighth Fleet, student of Admiral Halbarton, Lieutenant Colonel Marius Ramias. The current head of the North American Flag Consortium, the only ace MA pilot of the early coalition forces, Mu La Flag Lieutenant Colonel, the daughter of the Deputy Minister of the Atlantic Federation, Fleur Alstad, and..." John lowered his voice, "Bucky Lulu's family, the third seat among the 13 members of the Death Merchant LOGOS "High Table Conference" The first daughter, Major Natal Bakilulu. Of course, it is the activities of Lockheed Martin, which is controlled by her family, that such a large amount of ammunition and experimental equipment can be sent over."

"Natal's family? And what is LOGOS?"

"The upper echelons only allow me to disclose so much. In addition, her family also asked us to bring a sentence from MI[-], please take it back to her.

Natural persons and adjusters are just another round of international discourse power battles based on man-made confrontations. Don’t take it too seriously. Go home and have a look. After the agent who claimed to be John finished speaking, he changed back to his professional attitude at the beginning. "Here is the list of supplies. There are a batch of supplies that are not convenient to send here. They are now stored in the warehouse of Kaohsiung Space Port. Before heading to Alaska Remember to pick it up on the way.Well, goodbye everyone. "

"LOGOS?" Two of the three present were puzzled.

"Li, what do you know?" Seeing that Li Ping didn't have too much doubt on his face, the two thought that Li Ping knew something inside.

"...You, ask your father. You, ask your teacher." Li Ping pointed to his nose one by one and said, walked up to pick up the list on the table and began to read, cursing. "You two are a second-generation military and a second-generation rich. Why are you asking me about a soldier who just graduated from university and came here to be a fifth-class soldier?"

"...Damn it..." Lieutenant Colonel Ramias looked at the short list and the numbers behind each item and said vulgar words.

"What's the matter?" Flagg leaned forward.

"They sent two ammunitions with the maximum ammunition capacity of the Archangel directly to the Archangel, can they hold it?"

"That's something that Madoc Cao needs to consider. However, food, drinking water, and daily necessities in the ship also need to be purchased. At least I know one thing. The toilet paper on this ship is almost gone. The last supply At the time, the Eighth Fleet did not supply these things."

"I know, so we have to organize a wave of procurement teams to go out recently, but considering the number of people in the ship and the corresponding demand for supplies, maybe we should borrow a truck?"

"Not only do we need trucks, but we also need local guides for bulk shopping, otherwise we will be cheated to death."

"...So this is where a few of us go to buy small daily necessities, and they go to buy bulk food and fresh water?"

"Otherwise..." Li Ping, who was driving, felt extremely uncomfortable. "Others' military characteristics are too obvious, and they are difficult to deal with when they are discovered by ZAFT."

Because I forgot to wear goggles when I went out, the wind and sand when driving this convertible pickup truck made my eyes very uncomfortable.

In the car now, Li Ping is driving, Kira is in the co-driver, and Fleur and Kagalli are sitting in the back seat.Chisaka crouched in the cart.

"Okay, here we are. This is the largest shopping mall in this town." After driving the car into the parking lot and parking it, Li Ping got out of the car. "Speaking of Miss Fleur...Are you sure we can buy Dior's lipstick, Guerlain's foundation, Estee Lauder's eye cream, Lancome's essence, and Shiseido's lotion in a small town in North Africa..."

"...I'll write what you want, and it doesn't matter if you can't buy it." Fleur was taught by her father for three hours to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and seize the time to collect qualifications on the future hero ship.You can't be kicked off the boat because of Miss Qianjin's bad temper.

"Yes." Li Ping nodded. "By the way, what are you doing here? I didn't know what you were going to do when you were coming."

"Cajiali is purchasing with you for the time being, and swiping her card. Your credit card is monitored by ZAFT. If there is a credit card opened by the Atlantic Federation for consumption here, the tiger will know immediately. It is not worthwhile to be caught because of this kind of thing. .I’m going to act with Miss Natal and the others, and the expenses there are relatively high, so I need to use my card.” Qisaka looked at Li Ping’s face. "Her safety is temporarily entrusted to you."

"Understood, feel at ease." Li Ping waved his hand and led the other three into the mall.

By the way, knock away a person who wants to steal his wallet.

Three hours later, even the legendary super tuner was exhausted, and came out of the shopping mall with big bags and small bags.

After kicking away the thief who was approaching with a dagger and trying to steal his wallet, Li Ping led everyone back to the parking lot and put everything in the car.

"Qisaka won't be back for a while, shall we go eat something first?" Kagali looked at the time, and it was more than an hour before the expected meeting time. “This city is famous for its barbecue burritos.”

After pondering for a while, the tiger was beaten so badly that he should not be in the mood to go fishing, so Li Ping nodded in agreement.But still took out two pistols, handed one of them to Kira, and inserted the other into the concealed holster under his armpit.

"Sure enough, the barbecue here is best served with chili sauce~" Kajiali took a bite of the barbecue burrito with happiness.

"No, no, no... That's a waste of money! The barbecue burrito with yogurt sauce is the best!" A middle-aged uncle's voice sounded from behind Li Ping.Li Ping's face turned green and his body froze.

What the hell, come out and fish when you finish writing your battle damage report!
Kira observed Li Ping's muscle movements, and quickly spread the sauce and ate the barbecue roll.

But Li Ping was a step slower, speechless looking at the hand that was about to take the hot sauce just now, now there was only yogurt sauce left.

Oh...the yoghurt sauce was picked up by a tiger in a floral shirt.

"Nonsense! Hot sauce is the way to go with a burrito!"

"Young man, would you choose my bottle of yogurt sauce or that bottle of hot sauce?" The tiger wearing sunglasses and a floral shirt shook the yogurt sauce in his hand.

"Do you still have to choose! Of course it's hot sauce!" Kajiali took the bottle from Kira before she finished speaking, making a gesture to squeeze it on Li Ping's barbecue.

"Oh! I can't let you ruin the delicious food!" The tiger also made a gesture to squeeze the sauce for Li Ping.

"I eat the original flavor." Li Ping quickly picked up the barbecue rolls and ate them.

MMP almost choked to death...

Li Ping poured Coke while hammering his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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