The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 379 Chapter 374 The Day of the Unicorn 09

Chapter 379 Chapter 374 The Day of the Unicorn 09
Facing the current situation where the Unicorn Gundam is approaching at a frenzied speed, Xin'anzhou retreats at full speed while shooting continuously with the Vulcan cannon and beam rifle on the head, hoping to push back or slow down the Unicorn Gundam.

But the Unicorn Gundam didn't follow Fronto's expectations, dodged the Vulcan Cannon, split the beam, and the Unicorn Gundam approached Xin'anzhou quickly with various zigzag movements.

Fronto had no choice but to light up the beam ax inside the shield, and swung it vigorously, using the large mass of the shield to block Unicorn Gundam's slash, causing Unicorn Gundam to temporarily lose its balance.

Taking advantage of this brief opening, Fronto controlled the body to quickly distance itself.

"This guy...does he have a mental skeleton all over his body?!"

"Indeed, that one-horned mobile suit has transformed, no, it has transformed! That's a Gundam!" In the observation room of the Nahel Argama, the observer reported to the bridge excitedly.

"It turned out to be Gundam?" Captain Otto only felt that his head had grown three times, and he retired in half a year, so don't mess with me.

"This is Romeo 001. The mobile suit that is fighting the red body with sleeves is indeed a Gundam mobile suit."

"Damn it, am I involved in some strange dispute again." Captain Ott muttered in a low voice.

"Aren't you excited, Banagher?" Micott turned his head to look at Banagher curiously, feeling the high-spirited aura of the people around him. "Isn't that your favorite thing boys?"

After all, Takuya over there had already pressed his face against the porthole excitedly, and poked his head out to look.

I was very excited to see Gundam, and I was very excited to see the red bald one-horned and one-eyed MS. It was exciting to see Gundam and the red bald one-horned and one-eyed MS fighting.

"..." Why am I excited?Banagher blinked innocently.I am very familiar with the unicorn-type mobile suit. The driver of the unicorn is my boss and playmate. By the way, I am also a student of my mobile suit driving, so I am very familiar with it.

"I always feel that you really want to mix it up." Micott gently stroked his hair behind his ear with his right hand, and whispered in Banagher's ear.The hot air he exhaled made Banagher slightly blush.

"There will be opportunities for me to play in the future." Banerjee couldn't hold back, and leaned over to Micott's ear and said.

"This is your secret?" Micott continued to whisper to Banagher. "Give me a good explanation later~"

After speaking, he lightly bit Banagher's ear as punishment for concealing the truth from her. This small action made Banagher shrink his neck, and his face turned even redder.

Minerva, who was still entangled with Fronto, rolled her eyes again, she killed herself here, you are throwing dog food over there, right? !
Minerva saw Banagher's "slightly slight" reply, gritted her teeth tightly, and turned her head to vent all the evil fire on Fronto.

Fighting against Fronto was so enjoyable that he even forgot about the time limit for starting the NTD system before completing the deep spiritual binding.

Maritan, who was on standby in the shadow of the nearby asteroid, saw her little princess hit her head, and estimated that there were still 25 seconds before the NTD activation time limit was reached, so she activated the main thruster, rushed out from behind the asteroid, and released all 24 The floating cannon formed a beam net in front of Unicorn Gundam.

The Unicorn Gundam had to change its orbit urgently and avoid the beam net.Afterwards, Kshati used the beam cannons and diffuse beam cannons all over the body to cooperate with the attack of the floating cannon to restrain the action of the Unicorn Gundam.

Seeing the opportunity, Fronto turned around and ran, taking a long detour to chase his own ship.

Seeing that Fronto escaped to a safe distance, Kshatriya sprinkled a rain of light beams, turned his head and left, and returned to the Glancieres with the floating cannon, evacuating this space domain.

Only leave a spiritual message.

"If Her Royal Highness is hurt by a dime, I'll tie you to a MK82 nuclear torpedo and set off fireworks in space."

"EMMMMMMM...Does Your Royal Highness, who can dismantle mobile suits with bare hands, really need my protection..." Banagher watched with shame as the Unicorn Gundam, which had been released from NTD form and returned to unicorn mode, drifted away slowly.

The mobile suits of the Federation Army approached the drifting Unicorn Gundam while calling out to the Unicorn Gundam cautiously.

After repeatedly confirming that the Unicorn Gundam was unresponsive, the two Richels dragged the Unicorn Gundam back to Argama.

About half an hour later, Banagher and his party were allowed to board the Ni-Agama, and the identity check of the three began.

After finding out that it was a student of the Secondary Vocational Technical School of Anaheim Electronics Industry, I didn't bother to conduct further examination.

Nearly two hours later, Takuya slumped to sleep on the sofa in Niagama's lounge, while Banagher and Micott got together and whispered.

Until Argama completed the treatment of the wounded combatants (mainly the ECOAS members who were suppressed by various heavy firepower, the MS pilots were basically shot in the cockpit by the armband guy and died on the spot. Only a few Richel Because it is nuclear powered, the driver of the armband guy is still a little bit worried.), only then did someone remember that there were still three civilians locked up in the lounge.

Then Second Lieutenant Mihiro, who has a good image and personality, was sent to the lounge to appease the three civilians.

When she opened the door, she was stuffed with dog food.Seeing Banagher and Micott gnawing together, Second Lieutenant Mihiro almost spit out a mouthful of blood, are all high school students so straightforward nowadays?
Mihiro glanced a little more hastily because he was exhausted from being frightened and stimulated, now that he was sleeping in the dark, Takuya also washed his three views.This is a normal high school student...

But when will Second Lieutenant Liddy take the initiative, that sunny, handsome but dull guy looks hotter at his Richel than at himself... Thinking of this, Second Lieutenant Mihiro sighed heavily again.

Even the ECOAS people who have only been on the ship for three days can see their own heart, but they can't see it with that wooden thing, so I'm afraid they are playing stupid.

To be honest, Lieutenant Mihiro originally thought that Lieutenant Liddy had the personality of a big boy pilot who loved aircraft more than women.

However, after Lieutenant Colonel Tagusa cryptically revealed the family background of Second Lieutenant Liddy to himself, Second Lieutenant Mihiro somewhat overturned his previous judgment on Second Lieutenant Liddy.

Will people who have received a full set of aristocratic education have poor EQ?

Occasionally there are exceptions... like Ensign Liddy.

"Second Lieutenant Mihiro, do you want to go see Gundam together later?"

Second Lieutenant Mihiro's eyes lit up when he heard Second Lieutenant Liddy's voice, but his face darkened after hearing the content.

After calming down, Second Lieutenant Mihiro said flatly: "Yes, that machine saved us, didn't it. If that machine wasn't there, we'd probably be wiped out by now."

"Yes." Second Lieutenant Liddy nodded excitedly, Gundam.

"Gundam? Don't you know who the pilot is yet?" Banagher asked curiously.

"That's right, I heard that it's because the cockpit cannot be opened, and the technicians are still cracking the cockpit password."

"Can we go together?" Takuya woke up instantly when he heard the word Gundam.

"Let's come together." Second Lieutenant Liddy didn't see his words at all, which made Second Lieutenant Mihiro's face darker by three points.

(End of this chapter)

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