The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 373 Chapter 370 The Day of the Unicorn 03

Chapter 373 Chapter 370 The Day of the Unicorn 03
After learning that the recently famous quasi-super ace "Magnum" was his son, Cardeas could only open and close his mouth dumbly, rubbing his temples with a headache.

Gazing at his child with complicated eyes, Cardeas pushed other thoughts to the back of his mind.

"Then, everyone, please follow me... what are your expressions?" Cardeas felt that everything was not going well today, and the development of various events was out of control.

Banagher sighed exaggeratedly while resting his forehead, beating his chest and stamping his feet.Minerva happily patted him on the shoulder, then stretched out her hands and placed them in front of him.

Banerjee took out his wallet from his butt pocket, took out 10 yuan and slapped it on Minerva's hand.Minerva happily accepted the money and stuffed it into her pocket.

"We bet you will say that you are his father's problem," Minerva explained kindly seeing that Cardeas was confused. "Banaji thinks that you can advocate taking out the Laplace Box and let the colonists of the universe find their own future. You must be a man with a sense of responsibility and a heart for the world. When you see yourself, you will definitely mention this matter.
And I think you are just a group of cowards who want to pass the responsibility on to others, and also pretend to believe in the possibility of a new human being, and will pretend that nothing happened when your son comes back. "

"It seems that my impression score has dropped by one quarter." Cardias remained calm.



"How do things that don't exist in the first place drop?" Banagher said indifferently. It was originally a joke bet among his comrades, so how could it be emotional.

The man in front of him, the reason he was born was because of this scene (referring to becoming the driver of the unicorn), my cheap brother didn't accept the enhancement of the enhancer, why should he be enhanced?
Will the second son be used as a tool until his death?

But then again...

Born destined to drive some kind of giant human-shaped decisive weapon, the pilot who was secretly observed and abandoned for a while, the second machine is the actual color matching, and the third machine is inhabited by other souls...

This is a bit of a strong sense of sight.

Banagher's merciless words made Cardeas ready to scold him.

But when Cardeas saw Banagher's business-like poker face, and the Banshee Gundam who came from his heart (and was only 20 kilometers away from him, and could be remotely controlled at any time through the Psychic wave, came within 3 minutes) ) of strong self-confidence.

Realizing that Banagher had already grown up before he could see him, and had already embarked on his own path, he could only put away his adult airs, and patted Banagher on the shoulder with emotion.

Turning around with hands behind his back, ready to leave.

Then he heard Banagher hand out another ten yuan to Minerva...

"I wanted to say it at first. You have grown up, and I can say it with confidence. It seems that you are far from qualified... Banagher."

Then Cardeas saw Banagher take out another ten dollars with a face...

This made Cardeas look at Minerva in horror.

What does this 30 yuan mean?It means that the princess of Zeon has a clear understanding of her own thinking mode.

"Fortunately, this time it's entrusting the future instead of calculating..." Cardeas loosened his somewhat suffocating collar, and led everyone to a secret meeting room.

Everyone ate snacks, drank tea, chatted and chatted for a whole afternoon, and Banagher and Minerva kept spoofing the words of the two sides, so as to judge the attitudes of the other two parties towards the handover of the box.

Although Front wanted to turn the topic to the discussion of the handover of the box and its meaning in order to measure the value of the box, Minerva repeatedly diverted the topic without a trace.

After Minerva changed the subject for the tenth time, Front lost his patience and asked directly how to transfer the Laplace box to us, Minerva glanced at it indifferently and was already a little impatient Front.

"Mr. Front, please don't be impatient. The formal talks will start after the arrival of our other negotiators. Now everyone just needs to eat, drink, chat and test whether the other party has the possibility of cooperation."

"However, there's no point in continuing to scribble like this. It's what we should do now to determine the ownership of the box as soon as possible." Fronto frowned.

"Make no mistake, Fur Front." Minerva drank the tea in the cup. "The current state is not that I want to delay until the arrival of friendly troops. Rather, I think that this conversation will be more interesting when they arrive."

"No matter how powerful they are, in the final analysis..." Angelo and Sergi, two of Fronto's followers, took out pistols from their armpits.

Minerva flicked her left hand, and the teacup tray held by her left hand was thrown out at a high speed, shredding the pistols that the two took out one after another.

The two people looked at the wreckage of the pistol in their hands and frowned. At the same time, the two slowly turned their heads to look at the tea tray with most of the plates embedded in the wall, and swallowed their saliva.

"I said, Your Highness, you practiced the flying disc technique a while ago just for this scene." Banerjee laughed out loud.

"Of course." Minerva lowered his eyes and glanced at the teacup, making sure that there was basically no drop left. "Do you know how difficult it is to throw a ceramic teacup plate at a high speed of 1500 revolutions per second and hit two or three targets in a row without breaking it, and finally the remaining kinetic energy and rotational speed are just right enough to embed itself into the wall."

"Fur Fronto, I will only say this one last time, stay here to chat with me until my companion arrives." Minerva dragged the teacup with her left hand, and slapped her right hand fiercely.

Then Minerva stretched his left hand above the table in the conference room, tilted his left hand slowly, and poured out the ceramic powder.

"Otherwise, this slap, where do you think it will be?"

"Then let us wait for your companion to come." Fur Fronto is also very interested in Minerva Zabi's companion now, and he is definitely not afraid that Minerva will kill him if he doesn't match up.

After a while, at [-]:[-] in the afternoon, Shaar and his party arrived at the Bister's house.

Cardeas opened the door before everyone knocked on the door. Looking at the three men and women wearing huge sunglasses standing at the door, Cardeas frowned slightly.

"Are you all companions of that adult?"

"That's right, can we go in first, our identities are not very suitable for exposure. At least, not now." Amuro said softly.

"What is the relationship between you and that adult?"

"I'm her aunt for the time being, but I actually miss her mother more, but I prefer her to be called my sister." Haman asked Shaar and Amuro to hold their foreheads as soon as he opened his mouth, and he has been with a certain pollutant for a long time , I am embarrassed to speak without bringing two catties of sand.

(End of this chapter)

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