The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 37 036 The Tiger Retreats

Chapter 37 036 The Tiger Retreats
"The long legs turned in? Did they notice the ambush from Cairo..." Butterfelt readjusted the body, and Baku could operate normally only after one leg was discarded.

Hmm... from a small car to three jumpers.

Or three rounds...

"The whole machine pursues, aiming at the long-legged engine, our side still has the advantage in numbers, don't back down! If the battleship loses its maneuverability, it will be our side's victory." The three Baku rearranged their formation and resumed the battle against MS .

"That's beautiful..." Nichol quickly shut down the Mirage system, restarted the PS armor, and raised his shield to block the attack of the shrapnel missile launched by the Archangel. "The firepower on the other side is impenetrable at all!"

The pilots of the two Deans didn't say a word, they gritted their teeth and operated the airframe, trying to shake off the Hell Dart missile biting their backs.

"Claude, go back to China and visit my mother for me." Pilot Dean, who was a little behind, pulled the joystick, and the body suddenly stood up, spread its wings, and blocked the front of the missile group.

"Hey! Don't be arbitrarily... bastard!" The surviving Dean swooped down, and the twelve missiles on his shoulders rushed out.Armed with machine guns and shotguns, they fired at the Archangel.

"The enemy plane is directly above, approaching at a very high speed... It looks like it is about to collide."

"CIWS air attack! Take it down!"

"It's too late! We're about to collide!"


Dean was hit by three beams from a distance and exploded in the air.

Li Ping glanced down at the communicator. Kira was expressionless, and his hands kept moving. Judging from the shaking of his head, he seemed to be engaged in a fierce sports battle.Is it an explosion?

"CIC is Li Ping here, is it ready to take off?"

"Wait for a while, wait for the Archangel to complete its turn and take off, Second Lieutenant Yamato, please ensure the safety of the Sky King's take-off line." Fleur replied to Major Bucky Lulu after confirming.


The Archangel rowed across the desert and headed for the area near the scheduled ambush site.

"The line is clear, and the Skymaster II can take off."

"Skymaster, take off."

After the Sky King took off, it quickly climbed up and avoided dozens of missiles fired head-on.

"Cannon loading... You can't count on maneuverability..." The No. [-] machine is equipped with assault artillery equipment, and the additional module mounting points on the left and right wings are equipped with two medium-caliber beam cannon modules. "Kira, you are the main attack, I will support, and lead the enemy's mobile suit group over there."

"Okay." Holy Shield fired one after another, forcing Duel and Full Armor Jean to the left.

"Corporal Sai, the bottom CIWS ceases fire at 800 ammo, but don't stop aiming, let's put on a show."

"Understood... The setting is complete." Sai hurriedly rewrote the CIWS's attack rules.

The Archangel and the Holy Shield fought back, retreating all the way to a certain hill, Butterfield took his two Bakus under his command, and Yitzhak took his five friends to fight very happily, because ...The Holy Shield's marksmanship is not very accurate, as long as you pay attention to dodging, you will not be hit.

As for Li Ping?

He went to the sky and dived down to find trouble with the ZAFT gunship...

The stand-alone made ZAFT's armed helicopter team cry.

"It seems that there is a height limit for that ship to move in the atmosphere?" Aslan silently evaluated the Archangel, which could not continue to climb after only rising to 400 meters. "Then how does she return to the universe? Add a booster? Or can she only use a mass accelerator to return to the universe?"

"Captain Ramias." After dealing with the armed helicopter, Li Ping drove the aircraft back to the vicinity of the Archangel, and the high-energy pulse gun "Yehuo" under the fuselage fired, and the red light beam with beating arcs fiercely plowed on the ground. The group of MS sticking to ZAFT strafed past.The shock wave of the explosion caused the ZAFT pilots to subconsciously move the body away from the explosion.

"What's the principle of this explosion..." Li Ping blinked his eyes, looking at the five explosions that occurred one after another on the burn mark of a light beam in confusion.

"Cagali." Qisaka looked at the blond boy (?) on the co-pilot
"Although some bombs were destroyed...but the rest is enough!" Kagali took out a huge remote control and pressed the first big red button.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..." Dozens of huge explosions sounded one after another.

"Yizhak!" Aslan pushed the throttle valve, Gene jumped forward regardless.

"Everyone dodge!" Yitzhak yelled while operating the machine to jump away.Diaka and Nickel also jumped away almost simultaneously, and Butterfield operated the body to jump away when the first explosion occurred.

"Cut... the guy with a quick reaction..." Kagalli pressed the second big red button.A huge explosion occurred from the ground, engulfing the 4 mobile suits that hadn't had time to escape.

"Captain Butterfield, our team's airframes have run out of energy, so we're heading back first." Yitzhak looked at the energy indicator that was close to the red line with a stomach ache.The high heat and shock waves generated by the explosion just now consumed a lot of energy for the three G-series PS armors.

With the remaining energy, I'm afraid it can last two or three beams or PS armor for about 10 minutes.

"Well, I don't have any combat power here, so I'm retreating for a while." Butterfield's three rounds... Baku, who was missing a leg, quickly retreated to the team. Behind him, there were four bouncing forwards. MS. "Wait to join forces with Suez's reinforcements before discussing the next battle."

"...Damn scared me to death..." Airmaster No. [-] rushed out of the thick smoke from the explosion, its body was blackened...

"Fortunately, Skylord's main engine is powerful..." Li Ping thought that the soaring pillar of fire was the visual effect of animation, but he did not expect that a pillar of fire hundreds of meters high and a column of smoke thousands of meters high actually appeared. Li Ping He didn't react for a while, and plunged into the smoke column. "I thought it was going to shut down and crash..."

"Everyone retreats, Daxta, inform Kruse's team of warships on the way." Butterfield had a gloomy face, if he was repelled by the Archangel's ship that repeatedly blew up Kruse's team along the way. If the enemy is wiped out, he still has the face to say that his skills are not as good as others. After all, whether it is the ship or the mobile suit on the ship, it belongs to the top combat power in ZAFT.But being cheated by the resistance organization is very uncomfortable.

The pilots of those two mobile suits were at least at the level of captains in white in ZAFT.

Do you want people from the Ministry of Intelligence to try to recruit them?When Butterfield drove his own three-jump... er lame Baku back, his thinking gradually went astray.

"Huh..." Lieutenant Colonel Ramias patted his heart, and then took a long breath of fear.The ship was almost running out of ammunition and food.

"Contact the resistance organization on the ground and find a place to land. The energy of the Holy Shield should be enough, right? Let Lieutenant Yamato be on guard, Skylord returns, and let Captain Li and Lieutenant Colonel Flagg join me to meet the other side. Bucky Major Lulu will act as captain when the time comes, and the Marine Corps is fully armed and on standby."

(End of this chapter)

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