The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 365 Chapter 362 Multi-Party Intervention 2

Chapter 365 Chapter 362 Multi-Party Intervention 2
"This is Misaka 15532, found an approaching enemy plane, three desert-type Dom, one desert-type Zaku, one Ifrit, one tiger-flying type, one Marasai, and one sniper-type Zaku One or two, and two Desert Jims. Both ride on flight pedals or small-to-medium VTOL transports."

"What are they trying to do? Is our plan being used in reverse..."

The riot-suppressing daggers around the venue took off one by one, and went to meet the attacking mobile suit group.

"Their riot equipment is useless, and their purpose can be inferred from the behavior of Zeon's remnants." Those short swords didn't even carry beam rifles, they only carried a large shield, and the rest of the weapons were 6 x 60 Millimeter Vulcan cannon, Gatling machine gun on the tip of the toe, and a beam saber mounted on the inside of the shield. "The re-engraved free team is allowed to attack when necessary. The limit combat distance is 500 meters from the venue. Be careful of the detonation of the fusion furnace."

The eleven daggers were knocked down one by one by the attacking Zeon remnants without even raising their splashes.

"Selling to the Federal Battery Machine is really the best choice recently..." Li Ping stood on the roof watching the fireballs that exploded when the eleven daggers were shot down by the sniper Zaku. The fireball exploded by the induced explosion of the ammunition is not small, but it is still much smaller than the explosion caused by the induced explosion of the Minovsky particle fusion furnace. "Even if it's a remnant party, it's not something that security forces can deal with..."

"Speaking of which, what on earth are you guys trying to do..." Li Ping sighed slightly when he saw the Maratha jumping up high in the distance and pointing its large beam rifle at the crowd at the parade venue. In an instant, his eyes hardened.

"Destroy them, finish them in 30 seconds, and retreat."

"Understood, the Mirage system is disarmed, the PS armor is activated, and the body is upgraded to combat power." ×4
The four replica Freedom Gundams closest to the attacking Zeon remnants disarmed the Mirage system, jumped up from a hidden location, and blocked the firing axis of Marasai. The anti-beam shield equipped on the left arm Blocked the mega particle beam.

Then he straightened his right arm, and the beam rifle fired continuously, breaking through the limbs, heads and all shooting weapons of all the attacking mobile suits, allowing the body's torso to fall to the ground.Afterwards, it merged with the 8 replica Freedom Gundams that had taken off from other locations, and immediately began to exit the atmosphere after establishing an acceleration position.

"The coat of arms on the shoulders of those mobile suits...the mobile suit troops of Shattered Specter?" Yorkson looked at the shoulder armor of the replica Liberty Gundam that was climbing through the binoculars. "I knew that this group of people got involved in this matter, and those gentlemen in Zeon couldn't play this kind of operation without killing a pig's heart."

"It's a pity that I just softened my heart a little, right? As long as the riot-suppressing dagger successfully shoots at the crowd at that time, we will die if we don't die, and they will rebel if they don't."

"I heard that the Broken Ghost distributes fast-growing vegetable crops and meat products to the residents in various colonies?" Yorkson put down the binoculars.

"There are also various small electrical appliances and various books that can improve the happiness of life. If some retired agents who immigrated to the colony did not tell us through private channels, we would have been kept in the dark until now, while raising the tax rate It has reached an astonishing 45%, and on the other hand, find a way to let the space colonists eat, clothe, and learn knowledge..." Yorkson's deputy spread his hands and laughed. "The Federation is really promising. After all, we are on stage thanks to Broken Ghosts. Without their weekly lottery draw, we wouldn't be able to get on stage..."


"It feels like this kind of plan is being used and going astray..." Li Ping was in the cockpit of a replica Freedom Gundam, looking at the ground farther and farther away with a dark face.

"It doesn't matter, the goal is almost achieved."

"Huh?" Li Ping turned his head to look at Lux's communication avatar.

"Both the evil of the Federation and the evil of Zeon were successfully expressed. The Federation MS opened fire on the crowd and was bounced off by unknown shields, and Zeon attacked the parade, and arranged self-destruct vests in the parade, etc. were directly shown to everyone. In front of them, and protecting them is the mobile suit of Broken Ghost. As for the Federation, because the Federation veterans can unite as one, it is impossible for the Federation government to sit back and watch this group of people continue to unite. The next combination of punches against this group of people will soon typed out.

Because of the actions of the remnants of Zeon on the ground, it is inevitable that the space colonies and the Republic of Zeon will be further oppressed. According to the information, we have provided the space colonists with better living supplies and have been known by the intelligence personnel of the Federation.

At the beginning, I didn't expect this plan to proceed smoothly, and you can't just sit back and watch the federal bloodbath parade, just the parade can't change anything. "

"I know..." Li Ping scratched his head. He knew that as long as the Federation bloodbathed the parade, he would be able to raise the flag and directly launch an all-out war with the Federation...

But I am not some kind of devil or careerist, so what are you doing with so many moths?

Well, in fact, coming here to meddle in other people's business is just a moth...

In the following three months, the Federation held several consecutive meetings and decided...

Forcefully reduce the population of the earth from 20 billion to 5 million within five years, and the population consists of only four parts, the federal army, the federal cabinet, service industry practitioners (in various senses) and farmers.

The population of 15 billion has been allocated to each side in a planned way. The first guarantee is that it will no longer be possible to organize military clubs with as many as 30 people for parades.

Second, a 7% "security tax" is imposed on space colonists.It is used for the "protection" of the space colonists by the Federation Army. After all, both the Broken Specter and the Armband Guy have been very active recently.

Third, on the grounds that home greenhouses would waste resources and pollute the air, the home greenhouses, vegetable seeds, small poultry breeding products, etc. distributed by Broken Ghost were forcibly confiscated.

Fourth, confiscate reactionary books (issued by Broken Phantom), implement compulsory education for children, start curriculum reform, promote happy education, reduce the proportion of high school admissions, and expand the enrollment ratio of vocational colleges.

Fifth, increase the filming of entertainment programs in a large amount, and order various financial groups to start a star-making movement, so that the main energy of the colonial residents will be concentrated on the entertainment circle.

Sixth, fully launch the feminist movement, LGBT movement, anti-discrimination movement, etc., to divide the internal thinking of the colony.


"Drawing from the bottom of the pot... We want to follow the mass line, so they plan to turn the masses into fools... There are also people in the Federation who can play, but that's okay, the more they block, the more people will take those books seriously." Lak Si poked her cheek with a chess queen. "Let's start the ninth stage. The Shattered Ghost starts the comprehensive preparation stage. The intelligence department is looking for opportunities to start the war, so that all combat forces except the Midway Island resident fleet and the Mars garrison fleet will return to the Earth sphere."

"My lords, let's start the war." Lux slowly dropped the white queen on the chessboard.

(End of this chapter)

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