The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 357 354 Excessive and Experimental

Chapter 357 354 Excessive and Experimental

In a flash of time, the year 0095, combined with several technologies including magic, alchemy, and science and technology, ended the first phase of the Shattered Ghost Mars terraforming project.

In the high orbit of Mars, an artificial celestial body with a frame structure with a diameter of 50 kilometers was successfully launched. sun.

On the surface of Mars, the environment in the middle and low latitudes at this time is not much different from that of the earth. Using alchemy and the material conversion facility developed based on the superpower "last element matter", the asteroid is converted into water and air, and the input The surface of Mars has been destroyed, and enough air and water sources have been added to the surface of Mars.

Although the air pressure is slightly lower, humans can already move on the surface of Mars without wearing spacesuits.

On the surface of Mars, near the original colony, Martian residents have completed the initial land reclamation and artificial land fertilization projects, and started planting plants.

In the remote colony of Midway Island, due to the abundance of energy, air, and food, Midway Island has ushered in the first wave of baby boom since the Broken Ghosts settled here.

At the end of 0094, four resource asteroids towed from the Martian asteroid belt arrived near Midway Island, and one of the resource asteroids began to build colony builders (large engineering ships used to build colony satellites).

A large number of factories and armed facilities were built on the two resource asteroids for the production of various equipment and vehicles, and they were also used as defensive fortresses for the colony.

The last asteroid started to build the base of a new cylindrical colony, using this resource asteroid as a material to start building the second colony in this area.

At about the same time, the strongest ship in the history of the Federal Space Forces, the General Rebier, was launched and began the stage of installation and commissioning.

Neo Zeon remnants "with sleeves" activity is also at an all-time high.

The Federal Army had to maintain a relatively high level of security. The Federal Space Force fleet was divided into squadrons to wander around the main channel of the Earth Circle to maintain the safety and smoothness of the channel.

It was finalized in 0089, and the Jiegang series, which has just been in service for a short time, has faint traces of retreating to the second line except for the cutting-edge high-mobility Jiegang.Right now, the Federal Air Force and Federal Space Force are at the forefront of Nova Industries' Dagger series MS and Raven series MS.

Without him, the emergency maintenance in battle is really convenient. If you get shot, as long as the torso comes back intact, you can complete the replacement of components within half an hour, and send out a complete mobile suit again.

Moreover, under the premise of ensuring that the combat effectiveness is not stronger than Jie Gang, the battery is powered and the cost is low.If you are shot down, you don’t have to worry about pollution. You can fly in the atmosphere, and the battery life is not low. There are various advantages, so that the Dagger series and the Raven series completely suppress the Jiegang series and Ankexia in the atmosphere. The performance directly led to the fact that the Federal Air Force did not add orders for Jie Gang and Ankexia, but instead added ten orders for MS Wing Daggers and Ravens.

In the universe, although due to political pressure, the federal army purchased a lot of Jie Gang and Richel.

But over time, the dagger series has gradually accumulated a lot of word of mouth. It is equipped with a dagger series that assists AI in combat. When facing enemy planes shooting, the program will give priority to controlling the body to use shields to defend key positions. In a local battle, blocking this crucial "one blow" is enough to change the situation of the battle.

Although in the later stage, the "armband guy" also added auxiliary AI to the body (an auxiliary AI developed by Anaheim after obtaining the data of the Dagger series OS through some means), but it can't stand the slowness of the opposite limbs. .

Both sides were destroyed and returned to the ship. After half an hour, I was a hero again, but there were not too many things that happened that you couldn't fight.

Gradually, this kind of equipment and funds are exchanged for the life of the driver. There is no full-time cockpit, and the reputation of the Dagger series is underwhelming. It has passed the Jiegang series with relatively traditional design.

As for the expenditure ratio, three short swords VS three Kirazulu battles, the armband guy lost three MS and three drivers, the Federation may lose one MS, three heads, five backpacks, seven legs, and nine arms. In fact, the Federation may have lost more than 6 mobile suits. It can only be said that the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.

The increase in the pilot's winning rate and survival rate has allowed the Federation to accumulate a group of ace pilots who were born with daggers.

Of course, one thing is that the old ace pilots generally don’t like the short sword series MS very much. They claim that the simplified short sword series with too many controls is more like playing a game than driving a MS, and there is no operation at all. feel.

Some veteran ace drivers even claim that this thing can be controlled with a mouse and keyboard.

In this regard, Li Ping, who really pre-installed an OS that can be controlled by an XBOX controller in the dagger, said that you are right.

Another incident happened during this period, which even caused the loss of two observers on Li Ping's side.

That is, the start-up experiment and mock battle experiment of Unicorn Gundam Units [-] and [-].

Second Lieutenant Leta Bernal, who was judged by Li Ping and Harman as a high-quality new human, rejected the recruitment of Nova Industries and chose to continue to serve as a test pilot for the Gundam MS in the federal army as an enhanced human.

On that day, two Krapp-class ships of the Federal Army escorted a cargo ship of Anaheim Electronics Industry to conduct a start-up experiment and a simulated battle experiment of two RX-0 Unicorn Gundams in a space near the moon.

RX-0 No. [-], code-named "Banshee" in the Federal Army, is planned to be a tactical equipment model of Unicorn Gundam, that is, an all-round mobile suit equipped with multiple tactical equipment corresponding to different combat situations.The fuselage is painted in dark blue-gray low-visibility paint, and the surface of the fuselage is painted with a composite radar stealth coating instead of an ABC coating.

Its special equipment includes, but is not limited to, equipment equipped with floating cannons, equipment for suppressing psychopathic waves, equipment for increasing psychopathic waves, and other specialized equipment.

The RX-0 No. [-] unit, codenamed "Phoenix" by the Federal Army, is planned to be an enhanced human MS that can be used as a thousand riders. The number of mental power skeletons in the whole body is more than that of the other two units. DE shield with auxiliary thrusters, I-Field generator and beam cannon inside the shield.

The body paint is pure gold, which is the development product of the special ABC paint following the Hyakushiki. According to the experiment on the shooting range, this paint can even be immune to the attack of Jiegang's beam rifle.

The weapon is the same as other brother machines, a beam Magnum with a single shot that is as powerful as the main gun of a battleship.

According to the information sent back by Nova Industries' spies ambush in the federal army, this simulated battle experiment, in addition to being a performance test of the Unicorn Gundam, is also an experiment in which the federal army intends to reproduce the Axis impact.

The Federal Army is even prepared to lose a Unicorn Gundam.

Because, the federal army has already installed the NTR...NTD system on the two airframes, that is, the New Type Destroy system, the new human destruction system.

And the pilots of these two airframes are all new humans and enhanced humans from the new human research institute.The Federal Army hopes to activate the NTD system with enough mental power skeletons in the test field and the mutual traction of two new human brain waves, so as to complete at least one new human driver in the machine body and the mental power skeleton in the machine. Merge and become a real new human.

If you can work for the Federation, this matter is easy to discuss. The best engine oil will be given to you. If you don’t work for the Federation, the MK82 tactical nuclear bomb carried by the fleet will be your last supper.

(End of this chapter)

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