Chapter 355 352 Mom
Of course, Li Ping and Harman were not so bored to the point where they deliberately hid their whereabouts and ran out in order to watch Anaheim pretending to be deflated...

Well... so boring, the second thing to do was after they left the Nova Industrial Building in Granada on the lunar surface.

That is, Tang Xiaomei who disappeared after the first Neo Zeon War... I mean, Minerva Zabi was rescued by the "sleeved" elite troops from the Zeon Republic where she was under house arrest.

According to the information sent back from within the Republic of Zeon, the scale of the battle was not very large.

Three new Kira Zulus and a Big Green Pepper set off from a camouflaged cargo ship and raided the SIDE3 colonial satellite "Muzo" at very close range, snatching Minerva Zabi from Zabi's house out.

After knocking down five Dobermans and eleven Zaku IIIs, defeating Zeon Republic's pursuers, the disguised cargo ship escaped from SIDE3 and disappeared into the surrounding space.

However, anyone with a discerning eye knows that their only destination is the hidden reef space of side1.

The unaccompanied Minerva Zabi could only take a gamble as to whether Fur Front, who is known as Char's second coming, ever took good care of his own Char Aznable.

Otherwise, my destiny can only be to be played to death as a puppet of the Republic of Zeon, or to be used as a marriage tool and sent to the bed of some big man in the federation.

In the dispute between the Federation and Zeon, who would care what a 14-year-old girl thinks.

Even, because of the girl's blood, her fate in this game is a little bit more miserable.

Does it matter whether a girl is willing or not?
In fact, it is also very important. If she resists, it will make her status as a toy more interesting.

At this time, Minerva's green eyes were not very energetic looking at the side3 satellite group that had almost become the size of a star outside the porthole.

Probably, this is the last time in my life to see side3 up close...

When the girl was feeling alone, an unusual feeling flashed across her mind, causing the girl to look towards the front of the ship in astonishment.

"Notify the cargo ship in front that this is the aviation heavy cruiser Liulula belonging to the first mobile fleet of the Broken Ghost, stop the ship immediately. Repeat, this is the aviation cruiser Liulula belonging to the first mobile fleet of the Broken Ghost, stop the ship immediately. Stop the main engine Operational, ready to receive transfers from my fleet."

"Captain, what should I do... Isn't Lulula the flagship of Neo Zeon? Why did it become the ship of the broken ghost?" Blaster looked puzzled at the captain whose expression was distorted. "Even if it's the Garencieres team, fighting against three ships is a bit tough."

Well, when Leulula started to send directional communication, one Leulula and two Salamis-class modifications removed the optical camouflage, blocking the direction of the Glancieres.

"There are three Gundam mobile suits, how do we fight them? Among them are the famous ν Gundam and Ita Gundam...they are the real ones. Let the MS team stand by, and Maritan will take the princess to the Kshatriya Go up, ready to get out at any time. I can only play by ear... Wait for Kabini? Why are those middle-aged items still being used? Is it newly built... It seems to be a very complicated fleet..." The captain of Glenciere He looked suspiciously at the approaching ms in front of him.

The four mobile suits opened the cockpit next to the airlock of the Glancieres, released the pilots of the four suits, and then returned to the voyage autonomously.

The airlock of the Glancieres was opened, and the four entered the airlock one by one, and then the airlock was closed, and the cabin was quickly filled with air, then the front gate opened, revealing the captain of the Glancieres, Captain Zinnerman.

"This ship is lucky enough to have three Gundam pilots on board. It's so glorious." Lieutenant Zinnerman looked at the four pilots with complicated expressions. The four pilots' suits were neither Federation style nor Zeon style, but a style I have never seen before.

One with white and gray border, one with pink border, one with black and red border, and one with black and gold border, um, it's a ZAFT-style MS driving suit.

The kind made with end-element matter.

Now the helmets of the four people are all in a single-item transparent state, and their faces cannot be seen.

"Are you looking down on my Kabini? Zinnerman." Haman, who was wearing a black gold-rimmed pilot suit, took off his helmet.

"You are... Harman Kahn..." Zinnerman whispered in disbelief.

"It's not that acquaintances can't recognize it..." Li Ping smiled squintingly, and almost whistled.

"It's Harman Lee now, Zinnerman. Long time no see."

"Pfft!" The man in the pink driving suit bent down and lifted his leg, and a supersonic whip kicked directly on the belly of the guy in the black and red-rimmed driving suit. into the walls of the ship.

"My ship..." Captain Zinnerman stretched out his hand subconsciously, and said distressedly.

"Miss Lacus, is it really all right if you keep messing around at this time?" The man in the white driving suit took off his helmet, revealing the face of Amuro who was in pain.

"Scumbags will be treated like scumbags." The man in the pink pilot suit took off his helmet, revealing the smiling face of Lacus.

"Uh! Uh!... Gululu..." Li Ping died.

Cause of death, drowning.

After a second...

"Haman, you plot against me!" Li Ping, who took off his helmet, showed Karma's face.

"... the desire to be controlled by hormones is nothing but catharsis..."

"...Although I don't want to admit it, it's all the mistakes I made when I was young." Li Pingxia's face.

"Bang!" Harman held a supersonic hand knife.

There was another human-shaped depression on the wall of the Glancieres. Captain Zinnerman saw this scene with a sore nose and almost cried. "If you have something to say, don't bother my boat, okay?"

"Let me introduce you to the Grencieres team, Captain Zinnerman, during the first Neo Zeon War, the special agent team responsible for Minerva's security is very capable, and all members are veterans who fought from the ground in the One Year War .” Haman pointed sideways at Zinnerman.

"However, during the decisive battle of the commander-in-chief, when Neo Zeon was in chaos, we still lost the princess, and it was snatched twice by the people of Char and the Republic of Zeon. It's a shame." Zinnerman shook his head. .

"It's okay, anyway, you have already snatched her back, right? I hope you can come with us to break the ghost, and the child's wandering days can finally be over." Haman shook his head, it would be good to survive in that kind of situation Alright, what are you thinking so much about?

"Mom... Sister Haman, long time no see." Minerva floated over from the other side of the passage, her expression that was originally very excited, suddenly paused, as if remembering the education she received before, and she used it very appropriately. looked at Haman with a straight face.

"Mom??!!!" ×3 Li Pinglax and Amuro exclaimed in unison.

Well, judging by the expression, it's obvious that he's watching the lively fire.

After all, the internal relationship of this Broken Ghost is extremely chaotic. The 15-year-old ace combatant Misaka Mikoto is said to have more than 3 16-year-old daughters.

These more than 3 girls were dubbed the eldest princess by Lacus and others.

The second princess is a little girl named Index, a big eater who is harmless to humans and animals.

At the beginning, Xiaya still despised the little girl in nun's clothes.

Until Index waved a giant magic circle with a diameter of thousands of kilometers, the rain of fireballs from the sky knocked out a squadron of the Martian Zeon Army.

The third princess Kiki Li, this one is relatively weak, but she can control dozens of floating cannons at the same time while driving a mobile suit. blind.

Li Ping and Amuro looked at each other and reached a consensus instantly.

Next time teach Tang Xiaomei to drive MS, let her fight with Jiedo, and then let her yell "Haman is the woman who may become my mother."

It is best to guard Char and fight.

(End of this chapter)

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