The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 350 347 Tender Meeting 02

Chapter 350 347 Tender Meeting 02
"This is the latest TMS (variable MS) RAS-96 Ankesha and RGZ-95 Richel drafted by our agency. RAS-96 is a special TMS in the atmosphere, which is based on what our agency received from Titans The product of NRX-44 Yashima and ORX-005 Gaplan’s technical integration and simplification, the body uses a large number of parts of the Federal Army’s existing Jiegang, the versatility has reached 45%, and the body’s propulsion has reached 77000KG. It retains the function of Yashima as an SFS (Sub Flight System), can take off and land in MA form and carry a medium-sized MS on its back.

RGZ-95 Richel, a space-specific TMS with a simplified design based on the data of our MSZ-006Z Gundam and MSA-005 Metas, can also serve as an SFS function, and can carry up to two medium-sized MS on the back..."

The person in charge of Anaheim talked on the stage, two cutting-edge TMS, two cutting-edge large-scale MS (Jesta and Gustav), a total of four cutting-edge mass-produced MS with performance surpassing the Gundam that appeared in 0089 Hearing this, the general at the scene almost drools.

But the people from the General Staff Headquarters just shook their heads. It is true that the Federation needs cutting-edge mobile suits, but the current state of the Federation is just one word, really poor.

Ninety percent of the funds were invested in the reorganization of the fleet. How could there be so much money to refit such elite mobile suits on a large scale?At best, equip a small amount of equipment to the elite troops.

We need cutting-edge MS, good performance, and cheap MS.

These mechas are good, but can you please make them cheaper? Hey, a mobile suit is more expensive than a team's Jie Gang, so how can we use it?

Then there are representatives of the Roche Chamber of Commerce. They took out the proud Dijie, and then added a number of new technologies to upgrade Rick Dijie to Dijie SE-R, which is almost a next-generation MS. The new air-cushion floatation system and the prototype Minovsky particle flight system, the weapons are common to all the weapon systems of the Federation, and the MS is dedicated to the atmosphere. Driven by four huge jet engines and two large lift fans on the lower legs, The maneuverability in the atmosphere is comparable to that of a fighter jet.

In the simulated battle, a Dijy SE-R was able to turn the Jie Gang of the two teams around, and used paint bombs to paint the Jie Gang with new paint.


Although the generals of the Federation are very interested in the heavy armor and high mobility of the Dijie SE-R, but...

Just finished the Neo Zeon War, can you remove the overly heavy Zeon features from this machine?One-eyed, air-cushion floating movement, waist-diffusing mega particle cannon, did you get us a skin-changing super monster?

"This is the NMS-003 dagger series mobile suit developed by our agency. The main body is a standard MS of 18 meters. It is equipped with a new backpack replacement system and a modular assembly system. The main body power can be nuclear power or high-performance battery power.

At present, backpacks have been developed for flying in the atmosphere, underwater backpacks, surface navigation backpacks, electromagnetic gun backpacks for space, EWAC backpacks, large beam cannon backpacks, high-mobility backpacks for space, etc. " Li Ping pushed the plain light mirror used for camouflage, explaining that it is called a dagger, but in fact it looks more like Wendam's body.

This is a mass-produced MS developed by myself and others by integrating the technologies of the three worlds in this year. Its main focus is cheapness and ultra-high versatility.Some models only use superhard alloys and a very small amount of γ alloys, and the cost is even less than one-third of that of Jie Gang.However, there are also high-level short swords. After the configuration of gamma alloy armor, ABC coating and special floating cannon backpack, the price is not cheaper than Niu Gundam, but it can basically reach the level of Manatee Gundam.

"He Jiegang's versatility is very low..."

"But the main body is very versatile, the price is cheap enough, and the upper limit of the body is high enough and the offline is low enough."

"The performance of the vigilante model is not even as good as the GM II, but the theoretical performance of the elite machine is comparable to that of the new Gundam."

"And it has the ability to fly in the atmosphere, without the need for deformation mechanisms and flight pedals, which can save a lot of money."

"... Wait until you read the last few pages."

Well, the last few pages are similar to the MS expansion plan of the TR plan. After the change, the dagger can also be transformed into a TMS, a heavy MS, or even a giant MS and a giant MA.

"..." Before Li Ping opened his mouth to move on to the next item, the staff officers and generals of the Federation began to whisper.

Even Brad's eyes lit up when he saw the simple assembly skeleton system of this machine.

That is, the body is roughly divided into seven large modules and dozens of small modules.

The seven large modules are the head, torso, limbs, and backpack, and none of the large modules can even be removed freely during battle, and then directly replaced with new modules to continue fighting.

This is extremely convenient for combat. According to the demonstration, even in a gravity environment, a mobile suit with only a torso can be replaced with new limbs and head within an hour with the assistance of another complete mobile suit. The internal module, add a new backpack and re-enter the battle.

Even, during a battle, several MSs can remove their modules and concentrate on one MS to restore the combat effectiveness of this MS.

As for the MS expansion plan similar to the TR plan in the next few pages, Brad pretended not to have seen it.

That kind of special equipment is not usually prepared by favorites.

I and others have all seen the end of the full-armored Vigorous Jim III, one wave at long range, one wave at medium range, one wave at close range, and call it a day. Sounds good.

The equipment discarded in the battle is much more expensive than the MS itself.

And not to mention this, after such a set of interception procedures, it is basically impossible to fight against a large-scale MA without even bringing people back, because... human physical strength is limited. After this set, even ordinary elite pilots can Just exhausted.A worn-out pilot wandering the battlefield is pretty deadly.

But it is still very cost-effective to replace three sets of full armor with a large MA. You must know that a large MA can influence the battle situation on the battlefield.Just like the large MA of the prototype Sauron, after nearly 40 MS were shot down, it died with the mass-produced ZZ Gundam.

Generally speaking, this exchange is more than enough for the average fleet to collapse.

But on the other hand, six Armored Powerful GM IIIs forcibly replaced two large MAs and a dozen mobile suits, which was simply too cost-effective in terms of combat.

Of course, in fact, this kind of mission similar to the death squad is the worst situation for the commander, but ah... Without the desperate fighting of these six pilots, the fleet that was smashed into the face by two large MAs might be completely wiped out up.

"Director Jakes, right, your technology is the same as that of a few years ago..."

"That's right, we got part of the combat data of the 3T (Titans Test Team) troops from the technicians we received."

"Understood, let's continue."

"Well, the last ones are the next-generation prototype MS and the atmospheric MS we developed. NMS-0000, Torukis and NMS-002 Raven." Li Ping nodded.

"Heavy armored high-speed mobile suit Torukis, the technology used in the whole machine is the technology that has been verified in actual combat. There is only one design idea for the heavy armored high-speed high-mobility mobile suit, which is to directly fight against high-performance new humans with mobile suits or MAs. The acceleration is limited to 15G, and the lateral overload is limited to 5g. If the driver is not afraid of death, we can provide an unrestricted OS. The main weapon is a special 220mm live ammunition cannon. The alternative is a large mega particle cannon. According to the test, It is no problem to directly smash through 8 GM shields. The head and hands are equipped with two 60mm Vulcan cannons, which are used to fight against the floating weapons of MS used by new humans.

NMS-002 Raven (actually an upgraded version of ZAFT's flying MS Dean), an atmospheric aviation MS, a TMS that can be easily deformed, battery power, and honeycomb foam armor. The range in the atmosphere has reached 3000 kilometers, and the maximum speed 2 Mach.The weapons are common to all the weapons of the Federation, and the fixed armament of the body is only a 60mm Vulcan cannon and four 6-connected missile launchers on the chest. "

"What about mobility?"

"No less than a fighter jet."

Seeing the bright eyes of the federal staff officer, Li Ping always felt that at least part of the funds could be cheated this time.

(End of this chapter)

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