Chapter 330 327 Funny
Nine out of ten times out of ten people in this world are not satisfied, and the remaining one out of ten is even more unlucky. ——At this time, Char Aznab is not yet the last word.

Xia Ya was distracted by the long negotiations with the Federation, so he came out to ride a horse to relax, and to see if he could attract newcomers.

In my fleet, besides myself, there are only two trump cards. Although there are still some people in the New Humanity Research Institute, even if my heart is rotten, I look like I am only seven or eight years old, but in fact there are less than eight people. It is really unreasonable for Yue's child to go to the battlefield.

(For this reason, Li Ping, who made the Misaka series less than a month on the stage of the Three Wars, sneezed hard.)
My entire Neo Zeon army only has 14 combat ships and more than 100 mobile suits, and it can't be said that it is stretched to carry out combat operations...

It can only be said that every battle is stud.

Coupled with the fact that the ratio of fleet members is close to [-]:[-], the ratio of old Zeon veterans to militiamen and even civilians...

God, if it weren't for the federal army to pull it off, my own troops wouldn't even be able to take down the Luna V.

Because Luna V did not fall, both the Federation and Neo Zeon had doubts about themselves, which delayed the subsequent negotiation to outmaneuver Axis and attack Luna II to seize nuclear weapons.

Until today, I had the first negotiation with the representatives of the Federation.

...and the talk broke down.

Shaar was aggrieved and only felt a breath of turbid air stagnate in his chest.

Until Amuro knocked him off the horse with a swoop from the horse at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour.Not to mention the turbid air, the sour water is almost spit out.

Shaar clutched his chest and got up from the ground. When he saw Amuro who also got up from the ground and fell obviously lighter than himself, his face changed, and he lay down on the ground quickly, holding Amuro's fist, and using his right foot Pushing against Amuro's chest, he kicked Amuro out.

Afterwards, the two of them clamored about why they wanted to drop the meteorite, as if they were explaining the plot.

By the way, you punched me and kicked me without any image.

"Wow, as expected of Xia, this kick was beautiful." Li Ping exclaimed.

"As expected of being the strongest new human in the federation, you can avoid this." Kuisi also exclaimed.

"These two can't do anything to each other, can they?" Qiqi looked away, what about the commander of Neo Zeon, Colonel Char Aznable, whose image has completely collapsed, okay?

"In hand-to-hand combat, two people are equal, it depends on carelessness and accidents." Li Ping nodded, and his evaluation was the same.

"Then, let's work hard for them?" Kui Si looked excited.

"..." The corner of Li Ping's mouth twitched.

From just now, Li Ping's group of behind-the-scenes people have been making a lot of noise...

"Nice job! That's all! Hit him! Well done, Amuro!" Harman waved his fists.

"emmmmm..." Camus looked at the two beating each other with a delicate expression.These two people are actually their own guides, but they have different positions.

As far as his own perception is concerned, although Shaar has several roles and his composition is very complicated, his thinking is very simple and he tends to go to extremes.

It seems that Amuro's job has always been a simple job like a driver or an instructor, but he is very gentle, so gentle that he has considered all aspects. The downside is...he is a soldier of the Federation while being gentle.

So much so that he can continue to fulfill the will of the federal army even though he has decayed into such a ghostly state in the federation.

"Kill the federal dog!"

"beat him!"

"...emmmmm" Sherlock rubbed his chin amusedly. There are a little few new humans in the Federation. At least here, one of my Titans counts as one, that girl Feng counts as a Titans, that child Camus and that AI Lieutenant Ma belonged to Aogu, and the rest belonged to Zeon.

Although Haman is yelling and beating Shaar.

They are all poor people... In fact, Sherlock, who basically realized it, sighed.

The genius boy who was taken away by himself, the leader who was backstabbed by his lover and his subordinates, the clone who was brainwashed and thrown into the battlefield, the brainwashed enhanced human being...

People from different camps, after death, can live in peace beside this new human being who is probably the purest in the world. In fact, human beings can understand each other...

Sherlock quietly observed everyone's reactions.

"Amuro! Hit his ribs/nose bridge/belly button!" Li Pingqi and Qi Kuisi shouted in unison.

Then it was found that the three people did not reach an agreement. After looking at each other, the three became angry and Shen Dantian shouted again:

"Smack his ass/eyes/balls!"

The three of Li Ping looked at each other.

"Smack his nose/eyes/ass!"




"Farts understand each other, forget about destruction." Sherlock watched the three living people (the kind with ridiculously high quality of new humans) decide how to let Amuro beat Shaar by guessing, speechless.

"Shut up!" ×2
Amuro and Char shouted at Li Ping and the others in unison.

Are you watching a monkey show?three of them.

However, the atmosphere was gone, and the two of them lay down on the grass in embarrassment and chatted.

Anyway, Luna V did not fall, so there is something to talk about.

However, they talked about their affairs, and Li Ping was busy with his own.

By using electromagnetic waves to connect to the communication system of the colony satellite, Li Ping hacked a laser communication system and contacted the Neo Zeon Army personnel (Haman's subordinates) far away in Granada on the moon, and negotiated the use of the colony for industrial development. Palau" to build a secret warship factory.

At the beginning, Li Ping wondered why even the MS factory had just bought a production line and hadn't finished assembling it at the factory, so why was he in such a hurry.

Then I learned that this group of people, through the spies deployed in the federation, bought from the federation at the price of waste paper 1 large battleship of the Gowadan class with a completion degree of 70%, 3 later Musai models, and 5 0083 version of the Magellan class reform, 17 0083 version of the Salamis class reform and 3 aviation Salamis class.

...I don't even have a base like you, why buy so many boats!
What?You have also contacted the old Zeon Principality army lingering in the asteroid belt on Mars?Over there is a Doros-class aircraft carrier that has been transformed into a large space base?
Li Ping listened to the report of Harman's subordinates with a full face. Are you a group of people who are too good at making things?
"During the first Neo Zeon War, people like Char, Hirok, and Gremi all kept quite a lot of hole cards at that time. If it wasn't for our group being backstabbed, used and The Federation, Neo Zeon, and Austrian forces are all in a mess, and we can actually fight again.

However, Char fell into despair a year ago, and I also chose to die in order to protect the existence of Minerva and Char..." Haman shook his head, also very helpless. "In order to return to the earth circle, we planned to approach In the past ten years, countless preparatory plans have been made, and the leftovers are all over the universe.How could a mere one-year war be defeated. "

"It's just a pity that your leadership died too simply, right?"

"If the hearts of the people are scattered, the team can't be taken." Sherlock whistled. "In the current Neo Zeon, one of the major forces is actually the remnants of the Titans, the Titans of the earth supremacist, the Titans who are on the front line against Neo Zeon and the space colonists, chose to join after the dissolution Neo Zeon? What a joke."

(I'm working overtime today, just one update for the time being, and the remaining one will be sent out together with tomorrow's tomorrow night.)
(End of this chapter)

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