Chapter 326 323 Tests
Only half a month later, this ι Gundam completed the renovation and modernization, such as upgrading a new type of reactor, and replacing it with newer types of electronic equipment and thrusters.

According to Li Ping's personal wishes, two small rapid-fire mega particle machine guns were installed on each arm. Because the beam structure is too short, the range of this beam machine gun is not even as good as the old beam spray guns during the One Year War. In the universe, it is only a little more than three kilometers, and its power is at the level of the Jie Gang standard rifle. The range of rapid fire is even less than one kilometer. The power... within 300 meters is equivalent to the level of a 90mm shell.

The only reason why the engineers in Anaheim did not throw this weapon into the trash can is that the muzzle of this Mijia particle machine gun can constrict the Mega particles into a beam saber.

Unlike the current popular beam weapons using E-pack, all the beam weapons of this ι Gundam are directly powered by the body reactor.

Originally, the technicians in Anaheim wanted to transform the beam weapon of this machine into an E-pack.

But after looking at the remaining power of the reactor of this machine body... it's better to directly supply energy.

After all, in order to meet the mobility of this Mustang, this body is equipped with three main reactors and four auxiliary reactors.

ι Gundam (after modernization)
Head height: 23.73 meters; overall height: 28.90 meters

Body weight: 75 tons, fully equipped weight: 181.50 tons

The modification is enough to add a mental skeleton near the cockpit.

Transformable to MA form

头部60mm火神炮×4;背部光束加农炮×4(12MW);光束军刀×2(0.9MW);大腿部光束加农炮×2(14MW);I FIELD发生器;手臂多功能光束兵器×4(4MW);手持精灵光束炮(56MW)(以机械臂链接在胯部骨架上,因此人形巡航模式可以把这把接近25米长的光束炮横着收拢在胯部上方)。

Optional additional armament

New INCOM unit (5.6MW)

3 missile bays

Cylindrical floating cannon hanger.


Considering that the maximum overload of the linear acceleration of this machine can even reach 77g, I am afraid that no missiles and floating cannons can keep up with the speed of this machine, so the ι Gundam with the head of the EX-S Gundam was originally used, and the INCOM head was cancelled. A high-performance optical sensor was added to the vacant space.

After all the renovations were completed, it was almost two weeks later.

"Lieutenant Li, the thrust of the airframe is limited to half of the theoretical value, the ultimate longitudinal overload is limited to 30G, and the overload in other directions is limited to 18G, please pay attention to the limits of your body.

Even if it is equipped with the latest anti-G driving suit and G drop cockpit, it cannot be careless. "Anaheim's technicians exhorted thousands of times.

"Understood." Li Ping replied casually, just concentrating on debugging the OS of the machine, can a mere 77 g crush him to death?Don't make trouble, the overload far exceeds this number when I usually fight at supersonic speed.

After all, it is a second-hand product swept out of the warehouse. Li Ping is using the electromagnetic signal inside the body to repeatedly scan the strength of each part of the body.

It would be a joke if the fly disintegrated.

After confirming that there was no problem with the body, Li Ping switched the OS of the body to combat mode.

When the cockpit was raised, several mechanical devices firmly fixed the rigid anti-G suit specially made for Li Ping to the seat.

"Oh? It's moving, it's moving..." Li Ping quickly jumped with ten fingers on the multi-purpose joystick, activating each module of the body one by one.

As the output of the reaction furnace continued to increase, the roar inside the machine gradually became louder.

When the whole module was activated at combat power, Li Ping's eyes lit up, and then he pushed the joystick to the bottom with both hands, and the four large propellers on the body backpack ejected dazzling blue tail flames.

"ι Gundam, let's go!"

Hearing Li Ping's high-spirited voice, several test pilots in the electronics industry in Anaheim smiled disdainfully.

Isn't it a new model? What's the big...

Then there were four deep pits burned out by the tail flames, and ι Gundam disappeared...

Ten seconds later, everyone looked up and saw a blue light spot moving at high speed in the distance.

Maybe there are some other words in the middle, but it is the meaning expressed after all.

The next moment, there was a commotion in front of the window of the factory, and a group of designers, test pilots, and mobile suit pilots shouted loudly about what it was.

Many people are arguing such as
"Is that a missile or a mobile suit?"

"Did someone open that thing?"

Wait for the topic.

Veteran drivers will basically estimate the acceleration by themselves. Niang Xipi's 30g longitudinal overload, even if he can't die...

It doesn’t count, the 30g overload is on the body, even if the high-tech anti-G suit and the cockpit lose 5g, the 25g overload will undoubtedly kill the person.

In this regard, the designer who had participated in the S Gundam project rolled his eyes.

"The orthodox successor of S Gundam, that thing was never intended to be used by humans at first."

Of course, it’s up to the beholder whether to use it for the growing artificial intelligence Alice or for the more advanced enhanced human beings.

Immediately, the designer continued to stare at the ι Gundam flying up and down in the universe.

"Although I think it is easy to be hit, I still want to say that this is probably the true posture of MS... Since more than 100 years ago, the maximum overload of 12g has become the limit of human drivers, and it has also become the limit of mobile vehicles. limit.

It's not that we can't make MS that can maneuver at 100 g, but who will drive it?
A human driver would die if he went up. Even with remote control, the human reaction speed and the signal transmission speed under high interference cannot keep up with the machine's maneuvering speed.

If you drive autonomously, both Alice and EXAM will be forced to dismount..."

Outside, Li Ping tried all the maneuvers he was familiar with, until the machine ran out of fuel, and then reluctantly returned to the factory in Anaheim.

Slowly parked the airframe, a group of designers and mechanics cheered and gathered around. After a while of pleasantries, everyone began to work with Li Ping to modify the problems exposed by the airframe during the test flight.

For example, under 45% output power, the two reactors in the backpack will have a weak resonance phenomenon, the auxiliary reactor pods on the shoulders and the connecting parts of the body are not strong enough, and there will be forward and backward swings under overloads above 25g Phenomena, it will cause errors in the control of the airframe, the power of the attitude control nozzle is insufficient, the ability to control the airframe is limited under high-speed maneuvering, and the fuel reserves of some attitude control nozzles are too small, etc.

As for the long response time of the body OS, Li Ping didn't bother to mention it. Anyway, after returning to Londobell, he had to start thinking about super-sensory control of the body through the mental skeleton, or directly synchronize his thoughts to the body.

For Li Ping, the control of the body through the joystick under ultra-high speed and ultra-high overload is really too challenging.

After all, I have more than two tons of grip strength, and it would be embarrassing to crush the joystick when I get excited.

By the way, Li Ping also has this concern when wearing a spacesuit now, and it would be embarrassing to tear the spacesuit apart if he accidentally moves too fast.

(End of this chapter)

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