Chapter 318 Chapter 315
"It's nothing to worry about. It's just that your body, mind, and even your soul have completely transformed." After confirming that everything was fine, Li Ping and his brother went back to their respective homes.

Just now, when Li Ping appeared in this world, it directly touched the global alert network, because Li Ping had a non-human aura on his body prematurely, and was tracked by dozens of god-level creatures planted on his body. Shushi, there is still a stowaway hiding in the shadows.

No matter how you look at it, Li Ping has been captured or even surrendered to this planet that is the enemy of the whole world.

But looking at it now... I'm afraid it's just too good.

"I really didn't expect you to bring back more than 3 people directly." Lacus and Cornelia looked at Li Ping kindly.

It's just that Lux's skirt is automatic when there is no wind...

"No no no..."

"It's our first time to meet you, my lord." Misaka's daughter, No. 9981, whom Li Ping first met, took a step forward and interrupted Li Ping.

"I gave birth to a 14-year-old child with a 16-year-old junior high school student... You, Mr. Li, are having fun..."

"My lord, my brother didn't take the initiative to mess with women this time."

"Oh?" Lux frowned.

"Only onee-sama and Kanzaki-nee have a real relationship."

"Really... I thought he brought at least six to eight people back this time... But why do you call me mother and their sister? I am also 16 years old this year."

"Ah, it's about the same if you count the people who have an ambiguous relationship."

"⊙⊙!" Li Ping felt as if he had been stabbed in the knee. "What... Misaka?"

"The latest emotional patch installed by Misaka should have no analysis errors. DO Misaka has brought out the mouth addiction that has been temporarily given up in order to emphasize his correctness."

"Where is the ambiguous partner..." Lacus looked at Li Ping kindly. "Misaka-chan, what do you have?"

"Wait... Misaka?"

"Li, shouldn't you give priority to solving the problem of Miss Aleister and Misaka's overnight accommodation? DON'T YOU?" Cornelia also looked at Li Ping kindly.

"Yes..." There was a lot of cold sweat on Li Ping's forehead.

Within a few minutes, the staff of the sub-district office arrived at the scene and took Li Ping and Aleister away.

Not long after, two full buses of police arrived and began to register the identities of the Misakas.

After coordinating with the staff of the neighborhood office, the Misakas were placed in an abandoned old comprehensive university in the former university town on the outskirts of the city.

Then, throughout the afternoon, Li Ping struggled with the massive amount of approval documents.

In the evening, Li Ping, who wandered home alone, had time to observe his hometown.

after all……

Suddenly feel so strange...

Li Ping walked slowly with his pocket in his pocket.

Not to mention anything else, isn't the proportion of people from another world too much?
According to Li Ping's observation, nine out of ten people living in this residential area are foreigners (referring to other worlds), and the remaining one or two are locals (referring to natives of this world).

Adults on the road, whether they are office workers who seem to have just got off work, parents who take their children out for a walk, or even aunts dancing square dances in the square...

Each of them is not human...

According to the theory of Karabar's Book of Life, each of these people is an existence above the angel level.

Thinking of this, Li Ping's eyes were a little subtle.

Reminiscent of my elder brother's words, it is possible that after ten worlds, this group of people who were just ordinary high school students (although they are very capable in learning things) will all be promoted.

No, it should be said that even if he is promoted, the survival rate in the next twelve missions is still less than 80%...

I don't know my classmate...


Li Ping's expression gradually became puzzled.

If I remember correctly, when I was 14 years old, it happened to be the second year of junior high school, and there were 36 classmates in my class. It happened that the school was suspended for a period of time due to a disaster, and I graduated hastily when I was 15 years old.

After entering the current high school, how many classmates are there... how many people are there?

Indeed, I remember that there were three or four good friends I played with, and then I had a class in a classroom that could accommodate 60 people, and the class was full of students...

But there are only 25 people who I can recall.

So who are the remaining 35 people...?
Li Ping stopped on the road, his brain was running at high speed, trying to analyze his memory.

"Damn...why are there, thirteen seals?" Li Ping made a rattling sound like a badly connected electrical appliance, and the electric current caused by the leakage of power around him was also rattling. . "Memory... there are three sets... no, at least seven sets of memories? Which one is the correct one?"

"It's better not to analyze the seal we set up with this kind of half-baked power." Two men in urban control uniforms descended from the sky and pressed Li Ping's shoulders respectively, suppressing Li Ping's gradually rampant power.

"What?!" Li Ping slowly turned his gaze.

"Li Ping, a graduate of the second senior high school in XXX City, just completed the third novice mission, right? Have you heard of the Cthulhu mythology?"

"Well, it's me..." Li Ping nodded slowly. The uncontrollable force just burned a lot of nerves, and his body and brain were not very synchronized. "heard about it."

"Just like humans will go crazy when they interpret Ke Zong's knowledge, they will go crazy if they look at the real memory before completing the upgrade."


"Also, the memory isolation system composed of 99 seals, without the corresponding knowledge of runes and formations, if you interpret it without authorization, you will only be interpreted as a fool."

"99?" Li Ping looked at the thirteen seals he had deciphered. What about the remaining 86 seals?
"Hey, wait a minute...why is your memory seal broken..." The two members of the city management brigade looked at each other with incredible eyes.Seriously examine Li Ping.

"The promotion process has already started? The third novice task? Are all the kids so aggressive nowadays?"

"Li Ping...isn't that the kid who brought back more than 3 daughters?"

"It seems so..."

"Why don't you start the promotion process and finish the promotion... Oh, the next thing is the plot of the New Covenant of the Forbidden City. Indeed, compared to returning after being wiped out by the Demon God, which no one can bring back, it is more cost-effective to come back early."

"In this case, you can ask your parents to help you strengthen the seal, and then go to the library to borrow books related to promotion. The body feeling time should be three to five years."

"Well... you can figure out the rest. Top students who have been promoted in three worlds should have the ability to make their own decisions." A member of the City Administration Bureau patted Li Ping on the shoulder, and the next step In an instant, Li Ping was sent to the door of his parents' house.

"Eh? How did I get here?????"

(End of this chapter)

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